Keystone 4 CLI to help set up projects
Keystone 4 Command Line Interface
A quick and easy CLI To get you up and running with a new keystone project. Currently it generates a version of the minimum viable keystone package, pulling in only the files you need.
npm install -g kescli
From there run
and it will make you a working version of a base keystone 4 app in a new directory of the specified project name.
This is intended to compliment the keystone generator, as a more lightweight package when you want to manually do the configuration.
Project Starter Options
Kescli currently offers two project starters to use as a base. There is the aforementioned mvk
, which is the default choice. Alternately, you can start a react project by using
kescli NEW_PROJECT_NAME react-spa
The react Single Page App is designed to set you up to iterate quickly on a core keystone app, serving the react files out of keystone's server. By default it includes webpack and babel, as well as commands to build your project. It includes nodemon to handle automatic restarting of the server when files outside of the dist
directory change.
NOTE: The starter is not a production-ready setup for distributing a keystone app, and should not be taken as such.