A Node.js library to receive live stream events such as comments and gifts in real-time from Kick LIVE
A Node.js library to receive real-time events from Kick LIVE by connecting to Kick's WebSocket service. This package enables tracking live stream events using a straightforward setup requiring only the streamer's username. You can connect to your own or other streamers' live chats without needing any credentials. Supported events include Chat Messages, Gifted Subscriptions, User Subscriptions, Viewer Counts, and other events like Streamer Is Live.
NOTE: This is not an official API. It's a reverse engineering project. While Kick has its own API, it currently requires registration for access. A public API is expected to be released by Kick in the future.
Library Design Tip: This library is written in TypeScript to provide enhanced type safety and better support for development. You can still use the library in JavaScript, but using TypeScript will allow you to see detailed type definitions for incoming data, making it simpler to handle each event. Some type definitions may still be refined, and improvements will be released in future updates.
NOTE: This library is designed for use in Node.js environments. If you want to process or display the data on the client side (in the browser), you’ll need to transfer it from the Node.js environment. One effective approach for this is to use Socket.IO or a similar low-latency communication framework.
Getting started
- Install the package via NPM
npm i kick-live-connector
- Create your first chat connection
import { KickConnection , Events} from "kick-live-connector";
const username = "lox-x";
const kickConnection = new KickConnection(username);
// Connect to the chat (await can be used as well)
kickConnection.connect().then((status) => {
console.log(`Connected to chatroom ${status.roomID}`);
.catch((error) => {
console.error("Connection failed:", error);
// Define the events that you want to handle
kickConnection.on(Events.ChatMessage, (data) => {
const { content, sender } = data;
console.log(`${sender.username} says: ${content}`);
// ... more events described in the documentation below
Connection Events:
Chat Events:
- ChatMessage
- MessageDeleted
- PinnedMessageCreated
- PinnedMessageDeleted
- PollUpdate
- PollDelete
- UserBanned
- UserUnBanned
- Subscription
- GiftedSubscriptions
- LuckyUsersWhoGotGiftSubscriptions
- GiftsLeaderboardUpdated
Stream Events:
Connection Events
Triggered when the connection is successfully established.
tiktokLiveConnection.on(Events.Connected, state => {
console.log(`Connected. RoomID:${state.roomID}`);
Triggered when the connection gets disconnected. In that case you can call connect()
again to have a reconnect logic.
tiktokLiveConnection.on(Events.Disconnected, () => {
General error event. You should handle this.
tiktokLiveConnection.on(Events.Error, err => {
console.error('Error!', err);
Chat Events
Chat Message
Triggered every time a new chat comment arrives.
tiktokLiveConnection.on(Events.ChatMessage, message => {
if(message.type == "reply") {
console.log(`${message.sender.username} replyed to ${metadata.original_sender.username} said: ${message.content}`);
console.log(`${message.sender.username} said: ${message.content}`);
id: '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000',
chatroom_id: 0000,
content: 'test',
type: 'message',
created_at: '2024-10-27T14:11:52+00:00',
sender: {
id: 346148,
username: 'User',
slug: 'user',
identity: { color: '#FF9D00', badges: [
{ type: 'subscriber', text: 'Subscriber', count: 4 },
{ type: 'sub_gifter', text: 'Sub Gifter', count: 4 }
id: '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000',
chatroom_id: 00000000,
content: 'test2',
type: 'reply',
created_at: '2024-10-27T14:21:32+00:00',
sender: {
id: 000000,
username: 'User2',
slug: 'user2',
identity: { color: '#E9113C', badges: [] }
metadata: {
original_sender: { id: 44065611, username: 'User1' },
original_message: { id: '579f6afc-88ea-45fc-8dfd-1336e29ecb8b', content: 'test' }
Message Deleted
Triggered every time a message is deleted.
console.log(`Message Deleted ${}`)
id: '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000',
message: { id: '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' },
aiModerated: false // True if deleted by bot
Pinned Message Created
Triggered every time a message is pinned. If a new message is pinned while there’s already a pinned message, the existing pinned message will be replaced, and this event will trigger again.
message: {
id: '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000',
chatroom_id: 00000000,
content: 'test',
type: 'message',
created_at: '2024-10-27T14:48:44+00:00',
sender: {
id: 00000000,
username: 'User',
slug: 'user',
identity: [{
color: string;
badges: [ { type: 'broadcaster', text: 'Broadcaster', active: true } ];
metadata: null
duration: '1200',
pinnedBy: {
id: 44065611,
username: 'User',
slug: 'user',
identity: { color: '#E9113C', badges: [] }
Pinned Message Deleted
Triggered when a previously pinned message is unpinned.
console.log(`Pinned Message Unpinned`)
Poll Update
Triggered when a poll is created or updated. When a poll is created, when a user votes, this event provides the latest details about the poll, including the current vote counts for each option and the remaining time.
kickConnection.on(Events.PollUpdate, (data) => {
if(data.poll.has_voted === false){
console.log(`Poll Created: "${data.poll.title}" - Remaining Time: ${data.poll.remaining} seconds`);
console.log(`Poll Updated: "${data.poll.title}" - Remaining Time: ${data.poll.remaining} seconds`);
data.poll.options.forEach(option => {
console.log(`Option: ${option.label}, Votes: ${option.votes}`);
//when poll is created
poll: {
title: 'What do you prefer?',
options: [
{ id: 0, label: 'javascript', votes: 0 },
{ id: 1, label: 'typescript', votes: 0 }
duration: 30,
remaining: 30,
result_display_duration: 15,
has_voted: false,
voted_option_id: null
// When a user votes (poll update)
poll: {
title: 'What do you prefer?',
options: [
{ id: 0, label: 'javascript', votes: 0 },
{ id: 1, label: 'typescript', votes: 1 }
duration: 30,
remaining: 22,
result_display_duration: 15
Poll Delete
Triggered when a poll is deleted. This event indicates that the poll is no longer active, and any associated data, such as vote counts and options, will no longer be available.
kickConnection.on(Events.PollDelete, () => {
console.log(`Poll Deleted`);
User Banned
Triggered every time a user get Permanent ban or Timeout.
kickConnection.on(Events.UserBanned, (data) => {
console.log(`${data.user.username} was permanently banned by ${data.banned_by.username}`)
//User2 was permanently banned by User1
console.log(`User ${data.user} was timed out by ${data.banned_by} for ${data.duration}`);
//User2 was timed out by User1 for 1440(1 day)
//Permanent Ban
id: '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000',
user: { id: 00000000, username: 'User2', slug: 'user2' },
banned_by: { id: 00000000, username: 'User1', slug: 'user1' },
permanent: true
id: '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000',
user: { id: 00000000, username: 'User2', slug: 'user2' },
banned_by: { id: 00000000, username: 'User1', slug: 'user1' },
permanent: false,
duration: 1440,//1 day
expires_at: '2024-10-27T16:48:34+00:00'
User UnBanned
Triggered every time a user get UnBanned or UnMuted.
kickConnection.on(Events.UserUnBanned, (data) => {
console.log(`${data.user.username} has unbanned by ${data.banned_by.username}`)
console.log(`User ${data.user} has been unmuted by ${data.banned_by} for ${data.duration}`);
//Permanent Ban Removed
id: '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000',
user: { id: 00000000, username: 'User2', slug: 'user2' },
unbanned_by: { id: 00000000, username: 'User1', slug: 'user1' },
permanent: true
//Timeout Removed
id: '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000',
user: { id: 00000000, username: 'User2', slug: 'user2' },
unbanned_by: { id: 00000000, username: 'User1', slug: 'user1' },
permanent: false,
Triggered every time someone subscribe to the channel.
kickConnection.on(Events.Subscription, (data) => {
console.log(`${data.username} has Subscribed for ${data.months} month`)
chatroom_id: 0000;
username: "user";
months: 12;
Gifted Subscriptions
Triggered every time a user gift subscription to users. After this event, Gifts Leaderboard Updated will be triggered and Lucky Users Who Got Gift Subscriptions.
kickConnection.on(Events.GiftedSubscriptions, (data) => {
const giftedAmount = data.gifted_usernames.length
console.log(`${data.gifter_username} gifted ${giftedAmount} subscriptions! 🎁`);
console.log(`Total gifts by ${gifter_username}: ${gifter_total} subscriptions.`);
chatroom_id: 0000,
gifted_usernames: [ 'user1', 'user2', 'user3', 'user4', 'user5' ],
gifter_username: 'user',
gifter_total: 10
Lucky Users Who Got Gift Subscriptions
Triggered after the Gifted Subscriptions event, this event provides details about users who received gift subscriptions, including the gifter.
console.log(`${data.gifter_username} gifted subscriptions to the following users:`);
data.usernames.forEach(username => {
console.log(`* ${username}`);
channel: {
id: 0000,
user_id: 0000,
slug: 'hostName',
is_banned: false,
playback_url: 'https://',
name_updated_at: null,
vod_enabled: true,
subscription_enabled: true,
can_host: true
usernames: [ 'user1', 'user2', 'user3', 'user4', 'user5' ],
gifter_username: 'user'
Gifts Leaderboard Updated
Triggered after a Gifted Subscriptions event, updating the leaderboard with the latest gift data.
console.log(`${data.gifter_username} gifted ${data.gifted_quantity} subscriptions! 🎁`)
channel: {
id: 0000,
user_id: 0000,
slug: 'user',
is_banned: false,
playback_url: 'https://',
name_updated_at: null,
vod_enabled: true,
subscription_enabled: true,
can_host: true,
chatroom: {
id: 0000,
chatable_type: 'App\\Models\\Channel',
channel_id: 0000,
created_at: '2022-11-19T21:18:18.000000Z',
updated_at: '2024-10-27T15:50:44.000000Z',
chat_mode_old: 'public',
chat_mode: 'followers_only',
slow_mode: true,
chatable_id: 0000,
followers_mode: true,
subscribers_mode: false,
emotes_mode: false,
message_interval: 2,
following_min_duration: 10
leaderboard: [
{ user_id: 00000000, username: 'user1', quantity: 3889 },
{ user_id: 00000000, username: 'user2', quantity: 3281 },
{ user_id: 00000000, username: 'user3', quantity: 661 },
{ user_id: 00000000, username: 'user4', quantity: 560 },
{ user_id: 00000000, username: 'user5', quantity: 450 },
{ user_id: 00000000, username: 'user6', quantity: 330 },
{ user_id: 00000000, username: 'user7', quantity: 309 },
{ user_id: 00000000, username: 'user8', quantity: 250 },
{ user_id: 00000000, username: 'user9', quantity: 230 },
{ user_id: 00000000, username: 'user10', quantity: 175 }
weekly_leaderboard: [],
monthly_leaderboard: [
{ user_id: 00000000, username: 'user11', quantity: 450 },
{ user_id: 00000000, username: 'user12', quantity: 299 },
{ user_id: 00000000, username: 'user13', quantity: 54 },
{ user_id: 00000000, username: 'user14', quantity: 45 },
{ user_id: 00000000, username: 'user15', quantity: 20 },
{ user_id: 00000000, username: 'user16', quantity: 15 },
{ user_id: 00000000, username: 'user17', quantity: 9 },
{ user_id: 00000000, username: 'user18', quantity: 8 },
{ user_id: 00000000, username: 'user19', quantity: 6 },
{ user_id: 00000000, username: 'user20', quantity: 6 }
gifter_id: 0000,
gifted_quantity: 5,
gifter_username: 'user'
Stream Events
Stream End
Triggers when the host end the live. This event takes some time after the streamer is offline.
kickConnection.on(Events.StreamEnd, (data) => {
console.log(`${data.username} went offline`)
Streamer Is Live
Triggers when the host is back online.
kickConnection.on(Events.StreamerIsLive, () => {
console.log(`I am back`)
livestream: {
id: number;
channel_id: number;
session_title: string;
source: null | any;
created_at: string;
Stream Host
Triggered when a streamer hosts another user.
kickConnection.on(Events.StreamHost, (data) => {
console.log(`Hosting Stream: ${data.host_username} with ${data.number_viewers} viewers.`);
chatroom_id: 0000,
optional_message: 'have fun',
number_viewers: 77,
host_username: 'user'
Chat Move To Supported Channel
This event's triggering conditions are currently unknown.
kickConnection.on(Events.ChatMoveToSupportedChannel, (data) => {
console.log("Chat has moved to a supported channel:", data);
channel: {
id: 0000,
user_id: 0000,
slug: 'user1',
is_banned: false,
playback_url: 'https://',
name_updated_at: null,
vod_enabled: true,
subscription_enabled: true,
can_host: false,
current_livestream: {
id: 0000000,
slug: '0000000-0000-0000-0000',
channel_id: 0000,
created_at: '2024-10-27 14:19:25',
session_title: 'title',
is_live: true,
risk_level_id: null,
start_time: '2024-10-27 14:19:21',
source: null,
twitch_channel: null,
duration: 0,
language: 'English',
is_mature: true,
viewer_count: 13617
user: {
id: 0000,
username: 'user1',
agreed_to_terms: true,
email_verified_at: '2022-11-19T21:18:59.000000Z',
bio: 'you are the best',
country: '',
state: '',
city: '',
instagram: '',
twitter: '',
youtube: '',
discord: '',
tiktok: '',
facebook: ''
slug: 'user2',
hosted: {
id: 0000,
username: 'user2',
slug: 'user2',
viewers_count: 13747,
is_live: true,
profile_pic: 'https://',
category: 'just-chatting',
preview_thumbnail: {
srcset: 'https://',
src: 'https://'
Viewer Count
Triggered every 1 minute, providing the current viewer count.This event may lead to rate limiting.
Chatroom Clear
Triggers when the host clear the chat.
console.log("The chatroom has been cleared by the host.")
Your improvements are welcome! Feel free to open an issue or pull request.