Azure storage adapter for keystone
Azure blob store-based storage adapter for KeystoneJS
This adapter is designed to replace the existing AzureFile
field in KeystoneJS using the new storage API.
This adapter uses azure's blob store, not its file store. You will have to create a blob store account and container in the azure portal before you can use this adapter to store things. See azure documentation for details on getting started with azure blob stores.
Compatible with Node.js 0.12+
Configure the storage adapter:
var storage = new keystone.Storage({
adapter: require('keystone-storage-adapter-azure'),
azure: {
accountName: 'myaccount', // required; defaults to env.AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT
accountKey: 'secret', // required; defaults to env.AZURE_STORAGE_ACCESS_KEY
container: 'mycontainer', // required; defaults to env.AZURE_STORAGE_CONTAINER
generateFilename: keystone.Storage.randomFilename, // default
schema: {
container: true, // optional; store the referenced container in the database
etag: true, // optional; store the etag for the resource
url: true, // optional; generate & store a public URL
Then use it as the storage provider for a File field:
name: { type: String },
file: { type: Types.File, storage: storage },
The adapter requires an additional azure
field added to the storage options. It accepts the following values:
accountName: (required) Azure access key. Defaults to
accountKey: (required) Azure access key. Defaults to
container: (required) Azure blob store container to store files in. Defaults to
generateFilename: (optional) Method to generate the filename. See keystone-storage-namefunctions
The Azure adapter supports all the standard Keystone file schema fields. It also supports storing the following values per-file:
- container: The blob store container for the file can be stored in the database. If this is present when reading or deleting files, it will be used instead of looking at the adapter configuration. The effect of this is that you can have some (eg, old) files in your collection stored in different container.
The main use of this is to allow slow data migrations. If you don't store these values you can arguably migrate your data more easily - just move it all, then reconfigure and restart your server.
- etag: The etag of the stored item. This is equal to the MD5 sum of the file content.
Known issues
- The adapter always overwrites files regardless of overwrite options.
- The mimetype does not get set correctly when uploading files.
Licensed under the standard MIT license. See LICENSE.