KEMARO web-app common components
KEMARO web-app common components
kemaro-common-components NPM package Some reusable components, hooks and interfaces are being maintained in the NPM package kemaro-common-components (allows sharing of components between apps)
In order to make changes / add components to the package, follow these steps:
- Clone this repository
- If you're not a package maintainer yet: create an NPM account and request an existing maintainer ("Who do I talk to?") to invite you as a package maintainer (write access)
- Implement your changes or add new elements (components, hooks, interfaces). If you add something new, make sure to export it in index.ts (project root)
- Update the package version number (increment minor version if no breaking changes, otherwise increment major version)
- If you're not logged in to npm yet, log in: npm login
- Prepare for publishing, check for errors, ensure only necessary files are included in the package: npm publish --dry-run
- this will also lint / build (see prepublishOnly in package.json, which runs before publishing)
- this will not yet publish to npmjs
- below Tarbal Contents, only files listed in package.json->files should be included
- If everything is okay, publish: npm publish check kemaro-common-components for the new version
- In order to get your changes in the micro-frontend projects, update to / install the new npm package version for kemaro-common-components (in package.json AND package-lock.json)
(the above instructions are mostly based on this tutorial, using npm install instead of yarn)