Web MIDI API for full control of Keith McMillen Instruments K-Mix
Javascript API for fully controlling Keith McMillen Instruments K-Mix digital audio mixer / control surface. With the exceptions of channel soloing, fader grouping, and Aux Pre/Post switches, nearly all K-Mix parameters that can be controlled from the hardware can be controlled via MIDI messages sent to K-Mix.
K-Mix has 3 MIDI Bank modes in addition to the main Mix Bank, which gives you a total of 32 faders, 12 rotaries, and 87 buttons of assignable controls.
npm install k-mix-api
import KMIX from 'k-mix-api'
let midi, kmix
// get our midiAccess object and assign to 'midi'.
.then((midiAccess) => {
midi = midiAccess
// pass the midi object to the KMIX constructor
// KMIX(midi [, options = {}, debug = false])
kmix = new KMIX(midi)
##Options The options object is a reflection of your K-Mix settings in the MIDI tab of the K-Mix Editor, allowing you to specify what midi channels you want to use with K-Mix and what CC messages each fader, rotary, and button outputs on a per bank level. Please consult the K-Mix Manual Section 5.2.4.
Any fader, rotary, and button that is in the default setting can be omitted from the options object. Only add what you have changed.
*A complete list of options is at the bottom of this README.
/* every button on K-Mix can either be set to behave like
a normal button (button press = on, button up = off), or
a toggle button (button press #1 = on, button press #2 = off)
Note: this must be set in the K-Mix Editor MIDI tab
let options = {
"midi-channels": [1,2,3],
"fader-1": {"bank_1": 1, "bank_2": 1, "bank_3": 1},
"fader-main": {"bank_1": 9, "bank_2": 9, "bank_3": 9},
"rotary-1": {"bank_1": 10, "bank_2": 10, "bank_3": 10},
"button-preset": {"bank_1": 13, "bank_2": 13, "bank_3": 13, "mode": "momentary"},
"channel-select-1": {"bank_1": 1, "bank_2": 1, "bank_3": 1, "mode": "momentary"},
"transport-up": {"bank_1": 26, "bank_2": 26, "bank_3": 26, "mode": "toggle"}
You can also use a more terse syntax which requires you to specify midi values (midi note values for buttons and CC values for faders/rotaries) for all 3 MIDI Banks.
let options = {
"midi-channels": [1,2,3],
"fader-1": [1,1,1],
"fader-main": [9,9,9],
"rotary-1": [10,10,10],
"button-preset": [13,13,13,"momentary"],
"channel-select-1": [1,1,1,"momentary"],
"transport-up": [26,26,26,"toggle"]
##Mix Bank and MIDI Banks To use K-Mix as a MIDI controller with this API, you must put K-Mix into 1 of 3 MIDI Bank modes by pressing the shift button and selecting a transport/transport button with a number next to it. The MIDI Channel, CC/Note messages sent by K-Mix are configured in the K-Mix Editor's MIDI tab and passed into this API as an options object as discussed above.
No MIDI data is sent from K-Mix when it is in the default 'Mix Mode'.
You can still control K-Mix's audio parameteres regardless of which mode you're in as long as you are sending the correct message type.
When all of K-Mix's ports are connected or disconnected, it sends out a 'connected' or 'disconnected' event.
You can also query any port connection with the isConnected(port ='all')
kmix.on('connected', () => console.log('>> K-Mix: connected'))
kmix.on('disconnected', () => console.log('>> K-Mix: disconnected'))
kmix.isConnected('all' || 'audio-control' || 'control-surface' || 'expander')
// --> true when all ports are connected.
// --> true when audio-control port is connected
When K-Mix is in one of 3 MIDI Bank modes it sends out events named for the control that is sending out data. For example, if you move the main fader, an event of 'fader:main' is sent out along with the fader data for that event.
// fader-1
kmix.on('fader-1', (value) => console.log('fader-1', value))
// listen for on [144] button messages. default
kmix.on('button-vu', (value) => console.log('button-vu', value))
// listen for off [128] button messages
kmix.on('button-vu:off', (value) => console.log('button-vu:off', value))
If you want to listen to events from a large number of controls, you can listen to the 'any' event and build the logic of how to handle the data with conditional / switch statements.
// returns a data object with the name of the control and the raw MIDI message
kmix.on('any', (data) => {
console.log('control-name', data.control, 'control-data', data.raw)
// data.control example: 'fader-1'
// data.raw example: [176,1,67]
case 'fader-1':
console.log('fader-1', data.raw)
case 'button-vu':
console.log('button-vu', data.raw)
case 'button-vu:off':
console.log('button-vu:off', data.raw)
console.log('any other data', data)
##Sending* *Sending MIDI to K-Mix is supported in firmware/editor version 1.1.0 and above.
There are 3 different send modes with K-Mix:
####k-mix-audio-control; default
Sending to the 'k-mix-audio-control' port controls the K-Mix Mix Bank, which controls all of the audio features of K-Mix like changing fader levels, EQ, and spatialization in addition to sending preset change messages.
Inputs 1 - 8: All of the per input channel [1-8] automatable control parameteres are listed in section 4.3.3 of the K-Mix Manual. The input channel is denoted by ':channel-number', so for controlling input channel 3's fader level, you would use 'fader:3'.
Main/Master Fader: In order to control the main fader, send to 'main:fader', which controls the main fader level
Misc (reverb/surround/auxes): To control K-Mix's miscellaneous features (reverb/surround/auxes), covered in section in the K-Mix Manual, send to 'misc:reverb-level', which controls the K-Mix's main reverb level
Presets: To change a preset on K-Mix, just send a message to 'preset'. K-Mix has 12 on board presets.
// input gain 1-8
kmix.send('fader:1', 127)
kmix.send('fader:1', 127, time) // sent in 'time in ms'
// control input 1 high-frequency EQ parameter
kmix.send('eq-high-frequency:1', 127)
// Main Fader
kmix.send('main:mute', 1) // 1 = muted, 0 = unmuted - sends on channel 9
// Misc
kmix.send('misc:reverb-level', 100) // sends on channel 10
kmix.send('misc:surround-panner-1-x', 100) // rotary angle; 0 - 127
kmix.send('misc:surround-panner-1-y', 50) // rotary radius; 0 - 127
// load preset #2
kmix.send('preset', 2)
If you wish to control the K-Mix's 3 MIDI Banks, covered in section 4.3.4 of the K-Mix Manual, you send to the 'k-mix-control-surface' port, referred to in this API as 'control'. The main purpose of sending to the 'control' port is for K-Mix LED control.
As seen below, the desired control must be prepended by 'control:'. The optional 'time' and 'bank' [1-3] parameters follow, 'bank' defaults to 1. If you wish to send to a different bank, you must set the time argument to either 0 or millisecond value before the bank argument.
If you wish to control buttons, it must be in 'toggle' mode, otherwise the
kmix.send('control:fader-3', 127 [, bank = 1, time = 0]) // control, value, bank, time
// if you wish to send to a different bank, you must set the time argument to either 0 or millisecond value
kmix.send('control:rotary-1', 64, 2, time) // set rotary-1 to 64 in bank 2
// in order to control buttons, a button must be in 'toggle' mode
kmix.send('control:button-vu', 127) // turn button-vu on; any value > 0
kmix.send('control:button-vu', 0) // turn button-vu off
####raw MIDI messages
If you think in midi messages, you can send raw midi messages to K-Mix. You pass in the byte array with optional time and the port you want to send to, which defaults to 'k-mix-audio-control'. If you want to send to the 'k-mix-control-surface', add 'control' after time or 'expander' if you want to send 'raw' midi to the 'k-mix-expander' port
kmix.send([176, 1, 127] [, time])
kmix.send('control', [176, 1, 127] [, time]) // send to 'k-mix-control-surface'
kmix.send('expander', [176, 11, 17] [, time]) // send to 'k-mix-expander'
// you can also use hex values [0xB0,1,0x7F]
- All faders and rotaries are of type 176 + channel,
- All buttons are of type 144 for on and 128 for off
- Custom settings are set in the K-Mix Editor
####Time You can specify when the message should be sent by including a DOMHighResTimeStamp, specified in milliseconds, just as you would with the Web MIDI API. For example, if you wanted a message sent in one second, you would use 1000 as the send time:
let time = 1000.0
kmix.send('fader:1', 127, time)
The default send time in this API is always window.performance.now() which schedules a message to be immediately sent.
Passing in window.performance.now() as the time would produce undesired send times, since then 'time' would equal window.performance.now() + window.performance.now()
##Help If you want a reference for any of the names or CC/note messages of all of K-Mix's controllable parameters call 'help' on your 'kmix' variable and pass in what you're looking for and the parameters will be to your browser's console. The 4 options are:
'control': default/your options object. MIDI tab of the K-Mix Editor. Section 5.2.4 'input': input channel parameters. Section 'main': main output bus parameters. Section 'misc': reverb/surround/auxes. Section
// Help
kmix.help('control') // 'control', 'input', 'main', 'misc'
Refer to the manual sections listed above for more info.
###Debug If the debug boolean is true, every message from K-Mix is logged into the browser console. You can also add an html element with the ID of 'kmixlog' to your markup to get message details directly in your page.
<div id="kmixlog">
from K-Mix Control Surface
port -526462756
channel 1
##* MIDI Bank Option names
// faders and rotaries
// buttons