A bridge between Jasmine 1 to Jasmine 2 for Karma Env
What is it ?
This plugins allows to add support of APIs from Jasmine 1 into Jasmine 2 or Jasmine 3 environment.
List of API supported:
- runs
- waitsFor
- waits
- Spy API :
- spy.andCallThrough();
- spy.andCallFake(function() {});
- spy.andThrow('error');
- spy.andReturn(1);
- spy.reset()
- spy.callCount
- spy.mostRecentCall.args
- spy.calls[0].args
- spy.argsForCall[0]
- Clock API:
- useMock()
- tick()
- CustomMatcher API
Why ?
Because legacy applications which have a lot of tests with Jasmine need to be moved slowly when developers remove technical debt.
So with this plugin you can run your legacy tests (Jasmine1) on a Jasmine2 environmment without change anything (almost :)) and when you get ready you can modify your unit tests little by little by making a migration on Jasmine 2 API.
How to install ?
npm install karma-jasmine-bridge
Adds this in your karma-conf.js
frameworks: ['jasmine-bridge', 'jasmine'],
the order matters because bridge wraps jasmine features so plugin must be loaded before jasmine. Here, of course it's about a jasmine 2 or 3 env.
This project is tested with browserstack platform. I choose this platform because automate system is very easy to be configured and result is quick. Thanks to help me to have a complete environnement.
Supported Browsers : IE > 9 , Firefox, Chrome, Safari (see karma-conf to have complete list of platforms.)