JTR PrimeNG Desktop Theme
Theme JTR 2.0 with PrimeNG
You find further information on this website: https://primeng.org/theming
If you want to style a PrimeNG component for the JTR 2.0 (https://github.com/Nalochen/jtr-2.0) you can use this repository. This repository is a copy of the primeng theming repository except the "jtr"-folder is the specific JTR theme.
How to use
- Run
npm install jtr-primeng-de
- Include the path
in your angular.json file
How to contribute
- Clone this repository
- Create a new branch with the name of your ticket
- Feel free to style the components in the variables-folder
- Commit all your changes
- Create a pull request and merge your branch into the main branch
- Publish the library on github
- Update this library in the jtr project
- Commit all your changes
- Create a pull request and merge your branch into the main branch
Things to come:
I am planning to set up a small angular project in this repository where all components are visible, so that you can see how your changes affect the components.
Also, I want to directly link this repository to the JTR Repository, so that you don't have to copy the css file manually.