Generate k6 html test result report from CSV output data.
k6 HTML Result Reporter
This k6 HTML result report generator is inspired from https://github.com/benc-uk/k6-reporter which provides pretty good report after the completion of performance test.
The report will provide the transaction response times and performance statistics using the data from CSV output file.
The report includes summary report along with response times charts and full transaction list in a table.
The report is generated from the csv
result output when the test is executed. For example if the script is test.js
use -o csv=<path of the output file>
. Example:
-% k6 run -o csv=./results/result.csv test.js
HTML report is not generated if result is not output to CSV file. The report is generated using the data from the output file. More information https://k6.io/docs/get-started/results-output/
npm i k6-html-result-reporter
The report generation should be executed after the whole test is completed. For example create execute-report.ts
file with the following code. Replace the file paths.
import {readFileSync, writeFileSync} from 'fs';
import Papa from 'papaparse';
const filePath = '<csv_result_file>';
const reportFilePath = '<path to save html file>';
export function execute() {
let fileData: Buffer = readFileSync(filePath);
let data: any = Papa.parse(fileData.toString(), { header: true, skipEmptyLines: true }).data;
let htmlReport: string = generateReport(data);
writeFileSync(reportFilePath, htmlReport);
The example above uses papaparse to read from CSV file. For more information visit: https://www.papaparse.com/
Execute the commands to first create a JS file and then execute the JS file.
-% tsc execute-report.ts
-% node execute-report.js
The above step is required if the scripts are developed using TypeScript.
For convenience put all the commands in shell script and execute it. Example:
k6 run -o csv=output_file_path test_file_path
tsc execute-report.ts
node execute-report.js
Replace the file paths with actual file names and paths used in the test.
Should also work if the result is output as JSON using
-o json=output_file_path
and sending the JSON file data as input parameter to the function. The input data should be an array.
Function accepts two parameters.
inputData: any - CSV data read from the result file.
title: string (optional) - Report title. Defaults to k6 Performance Test Report - yyyy-mm-dd