An easy-to-use library made for emulating a MIDI device with your keyboard.
An easy-to-use library made for emulating a MIDI device with your keyboard.
Typescript and Javascript compatible.
⬇️ Installation
npm i keyboard-midi-controller
✌️ Getting Started
First, you have to import the library:
import { KeyboardMidiController } from 'keyboard-midi-controller'
The library exposes the "KeyboardMidiController" class, which needs to be instantiated.
const controller = new KeyboardMidiController()
To make the controller usable, you need to connect it to your page
Now, if you open developer tools and press a key, you should be able to see logs such as these:
Attack Event > {key: 'z', frequency: 261.624, note: 'C4', velocity: 100}
Release Event > {key: 'z', frequency: 261.624, note: 'C4', velocity: 100}
🦾 Tailoring it to your needs
controllerOutputAttack: ControllerOutputType;
controllerOutputRelease: ControllerOutputType;
To access attack and release event objects, you have to pass a callback function to controllerOutputAttack and controllerOutputRelease
const myAttackCallback: ControllerOutputType = (e: ControllerEvent) {
console.log(`my attack event note: ${e.note}`)
const myReleaseCallback: ControllerOutputType = (e: ControllerEvent) {
console.log(`my release event note: ${e.note}`)
controller.controllerOutputAttack = myAttackCallback
controller.controllerOutputRelease = myReleaseCallback
Your custom callback will override the functions' default behaviour. To return the default behaviour back set a field to undefined.
controller.controllerOutputAttack = undefined
❇️ Basics
Base Frequency
baseFrequency: number = 440
A field that is used to calculate frequencies of all notes. By default it is set to 440hz.
baseFrequency can not be lower than 1 and higher than 20000
controller.baseFrequency = 1000
firstOctave: number = 4
secondOctave: number = 5
Octave fields control the octave that you play in and take part in frequency calculation.
An octave can not have a value lower than 1 and higher than 7
controller.firstOctave = 3
velocity: number = 100
A field that does not play a significant role behind a controller scenes, but can be used by the user as it is included in the output object
Velocity can not be lower than 0 and higher than 100
controller.velocity = 63
controllerOutputAttack?: ControllerOutputType,
controllerOutputRelease?: ControllerOutputType,
baseFrequency: number = 440,
firstOctave: number = 4,
secondOctave: number = 5,
velocity: number = 100
✴️ Additional options
Event Trigger
keydownTrigger: ControllerTriggerType
keyupTrigger: ControllerTriggerType
A trigger is a function that constructs an object of type ControllerEvent and passes it to the corresponding output function. Triggers are directly connected to event listeners.
If you want to change the default behaviour and use the controller in a custom way, you can set a trigger field to your function.
Be aware that a controller needs to be restarted in order for a new trigger to work.
const customTrigger: ControllerTriggerType = (e: KeyboardEvent) {
console.log("this is my custom trigger")
controller.keydownTrigger = customTrigger
Auto Restart
autoRestart: boolean = false
If is set to true, autoRestart makes the controller restart automatically whenever a trigger is changed. By default is set to false.
🧠 Methods
Link and Unlink
Link and unlink are responsible for connecting and disconencting controllers from a webpage.
In order to work, a controller must be linked.
Restarts a controller and connects new triggers to event listeners.
Has to be called when you change a trigger.
Returns a controller to its default state.
🌓 Types
type ControllerEventType = {
key: string;
frequency: number;
note: string;
velocity: number;
type ControllerOutputType = (keyProps: ControllerEventType) => void
type ControllerTriggerType = (e: KeyboardEvent) => void
type ControllerKeyPropsObjectType = {
[key: string]: { keyboard: number, note: string, frequency: number, state: "pressed" | "released" }