Generates passages of khaled ipsum text suitable for use as placeholder copy in web pages, graphics, and more.
khaled-ipsum is a Node.js module for generating passages of khaled ipsum text. Khaled ipsum text is commonly used as placeholder text in publishing, graphic design, and web development.
Using the Module
Install the khaled-ipsum module to use the library in your server-side Node.js projects.
cd ~/MyProject
npm install khaled-ipsum
Require the khaled-ipsum module and use it to generate a passage of khaled ipsum text.
var khaledIpsum = require('khaled-ipsum'),
output = khaledIpsum();
Customizing the Output with Options
You can pass options to the khaledIpsum() function to fine-tune the output. The API is the same on client and server. See below:
output = khaledIpsum({
count: 1 // Number of words, sentences, or paragraphs to generate.
, units: 'sentences' // Generate words, sentences, or paragraphs.
, sentenceLowerBound: 5 // Minimum words per sentence.
, sentenceUpperBound: 15 // Maximum words per sentence.
, paragraphLowerBound: 3 // Minimum sentences per paragraph.
, paragraphUpperBound: 7 // Maximum sentences per paragraph.
, format: 'plain' // Plain text or html
, words: ['ad', 'dolor', ... ] // Custom word dictionary. Uses dictionary.words (in lib/dictionary.js) by default.
, random: Math.random // A PRNG function. Uses Math.random by default
, suffix: EOL // The character to insert between paragraphs. Defaults to default EOL for your OS.
Using the CLI (Node.js)
khaled-ipsum.js includes a command line interface for generating passages of khaled ipsum text. Install the module globally to take advantage of this feature.
npm install khaled-ipsum --global
Execute the statement khaled-ipsum
from your terminal to generate a passage of khaled ipsum text. You can pass arguments to the program to fine-tune the output.
khaled-ipsum --units words --count 100 --copy --format html
See below for a description of the arguments to the program.
You may now also use a short form when running khaled-ipsum.js from the command line. Here's some examples:
khaled-ipsum 1 word
khaled-ipsum 15 sentences --copy
khaled-ipsum 5 paragraphs --copy --format html
The copy feature requires that you have xclip installed if you are using khaled-ipsum.js on Linux. The feature will work out of the box on Mac and Windows systems.
Another one.