Plugin for kafkajs to buffer messages and send them in batches, inspired by node-rdkafka
Plugin for kafkajs to buffer messages and send them in batches, inspired by node-rdkafka
kafkajs-buffer adds queue/buffer capabilities to a kafkajs producer to buffer the messages before sending. It splits the buffer in batches and sends the messages to Kafka, optmizing the number of requests and hidding all this complexity. Delivered messages will be notified in a callback function avoiding the need of awaiting and improving streaming times.
You can install the kafkajs-buffer module like any other module:
npm install kafkajs-buffer
To use the module, you must require and instance it.
import { KafkajsBuffer } from "kafkajs-buffer";
const producerBuffer = new KafkajsBuffer(producer, options);
To send the messages push them in the buffer, similar the way you would send it using Kafkajs.
messages: [
key: "m1",
value: "message 1",
key: "m2",
value: "message 2",
You can also push messages for different topics.
topic: "topic-1",
messages: [
key: "m1",
value: "message 1",
topic: "topic-2",
messages: [
key: "m2",
value: "message 2",
key: "m3",
value: "message 3",
You can programatically request to send the buffer messages to kafka. This avoids reaching the max buffer size. Depending on the time from the last sending, the messages in the buffer queue will be sent immediately or postponed.
In addition you can set the producer to poll on an interval.
Don't forget stop the autopolling before your program execution ends.
To receive the confirmation when the messages are published to kafka use the callback functions 'onBatchDelivered' and/or 'onMessageDelivered'.
// This function is called everytime a message is successfully sent to Kafka
const onMessageDelivered = (messageDelivered) => {
messagesDeliveredCount += 1;
// This function is called everytime a batch is successfully sent to Kafka
const onBatchDelivered = (messagesDelivered: IDeliveredMessage[]) => {
messagesDeliveredCount += messagesDelivered.length;
In addition you can add extra information to the messages that won't be sent to kafka but will be received in the callback function.
type Info = {
timestamp: number;
const producerBuffer = new KafkajsBuffer<Info>(producer, options);
const messageToSend: IMessageWithInfo<Info> = {
key: "1",
value: "message value",
info: {
timestamp: Date.now(),
const onMessageDelivered = (messageDelivered: IDeliveredMessage<Info>) => {
`Message created at ${messageDelivered.info?.timestamp} was delivered to kafka`
To greacefully shutdonwn your process you must call and await 'flush'. It will wait until a possible onprogress sending ends and/or will send any pending message still in the buffer.
await producerBuffer.flush();
const options = {
batchNumMessages: 1000, // The buffer is sent to kafka splitted in batches of this size.
queueBufferingMaxMs: 1000, // Time the messages are buffered before sending. Polling actions will be trigger the sending after this time.
queueBufferingMaxMessages: 100000, // Max number of messages allowed in the buffer. When more messages are pushed it will throw an error.
onMessageDelivered: () => {}, // Callback confirmation when a message is delivered to kafka.
onBatchDeliverd: () => {}, // Callback confirmation when a batch is delivered to kafka.
onSendError: (err) => {}, // Callback with error when the messages are tried to be sent after a poll and fail
messageAcks: -1, // Control the number of required acks (https://kafka.js.org/docs/producing)
responseTimeout: 30000, // The time to await a response in ms (https://kafka.js.org/docs/producing)
messageCompression: CompressionTypes.None, // Compression codec (https://kafka.js.org/docs/producing)