A lightweight JavaScript Library contains the missing javascript functions, and make your code readable.
Jsy make Javascript coding more fun
There is a difference between readble code and non readble, it's easly to read and memory, Jsy make your code clean and readble.
Exemple :
Without jsy
var email= "[email protected]";
var re = /^([\w-]+(?:\.[\w-]+)*)@((?:[\w-]+\.)*\w[\w-]{0,66})\.([a-z]{2,6}(?:\.[a-z]{2})?)$/i;
console.log('valid email');
With jsy
var email= "[email protected]";
console.log('valid email');
Even more :
var email= "[email protected]";
_jsy(email).ifisEmail().log('valid email');
Determine the internal variable class.
//exemple : alert the type of name
var name = "aymen";
Determine the internal variable class.
//example : alert name if the type is equal to 'string'
var name = "jhon";
check if the internal varible is Array
//example : alert true if numbers is Array
var numbers = [1,2,3,4];
check if x in the internal variable (Array)
//example : alert true if the number 3 is in the Array
var numbers = [1,2,3,4];
return true if the internal variable is empty
//example : alert true if the variable emptyobject is empty
var emptyobject= {};
run function if the internal variable is empty
//example : alert 'object is empty' if the variable emptyobject is empty
var emptyobject= {};
_jsy(emptyobject).ifisEmpty().alert('object is empty');
return true if the internal variable is float
//example: alert true if x is float
var x = 9.3 ;
run function if the internal variable is float
//example: log to console '9.3 is float' if x is float
var x = 9.3 ;
_jsy(x).ifisFloat().log(x+ ' is float');
check if x equal to the internal variable
//example: return true if the animals varibale equal to ['puppy', 'cow', 'cat']
var animals = ['puppy', 'cow', 'cat'];
alert(_jsy(animals ).equal(['puppy', 'cow', 'cat']));
run function if x equal to the internal variable
//example: console to log "9 is equal to 9" if the randomumber is equal to 9
var randomumber = 9 ;
console.log(randomumber +' is equal to 9');
return true if the internal variable has rows
//example: return true if the animals varibale has rows
var animals = ['puppy', 'cow', 'cat'];
alert(_jsy(animals ).hasRows());
return true if the length of the internal variable between min and max
.lengthBetween(min, max)
//example : alert true if the length of the string between 5 and 9
var lastname = "labidi";
run function if the length of the internal variable between min and max
.ifLengthBetween(min, max)
//example : alert true if the length of the string between 5 and 9
var lastname = "labidi";
return true if the internal variable is email
//example : alert true if the variable input is an email
var input = "[email protected]";
alert(_jsy(input ).isEmail());
run function if the internal variable is an email
//example : alert true if the variable input is an email
var input = "[email protected]";
return true if the internal variable is integer
//example: alert true if x is float
var x = 7 ;
run function if the internal variable is float
//example: log to console '7 is integer' if x is integer
var x = 7;
_jsy(x).ifisInt().log(x+ ' is integer');
return true if the internal variable is negative
//example: alert true if x is negative
var x = -3 ;
run function if the internal variable is negative
//example: alert -3 if x is negative
var x = -3 ;
return true if the internal variable is negative
//example: alert true if x is positive
var x = 3 ;
run function if the internal variable is positive
//example: alert 8 if x is positive
var x = 8 ;
alert the internal variable or the argument if the internal condition is true or not defined
//alert 8
var x = 8 ;
//alert equal if x is equal to 8
//alert 8 if x is equak to 8
log to console the internal variable or the argument if the internal condition is true or not defined
//log to console "jhon"
var name = "jhon" ;
_jsy(name ).log();
//log to console equal if name is equal to "jhon"
//log to console "jhon" if name is equak to "jhon"
run function if the internal condition is true
//example: console to log true if the randomumber is equal to 9
var randomumber = 9 ;
console.log(randomumber +' is equal to 9');
run function if the internal condition is true
//example: console to log "9 is not equal to -1" if the randomumber is not equal to nextnumber
var randomumber = 9 ;
var nextnumber = -1 ;
console.log(randomumber +' is equal to '+nextnumber);
console.log(randomumber +' is not equal to '+nextnumber);
like finally, run a function when all the treatments ended
//example: console to log "9 is equal to 9" if the randomumber is equal to 9, console "end"
var randomumber = 9 ;
console.log(randomumber +' is equal to 9');