Just Launch Chrome ======================= [](https://nodejs.org) [
- Windows
- Windows Subsystems Linux
Finding Chrome
The simplest way to use just-launch-chrome as a means to find Chrome/Chromium executables is shown below
const { findChrome } = require('just-launch-chrome')
;(async () => {
const executables = await findChrome()
for (const exe of executables) {
The return value of findChrome
is an list, array, of discovered executables (path to the executable on the system).
launch-chrome also makes available each of the supported platforms finding functions available
Launching Chrome
Launching chrome is done via the launch
function as shown below
const { launch } = require('just-launch-chrome')
;(async () => {
const { chromeProcess, closeBrowser, browserWSEndpoint } = await launch()
// do stuff with chrome
await closeBrowser()
The return value of the function is a Promise that resolves to an object with the following properties
- (ChildProcess) chromeProcess - The reference to the spawned chrome process
- (function (): Promise) closeBrowser - A function that returns a Promise that resolves once the launched browser is closed
- (string) browserWSEndpoint - The CDP websocket URL of the browser
Optional configuration options
- (string) startingURL - The starting URL of the browser, defaults to
- (string) executable - The Chrome/Chromium executable used for launching, defaults to the first executable found via
- (string) userDataDir - Path to a directory to be used as the browser's user data directory, defaults to a temporary directory
- (string) userDataDirPrefix - A prefix for the created temporary directory
- (function(exes: Array): string) exeSelector - Function used to select the executable to be used rather than the first one found
- (Array) args - A list of launch args
- (boolean) handleSIGINT - should the launched browser be killed when the process receives the
signal, defaults to true - (boolean) handleSIGTERM should the launched browser be killed when the process receives the
signal, defaults to true - (boolean) handleSIGHUP should the launched browser be killed when the process receives the
signal, defaults to true - (boolean) dumpio - Should the browsers std out and err be displayed, defaults to false
- (boolean) headless - Should the browser be launched in headless mode, defaults to false
- (boolean) devtools - Should the devtools be opened in all tabs created, defaults to false
- (boolean) muteAudio - Should audio be muted for all tabs opened, defaults to false
- (boolean) hideScrollBars - Should scroll bars be hidden for all tabs opened, defaults to false
- (number) port - The port number for the Chrome DevTools Protocol (CDP), defaults to the port chosen by chrome
- (number) launchTimeout - Maximum length of time, in milliseconds, that should be waited before the launching of the browser is considered to not have happened, defaults to 30000
- (Object) env - Environment variables that superceded the processes own environment to be used when launching the browser, defaults to the process own environment variables