keyboard utilities : sync/async input, disable/enable echo canonical
kbd module provides various utilities for keyboard. I wanted to have a node equivalent for printf, scanf, puts, gets for my students to whom I teach programming with node. kdb provides these functions in both synchrone and asynchrone mode. kdb also gives the opportunity to set/unset echo, set unset canonical mode.
This version is completely rewritten with "nan" (Native Abstraction for Node.js). Sorry for any bad english ;-)
var kbd = require('kbd');
// synchronously reads one line from keyboard
var line = kbd.getLineSync();
// asynchronously reads one line from keyboard
kbd.getLine(function (error, line) {
// line variable contains keyboard entered line
// synchronously reads one key from keyboard in non canonical mode without echo
kbd.setEcho(false); // no echo mode
kbd.setCanonical(false); // non canonical mode
var char = kbd.getKeySync();
kbd.setEcho(true); // reestablish echo mode
kbd.setCanonical(true); // reestablish canonical mode
// asynchronously reads key from keyboard in non canonical mode without echo
kbd.setEcho(false); // no echo mode
kbd.setCanonical(false); // non canonical mode
kbd.getKey(function (error, key) {
// key variable contains pressed key
// dont forget to reset echo and canonical mode before the end of script
// if you forgot, type shell 'reset' command
kbd.setEcho(true); // reestablish echo mode
kbd.setCanonical(true); // reestablish canonical mode