JT (Juiced Template) Mailer. Uses Jade, LESS, and nodemailer to create easily maintainable email templates
JT (Juiced Template) Mailer. Uses Jade, LESS, Juice and nodemailer to create easily maintainable email templates
sendEmail: true, // whether or not to actually send email
logHtml: true, // whether or not to log the email contents to the console
mailTo: null, // send all API emails to this address (for dev/testing), if null sends to address specified in individual request
templatesPath: 'services/email/templates', // path to jade templates folder
stylesPath: 'services/email/styles', // path to styles folder
onlyLogErrors: true, // Don't output .debug & .log messages from jt-mailer
defaultOpts: {
from: '[email protected]', // default from email for all emails generated
to: '[email protected]', // default to email for all emails generated (probably not useful in most cases)
subject: 'Test email', // default subject for all emails
juice: {
// any juice options to pass to juice during each email rendering, see https://github.com/Automattic/juice
template: {
name: 'welcome', // default email template (jade file) name (without extension)
locals: { // Any default local variables to pass to all jade templates
// appName: 'My App'
to: '[email protected]', // email address to send email to
subject: 'Check this out!', // email subject
juice: {}, // any configuration options to pass to juice on a per-email basis
template: { // email template options
name: templateName,
locals: {
firstName: user.first,
lastName: user.last,
organizationName: organizationName,
surveyUrl: app.get('config').webSurveyUrl +
'?email=' + user.email + '&first=' + user.first + '&last=' + user.last,
intendedFor: user.email,
beaconUrl: analyticsService.beaconEventUrl('emails', 'opened', templateName, null, user)