Simple wrapper around the jwPlatform API
jsPlatform API
This is a simple wrapper for NodeJS around the jsPlatform API to make api calls easier.
npm install jwplatform-api
Creating a new jwPlatform API object:
var jwPlatform = require('jwplatform-api');
//initialize with your key and secret
var api = new jwPlatform({
key: '...',
secret: '...'
//initialize with custom logger
var logger = {
debug: function() {},
error: function() {}
var api = new jwPlatform({ ... }, logger);
//initialize with no logging
var api = new jwPlatform({ ... }, function() {});
Make arbitrary queries:
api.get('v1/videos/show', { video_key: 'some_key' }, null, function(err, result) {
//result will be a JSON object
var template = {
name: 'Test template',
format_key: 'ogg',
default: 'none'
api.post('v1/templates/create', null, template, function(err, result) {
There are a few shortcuts for common api calls:
Generating an upload URL
api.getUploadUrl('v1', function(err, result) {
//sample result:
{ uploadUrl: 'http://upload.jwplatform.com/v1/videos/upload?api_format=json&key=...&token=...',
progressUrl: 'http://upload.jwplatform.com/progress?token=...&key...' }
Getting information about a video (conversions/list wrapper)
api.getVideoData('v1', '<your video key>', function(err, result) {
//sample result:
{ completed: 3,
total: 3,
[ { status: 'ready',
key: '...',
width: 640,
height: 360,
size: 2165175,
duration: 32.48,
url: 'http://content.jwplatform.com/originals/....webm' },
{ status: 'ready',
key: '...',
width: 320,
height: 180,
size: 1114818,
duration: 32.5,
url: 'http://content.jwplatform.com/videos/...-....mp4' },
{ status: 'ready',
key: '...',
width: 480,
height: 270,
size: 1594358,
duration: 32.5,
url: 'http://content.jwplatform.com/videos/...-....mp4' } ],
ready: true }
Template stuff
var template = {
name: 'the name',
format_key: 'ogg',
default: 'none'
api.createTemplate('v1', template, function(err, result) { });
var fields = {
template_key: '...',
name: 'the new name'
api.updateTemplate('v1', fields, function(err, result) { });
api.getTemplates('v1', function(err, result) { });