Executes a series of bash commands on filechange. Listens to response and notifies errors
A command-line tool for watching file changes and then executing cli commands.
By default it listens to STDOUT and STDERR for module-dependent triggers then uses the node-notifier to defer to platform-specific desktop notifications
N.B You MUST install all command line utilities separately
npm install jumpup -g
jumpup [options] <section1> <section2> ...
--config a .js or .coffee config file (see watchAreas.example)
###Why not Gulp-watch or grunt-watch?
Gulp watch and grunt watch are great workflow tools, but when working in development environments which depend on more than one service or programming language creating a single "God" grunt/gulpfile or opening multiple terminal windows to run them is cumbersome and slows down the dev process.
Jump-Up solves this by enabling each service/language to have its own gulp/grunt file or a test/make file which can be triggered on change and can all be launched simultaneously from one command eg:
jumpup phpServer nodeJSService goServer
###Config File
See "jumpup.coffee" for an example coffeescript config file
Executes cleancss
Config Example:
type: 'cleancss'
input: 'myinput.css'
output: 'myoutput.css'
dir: 'cssDir/'
Executes coffee
Config Example:
type: 'coffee'
recursive: true # runs coffee recursively in dir
outputDir: 'dist/'
dir: 'coffee/'
Executes coffeelint
Config Example:
type: 'coffeelint'
dir: 'coffee/'
Executes custom commands
Config Example:
type: 'custom'
dir: 'liveContent/'
# amount of time in ms
# to debounce / delay
debounce: 500
# 'change' is run whenever
# a file in 'dir' is modified
# this would restart
change: 'node app --dev'
# run once on load - good for
# running the development server
bootstap: 'node app --dev'
# should any running
# instances of this task
# be killed before running a new one
killExisting: true
Executes Gulp
Config Example:
type: 'gulp'
dir: ['coffee','sass'] # or 'coffee'
regex: /*.coffee/ # only run
section: 'sass' # name of the gulp action
executeOnStart: true # run gulp when first executing jumpup
Executes grunt
Config Example:
type: 'grunt'
regex: /*.coffee/ # only run if this matches
dir: 'coffee/'
Executes jasmine-node in the ./node_modules/.bin directory
type: 'jasmine-local'
testDir: 'test/unit/' # directory where tests are located
perFile: true # only executes the test for the file changed
dir: 'main-scripts/'
coffee: true # run with the --coffee flag
# number of ms to debounce
# (prevents tests being run too
# many times on double-save)
Debounce: 100
verbose: true # run with the --verbose flag
# any environmental variables to precede the
# execution
env: [
Executes the global instance of jasmine-node
type: 'jasmine-node'
testDir: 'test/unit/' # directory where tests are located
perFile: true # only executes the test for the file changed
dir: 'main-scripts/'
coffee: true # run with the --coffee flag
# number of ms to debounce
# (prevents tests being run too
# many times on double-save)
Debounce: 100
verbose: true # run with the --verbose flag
# any environmental variables to precede the
# execution
env: [
Executes the karma start in a new window
type: 'karma'
config: 'relative/path/to/config.js'
dir: 'karma/'
Executes "npm test"
type: 'npm-test'
dir: 'watchDir/'
# custom regex for filematching
# eg /\.coffee$/
regex: false
# custom regex for matching
# text in stdout for throwing
# error notifications
# eg /\.[1-9] Failures/g
customError: false
Executes php -l (lints php files)
type: 'php'
dir: 'phpFiles/'
Executes PHPUnit on selected files
type: 'phpunit'
test: 'dir/for/php/specs'
dir: 'src/folder/'
oneFile: /justThisFile/ # only run if this file matches
Executes protractor debouncing with a delay
type: 'protractor'
config: 'path/to/config.file.js'
delay: 1000 # number of ms to debounce before executing
Executes sass
type: 'sass'
singleFile: [
input: 'sourceSassFile.sass'
output: 'outputFile.css'
style: 'compressed' # nested, compact, expanded
# additional load path(s)
# can be an array of load paths instead
loadPath: '/path/to/bourbon'
Licence is MIT
Pull Requests welcome
Author Campbell Morgan [email protected]