Inventory SDK
Inventory - JavaScript client for inventory Swagger JSON for inventory apis This SDK is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:
- Package version: 1.0.0
- Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.JavascriptClientCodegen
For Node.js
To publish the library as a npm, please follow the procedure in "Publishing npm packages".
Then install it via:
npm install kibo-inventory-sdk --save
Finally, you need to build the module:
npm run build
Local development
To use the library locally without publishing to a remote npm registry, first install the dependencies by changing into the directory containing package.json
(and this README). Let's call this JAVASCRIPT_CLIENT_DIR
. Then run:
npm install
Next, link it globally in npm with the following, also from JAVASCRIPT_CLIENT_DIR
npm link
To use the link you just defined in your project, switch to the directory you want to use your inventory from, and run:
npm link /path/to/<JAVASCRIPT_CLIENT_DIR>
Finally, you need to build the module:
npm run build
If the library is hosted at a git repository, e.g. then install it via:
npm install GIT_USER_ID/GIT_REPO_ID --save
For browser
The library also works in the browser environment via npm and browserify. After following
the above steps with Node.js and installing browserify with npm install -g browserify
perform the following (assuming main.js is your entry file):
browserify main.js > bundle.js
Then include bundle.js in the HTML pages.
Webpack Configuration
Using Webpack you may encounter the following error: "Module not found: Error: Cannot resolve module", most certainly you should disable AMD loader. Add/merge the following section to your webpack config:
module: {
rules: [
parser: {
amd: false
Getting Started
Please follow the installation instruction and execute the following JS code:
var Inventory = require('kibo-sdk-inventory');
var inventoryApiClient = Inventory.ApiClient.instance;
inventoryApiClient.basePath = "[base path]";
inventoryApiClient.defaultHeaders = {
Authorization: "Bearer [access_token]"
let inventoryControllerApi = new Inventory.InventoryControllerApi(inventoryApiClient);
var inventoryRequest = new Inventory.InventoryRequest();
var itemQuantity = new Inventory.ItemQuantity();
var requestLocation = new Inventory.RequestLocation();
requestLocation.locationCode = "[code]";
requestLocation.unit = null;
itemQuantity.upc = "[upc]";
itemQuantity.quantity = 1;
inventoryRequest.items = [itemQuantity];
inventoryRequest.requestLocation = requestLocation;
inventoryRequest.type = "ANY";
var xVolTenant = 1; // {Number} Tenant ID
var xVolSite = 1; // {Number} Site ID
let opts = {
'xVolSite': xVolSite // Number | Site ID
inventoryControllerApi.postQueryInventory(xVolTenant, inventoryRequest, opts, (error, data, response) => {
if (error) {
} else {
console.log("Success on getInventory!!");
Documentation for API Endpoints
All URIs are relative to https://localhost
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description ------------ | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- Inventory.AllocationControllerApi | allocateInventory | POST /v5/inventory/allocate/ | Inventory.AllocationControllerApi | deallocateInventory | POST /v5/inventory/deallocate/ | Inventory.AllocationControllerApi | fulfillInventory | POST /v5/inventory/fulfill/ | Inventory.AuditControllerApi | cancelAudit | POST /v1/audit/{audit_id}/cancel/ | Inventory.AuditControllerApi | completeAudit | POST /v1/audit/{audit_id}/complete/ | Inventory.AuditControllerApi | createAudit | POST /v1/audit/ | Inventory.AuditControllerApi | getAuditDetails | GET /v1/audit/{audit_id}/ | Inventory.AuditControllerApi | getOpenAudits | GET /v1/audit/allOpen/{location_code}/ | Inventory.AuditControllerApi | searchAudits | POST /v1/audit/search/ | Inventory.BinControllerApi | createBin | POST /v1/bin/ | Inventory.BinControllerApi | deleteBin | DELETE /v1/bin/{bin_id} | Inventory.BinControllerApi | getBin | GET /v1/bin/{bin_id} | Inventory.BinControllerApi | getBinStatuses | GET /v1/bin/binStatuses/ | Inventory.BinControllerApi | getBinTypes | GET /v1/bin/binTypes/ | Inventory.BinControllerApi | getBins | GET /v1/bin/ | Inventory.BinControllerApi | loadInventory | POST /v1/bin/loadInventory/ | Inventory.BinControllerApi | searchBins | POST /v1/bin/searchInventory/ | Inventory.BinControllerApi | updateBin | POST /v1/bin/{bin_id}/ | Inventory.BinControllerApi | updateBins | POST /v1/bin/updateBins/ | Inventory.ExportInventoryControllerApi | createExportSettings | POST /v1/export/create | Inventory.ExportInventoryControllerApi | createExportSettingsFTP | POST /v1/export/ftp/create | Inventory.ExportInventoryControllerApi | createExportSettingsS3 | POST /v1/export/s3/create | Inventory.ExportInventoryControllerApi | deleteExportSettings | DELETE /v1/export/{exportSettingsName} | Inventory.ExportInventoryControllerApi | deleteExportSettingsFTP | DELETE /v1/export/ftp/{exportSettingsName}/{exportSettingsFTPName} | Inventory.ExportInventoryControllerApi | deleteExportSettingsS3 | DELETE /v1/export/s3/{exportSettingsName}/{exportSettingsS3Name} | Inventory.ExportInventoryControllerApi | getExportSettings | GET /v1/export | Inventory.ExportInventoryControllerApi | runExport | POST /v1/export/ | Inventory.ExportInventoryControllerApi | updateExportSettings | POST /v1/export/update | Inventory.ExportInventoryControllerApi | updateExportSettingsFTP | POST /v1/export/ftp/update | Inventory.ExportInventoryControllerApi | updateExportSettingsS3 | POST /v1/export/s3/update | Inventory.FetchFileConfigControllerApi | getFetchConfig | GET /v1/config/fetchfile/ | Inventory.FetchFileConfigControllerApi | saveFetchConfig | POST /v1/config/fetchfile/ | Inventory.InventoryControllerApi | aggregate | POST /v5/inventory/aggregate/ | Inventory.InventoryControllerApi | getInventory | GET /v5/inventory/ | Inventory.InventoryControllerApi | postQueryInventory | POST /v5/inventory/ | Inventory.JobControllerApi | getJob | GET /v1/queue/{jobID}/ | Inventory.JobControllerApi | getJobs | GET /v1/queue/ | Inventory.ModifyInventoryControllerApi | adjust | POST /v5/inventory/adjust/ | Inventory.ModifyInventoryControllerApi | callDelete | POST /v5/inventory/delete/ | Inventory.ModifyInventoryControllerApi | refresh | POST /v5/inventory/refresh/ | Inventory.ModifyInventoryControllerApi | syncAdjust | POST /v5/inventory/sync-adjust/ | Inventory.ModifyInventoryControllerApi | syncRefresh | POST /v5/inventory/sync-refresh/ | Inventory.OrderItemControllerApi | getOrderItemInformation | POST /v5/inventory/getOrderItemInformation/ | Inventory.OrderItemControllerApi | getOrderItemLog | POST /v5/inventory/getOrderItemLog/ | Inventory.PendingItemsControllerApi | deletePendingItems | DELETE /v1/pendingItem/{pendingItemID} | Inventory.PendingItemsControllerApi | getPendingItems | GET /v1/pendingItem/ | Inventory.ProductMappingControllerApi | createProductMapping | POST /v1/productMapping | Inventory.ProductMappingControllerApi | deleteProductMapping | DELETE /v1/productMapping/{direction} | Inventory.ProductMappingControllerApi | getProductMapping | GET /v1/productMapping | Inventory.WaveControllerApi | closePickWave | POST /v1/wave/{wave_id}/close/ | Inventory.WaveControllerApi | createPickWave | POST /v1/wave/ | Inventory.WaveControllerApi | getOpenPickWaves | GET /v1/wave/open/{location_id}/ | Inventory.WaveControllerApi | getWaveDetails | GET /v1/wave/{wave_id}/ | Inventory.WaveControllerApi | queryWaveSuggestion | POST /v1/wave/suggestion/ |
Documentation for Models
- Inventory.AdjustItem
- Inventory.AdjustRequest
- Inventory.AggregateRequest
- Inventory.AggregateResponse
- Inventory.AllocateInventoryRequest
- Inventory.AllocateItem
- Inventory.Audit
- Inventory.Audit1
- Inventory.AuditItem
- Inventory.AuditItemQuantity
- Inventory.AuditSearchRequest
- Inventory.AuditSearchResponse
- Inventory.BaseRequest
- Inventory.BaseResponse
- Inventory.Bin
- Inventory.BinInventoryResponse
- Inventory.BinModel
- Inventory.BinProductQuantities
- Inventory.BinRange
- Inventory.BinResponseModel
- Inventory.BinSearchRequest
- Inventory.BinSearchResponse
- Inventory.BinStatusModel
- Inventory.BinTypeModel
- Inventory.CompleteWaveResponse
- Inventory.CreateAuditRequest
- Inventory.CreateAuditRequestBin
- Inventory.CreateBinRequest
- Inventory.CreateExportSettingsFTPRequest
- Inventory.CreateExportSettingsRequest
- Inventory.CreateExportSettingsS3Request
- Inventory.CreateWaveRequest
- Inventory.CreateWaveResponse
- Inventory.DateRange
- Inventory.DeleteItemRequest
- Inventory.DeleteItemResponse
- Inventory.ExportInventoryJobResponse
- Inventory.ExportInventoryRequest
- Inventory.ExportInventoryResponse
- Inventory.ExportSettings
- Inventory.ExportSettingsFTP
- Inventory.ExportSettingsS3
- Inventory.FetchFileConfigRequest
- Inventory.GetBinsRequest
- Inventory.GetPendingItemsResponse
- Inventory.InlineResponse404
- Inventory.InlineResponse500
- Inventory.InventoryRequest
- Inventory.InventoryResponse
- Inventory.Item
- Inventory.ItemQuantity
- Inventory.JobIDResponse
- Inventory.JobQueueResponse
- Inventory.LoadBinInventoryRequest
- Inventory.LoadBinInventoryResponse
- Inventory.MDeleteItem
- Inventory.MFetchFileConfig
- Inventory.MItemIdentifier
- Inventory.OrderItemInformation
- Inventory.OrderItemInformationEvent
- Inventory.OrderItemInformationRequest
- Inventory.OrderItemLogIdentifier
- Inventory.OrderItemLogRequest
- Inventory.OrderItemLogResponse
- Inventory.PendingItem
- Inventory.Product
- Inventory.ProductMapping
- Inventory.ProductMappingRequest
- Inventory.ProductMappingResponse
- Inventory.ProductMatch
- Inventory.ProductQuantity
- Inventory.RefreshItem
- Inventory.RefreshRequest
- Inventory.RequestLocation
- Inventory.UpdateBinRequest
- Inventory.UpdateBinsRequest
- Inventory.UpdateBinsResponse
- Inventory.UpdateExportSettingsFTPRequest
- Inventory.UpdateExportSettingsFTPResponse
- Inventory.UpdateExportSettingsRequest
- Inventory.UpdateExportSettingsResponse
- Inventory.UpdateExportSettingsS3Request
- Inventory.UpdateExportSettingsS3Response
- Inventory.Wave
- Inventory.WaveCompletion
- Inventory.WaveContent
- Inventory.WaveItem
- Inventory.WaveShipment
- Inventory.WaveSuggestionItem
- Inventory.WaveSuggestionRequest
- Inventory.WaveSuggestionResponse
- Inventory.WaveSuggestionShipment
Documentation for Authorization
All endpoints do not require authorization.