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Optimize Toolset

I’ve always been into building performant and accessible sites, but lately I’ve been taking it extremely seriously. So much so that I’ve been building a tool to help me optimize and monitor the sites that I build to make sure that I’m making an attempt to offer the best experience to those who visit them. If you’re into performant, accessible and SEO friendly sites, you might like it too! You can check it out at Optimize Toolset.


Hi, 👋, I’m Ryan Hefner  and I built this site for me, and you! The goal of this site was to provide an easy way for me to check the stats on my npm packages, both for prioritizing issues and updates, and to give me a little kick in the pants to keep up on stuff.

As I was building it, I realized that I was actually using the tool to build the tool, and figured I might as well put this out there and hopefully others will find it to be a fast and useful way to search and browse npm packages as I have.

If you’re interested in other things I’m working on, follow me on Twitter or check out the open source projects I’ve been publishing on GitHub.

I am also working on a Twitter bot for this site to tweet the most popular, newest, random packages from npm. Please follow that account now and it will start sending out packages soon–ish.

Open Software & Tools

This site wouldn’t be possible without the immense generosity and tireless efforts from the people who make contributions to the world and share their work via open source initiatives. Thank you 🙏

© 2024 – Pkg Stats / Ryan Hefner




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The extension for keycloakify to build your email theme using JS.


This extension allows you to build email themes using modern JavaScript tooling.


  • Support theme variants. You can produce different templates using the same sourcecode.
  • Support i18n. You can use i18n solution of your choice. The extension simply pass a locale to your template function.
  • Support override for using javascript and i18n solution of your choice.
  • Provide type-safe helpers for available template variables, as well helpers to create Freemarker expressions.

Framework-agnostic, the extension works with any JS email library. jsx-email is recommended, with dedicated bindings and helpers provided.

How it works

This library generates Freemarker templates using JavaScript, leaving expression placeholders in place. The JavaScript code is executed ahead of time during static generation, not by Keycloak. Therefore, JavaScript functions do not have access to Keycloak variables like userName or realmName during rendering.

Keycloak replaces the Freemarker expressions with their actual values during email rendering

The library includes a set of React components and utilities designed to simplify the process of writing these expressions.


npm install --save-dev keycloakify-emails
# yarn add --dev keycloakify-emails


Configuration in Vite

Add the extension to your vite.config.ts:

import { defineConfig } from "vite";
import react from "@vitejs/plugin-react";
import { keycloakify } from "keycloakify/vite-plugin";
import themes from "./themes";
import { buildEmailTheme } from "keycloakify-emails";

export default defineConfig({
  plugins: [
      themeName: ["vanilla", "chocolate"],
      accountThemeImplementation: "none",
      postBuild: async (buildContext) => {
        await buildEmailTheme({
          templatesSrcDirPath: import.meta.dirname + "/emails/templates",
          i18nSourceFile: import.meta.dirname + "/emails/i18n.ts",
          themeNames: buildContext.themeNames,
          keycloakifyBuildDirPath: buildContext.keycloakifyBuildDirPath,
          locales: ["en", "pl"],
          cwd: import.meta.dirname,
          esbuild: {}, // optional esbuild options

Enable email theme in Keycloakify

Create empty ./src/emails folder with command:

mkdir -p ./src/emails && touch ./src/emails/.gitkeep

This will turn on default email theme support in the Keycloakify.

Creating a Template

Place template files in templatesSrcDirPath. Templates not defined will fall back to the default Keycloak theme.


// emails/templates/email-test.tsx
import { GetSubject, GetTemplate } from "keycloakify-emails";

export const getTemplate: GetTemplate = async (props) => {
  return "<p>This is a test message</p>";

export const getSubject: GetSubject = async (props) => {
  return "[KEYCLOAK] - SMTP test message";

Use the GetTemplate and GetSubject types for parameter details and return types.

Check full example in the ./example folder in this repo.

Creating an i18n.ts file

There are some messages which are used by Keycloak methods and could be overridden only using files.

Create a /emails/i18n.ts file with following content:

import { GetMessages } from "keycloakify-emails";

export const getMessages: GetMessages = (props) => {
  // all properties are optional, if you omit them, they will be taken from a base theme
  if (props.locale === "en") {
    return {
      "requiredAction.CONFIGURE_TOTP": "Configure OTP",
      "requiredAction.TERMS_AND_CONDITIONS": "Terms and Conditions",
  } else {
    return {};

Integrating with jsx-email

Install jsx-email:

npm i --save-dev jsx-email

Then create templates using jsx-email components:

import {
} from "keycloakify-emails";
import { render } from "keycloakify-emails/jsx-email";
import { Text } from "jsx-email";

interface TemplateProps extends Omit<GetTemplateProps, "plainText"> {}

const main = {
  backgroundColor: "#f6f9fc",
    '-apple-system,BlinkMacSystemFont,"Segoe UI",Roboto,"Helvetica Neue",Ubuntu,sans-serif',

const container = {
  backgroundColor: "#ffffff",
  margin: "0 auto",
  marginBottom: "64px",
  padding: "20px 0 48px",

const box = {
  padding: "0 48px",
const paragraph = {
  color: "#777",
  fontSize: "16px",
  lineHeight: "24px",
  textAlign: "left" as const,

// used by Preview App of jsx-email
export const previewProps: TemplateProps = {
  locale: "en",
  themeName: "vanilla",

export const templateName = "Email Verification";

const { exp } = createVariablesHelper("email-verification.ftl");

export const Template = ({ locale }: TemplateProps) => (
  <Html lang={locale}>
    <Head />
    <Preview>Verification link from {exp("realmName")}</Preview>
    <Body style={main}>
      <Container style={container}>
        <Section style={box}>
          <Text style={paragraph}>
            Someone has created a {exp("realmName")} account with this email
            address. If this was you, click the link below to verify your email
          <Text style={paragraph}>
            <a href={exp("link")}>Link to e-mail address verification</a>
          <Text style={paragraph}>
            This link will expire within{" "}
          <Text style={paragraph}>
            If you didn't create this account, just ignore this message.

export const getTemplate: GetTemplate = async (props) => {
  return await render(
    <Template locale={props.locale} themeName={props.themeName} />,

export const getSubject: GetSubject = async (props) => {
  return "Verify email";

See jsx-email docs for more.

Freemarker helpers


This function provides a type-safe way to write expressions for templates.

import { createVariablesHelper } from "keycloakify-emails";
const { exp } = createVariablesHelper("email-verification.ftl");

<Text style={paragraph}>
  Someone has created a {exp("realmName")} account with this email address. If
  this was you, click the link below to verify your email address.

The exp("realmName") argument is type-checked, ensuring that only valid template variables are available and accessible for the specified template.


Facilitates writing if/elseif/else expressions for Freemarker templates.

import * as Fm from "keycloakify-emails/jsx-email";

<Fm.If condition="firstName?? && lastName??">
    Hello {exp("firstName")} {exp("lastName")}
  <Fm.ElseIf condition="firstName??">Hello {exp("firstName")}</Fm.ElseIf>
  <Fm.Else>Hello Guest!</Fm.Else>

For simpler cases, you can use If without the Then case:

<Fm.If condition="firstName?? && lastName??">
  Hello {exp("firstName")} {exp("lastName")}


Allows printing content into a template without processing or escaping, useful for Freemarker expressions that are not valid HTML.

export const If = ({
}: PropsWithChildren<{ condition: string }>) => (
    <RawOutput content={`<#if ${condition}>`} />
    <RawOutput content="</#if>" />

Keycloak email templates reference

| Template name | Description | | -------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------- | | email-test.ftl | Test email template | | email-update-confirmation.ftl | Email update confirmation | | email-verification.ftl | Email verification | | event-login_error.ftl | Login error event notification | | event-remove_credential.ftl | Credential removal notification | | event-remove_totp.ftl | TOTP removal notification | | event-update_credential.ftl | Credential update notification | | event-update_password.ftl | Password update notification | | event-update_totp.ftl | TOTP update notification | | event-user_disabled_by_permanent_lockout.ftl | Permanent lockout notification | | event-user_disabled_by_temporary_lockout.ftl | Temporary lockout notification | | executeActions.ftl | Execute actions email | | identity-provider-link.ftl | Identity provider link email | | org-invite.ftl | Organization invitation | | password-reset.ftl | Password reset email |


This package is licensed under MIT.