Karma plugin to run angular-benchpress benchmarks.
Status: In-Development
See https://github.com/angular/benchpress for information about benchpress.
This project allows automated execution of already-built benchpress benchmarks through Karma.
See example/karma-experiment.conf.js for reference configuration and see [example/jasmine-spec-experiment.spec.js] for reference spec.
This plugin comes with an adapter that provides a global function called bpSuite
that allows
imperative execution of a benchmark with custom configuration. bpSuite returns a promise that will
resolve with the result object
it('should be within acceptable limits', function(done) {
bpSuite({url: 'base/largetable/index-auto.html', variable: 'ngBind', numSamples: 15, iterations: 20}).
then(function(result) {
}, function(reason) {
console.error('failed because', reason.message);
}).then(null, function(e) { console.error('something went wrong', e); done()});
The bpSuite
options object can have the following properties:
| Property | Required | Description |
| url | yes | Url of the benchmark to be executed (ie. base/largetable/index-auto.html
) |
| variable | no | Benchpress variable with which to run the benchmarks |
| numSamples | no | How many samples to collect. Will use benchpress default (currently 20) if not specified |
| iterations | no | How many iterations to run (should be greater than samples). Will use benchpress default (currently 25) if not specified |
The adapter will serialize all non-reserved properties into query parameters in the benchmark's url, so any supported benchpress paramaters may be used here.
Result Object
The result object has the following structure:
stepName1 : ...,
stepName2: {
testTime: {
avg: {
mean: 5.0, //milliseconds of how long the step took to execute
stdDev: 0.1, //Standard deviation of sample
coefficientOfVariation: 0.02 //stdDev as percentage of mean
min: 4,
max: 6,
history: [
//All other measured characteristics have the same structure, though they may represent values other than time
gcTime: ..., //time spent collecting garbage after this step
garbageCount: ..., //how much garbage was generated during this step in KB
retainedCount: ..., //how much memory is retained by the step
Gotchas & FAQs
should be set to a number high enough to run all iterations of the benchmark. This would be best inside of a beforeEach/afterEach which will set the interval back to its original value- A custom launcher based on Chrome Canary should be used to provide the best memory profiling characteristics. An example launcher configuration can be found in the example karma config.
- This plugin and the
function have no dependency on Jasmine, though Jasmine is the only framework with which it has been tested.