Tool to create React components.
React Component Creator
Simple NodeJS command line tool to create React components.
$ createComponent <name> [parentDirectory] [options]
The tool can create 5 types of components: Functional, Redux container, Styled component, Class or HOCs.
To create a functional component simply type createComponent MyReactComponent ./I-Want-it-Here
This will create the following:
the file ./I-Want-it-Here/MyReactComponent/index.js
import React from 'react'
const MyReactComponent = (props) => {
export default MyReactComponent
- The default path it will use is "./src/components"
- If the path does not exist, it will not create the component
- Component names must start with an upper case letter
- The tool always creates a folder inside the given path with the component's name and a "index.js" file. This cannot be changed.
- Shorthand commands exist to create class, HOCs, container, styled and functional components. They are createClass, createHigher, createContainer, createStyled and createFunctional.
| Option | Info |
| ------ | ---- |
| --type <type>
| this option is the long way of changing the component type. It accepts either func, hoc, styled, cont or class as the argument. the default type is func |
| -c , --class
| create a class component. The same as --type class
| -f , --func
| create a functional component. The same as --type func
| -i , --hoc
| create a higher order component. The same as --type hoc
| -r , --cont
| create a redux container component. The same as --type cont
| -s , --styled [tag]
| create a styled component using the [tag] tag. Tag name is not validated so unsupported html tags are counted as valid tags to create the component. The default tag is 'div'. Same as --type styled
but this way the default tag will be used|
| --inline [name]
| add a style through js. This will create an object [name] and add it as an inline style. The default [name] is the component's name followed by "Style". This option is ignored when creating a HOC |
| --css [class]
| add style through a css file. This will create a css file with the component's name in the same folder as the index.js file and imported inside it. The css file will have a single class named [class]. The default value of [class] is the component's name in lower case. This option is ignored when creating a HOC. |
| --hooks <hooks>
| this options add react hooks imports to the file. The hooks must be written as a single string of comma separated names i.e. "useMemo,useState,...". This option is ignored unless a functional component is created. If this option is set without an explicit component type, it created a functional component|
| --imports <imports>
| this options adds extra imports to the component. The imports must be a single string of comma separated names i.e. "lodash,ramda,...". The generated imports look like the following: import [importName] from '[importName]'
| --props <props>
| this option adds props to the component. The props must be a single string of the prop names separated by a comma i.e. "color,onClick,...". If the component is a class component, a destructuring of "this.props" will be added to the render method. If it's a functional component then argument destructuring will be used. If it's a HOC, they are ignored. |
| --verbose
| show details of component creation|
| --force-name
| disables component name validation. Not recommended |
| --dry
| disables file creation. For easier developing|
| --debug
| shorthand for --verbose --dry
. For easier developing|