Multi topic tail for kafka brokers
Tail for kafka brokers with support for multiple topic selection.
Building and running requires Jdk 8+.
Binary release
Binaries are available at GitHub Release page.
Download, unpack and add kafkatail-1.0.0/bin
directory to PATH
Run kafkatail -v
to check installation.
Nodejs package
NodeJs kafkatail package can be installed using npm install -g kafkatail
Use kafkatail -v
to check successful deployment.
Upon first run it might download a local copy of JRE if java
executable is not available. See jdeploy and node-jre.
Install from source
git clone https://github.com/gliviu/kafkatail
cd kafkatail
./gradlew build
unzip build/distributions/kafkatail-1.0.0.zip
kafkatail-1.0.0/bin/kafkatail -v # or kafkatail.bat -v
Usage: kafkatail [options] [--] [topic-pattern1 topic-pattern2 ...]
Tails multiple kafka topics and prints records to standard output as they arrive.
With no options, consumes new records from all topics at localhost:9092.
Default display format is 'partition offset timestamp topic [key] value'.
Timestamp is marked as N/A if missing from record.
-b host[:port] Broker address (default: localhost:9092)
-x exclude-patterns Topics to be excluded
-h --help Show help
-v --version Show version
-s --since date Print previous records starting from date
-u --until date Consume records until date is reached
-a --amount amount Consume certain amount of records starting with -s, then stop
Topic selection
Topic names are matched by substring.
kafkatail tail all topics at localhost:9092
kafkatail emp dep tail topics containing emp and dep in their name
kafkatail -x emp,ord tail all topics except those containing emp, ord
kafkatail -x hist,temp -- dep tail all topics containing dep, excluding hist, temp
Offset range
Starting kafkatail with no options will print only new records.
It is possible to show previous records by using -s -u and -a options.
kafkatail -s 10m tail starting from 10 minutes ago
kafkatail -s 1d -u 2h topic1 topic2 tail since 1 day ago until 2 hours ago
kafkatail -s 2015-01-01T10:00 -u 2015-01-01T11:00 tail between specified interval
kafkatail -s 10:00 -u 11:00 tail between hours 10..11 today
kafkatail -s 10:00 -a 30m tail between 10:00..10:30 today
Formats accepted by -s and -u:
* absolute local date/time - 2015-01-01T18:00, 2015-01-01T18:00:33
* today local time - 18:00, 18:00:33
* relative past time - 10m (ten minutes ago)
accepted units: day d, hour h, minute m, second s
Amount (-a) format: 10m (ten minutes).
Options -u and -a cannot be used together.