Tokenizer for js, jsx, (ts, tsx)
Tokenizer for js, ts, jsx, tsx
Base usage:
import { jsx2tokens } from 'jsx2tokens'
// or
// const { jsx2tokens } = require('jsx2tokens')
const code =
`function App(props) {
return <div className="container" {...props}>some {12}</div>
const tokens = jsx2tokens(code)
// tokens equal to:
{ deep: 0, type: 'Keyword', value: 'function' },
{ deep: 0, type: 'Space', value: ' ' },
{ deep: 0, type: 'Identifier', value: 'App' },
{ deep: 0, type: 'Punctuator', value: '(' },
{ deep: 1, type: 'Identifier', value: 'props' },
{ deep: 0, type: 'Punctuator', value: ')' },
{ deep: 0, type: 'Space', value: ' ' },
{ deep: 0, type: 'Punctuator', value: '{' },
{ deep: 1, type: 'Space', value: '\n ' },
{ deep: 1, type: 'Keyword', value: 'return' },
{ deep: 1, type: 'Space', value: ' ' },
{ deep: 1, type: 'JSXTagOpenerStart', value: '<' },
{ deep: 2, type: 'Identifier', value: 'div' },
{ deep: 2, type: 'Space', value: ' ' },
{ deep: 2, type: 'Identifier', value: 'className' },
{ deep: 2, type: 'Punctuator', value: '=' },
{ deep: 2, type: 'String', value: '"container"' },
{ deep: 2, type: 'Space', value: ' ' },
{ deep: 2, type: 'Punctuator', value: '{' },
{ deep: 3, type: 'Punctuator', value: '...' },
{ deep: 3, type: 'Identifier', value: 'props' },
{ deep: 2, type: 'Punctuator', value: '}' },
{ deep: 1, type: 'JSXTagOpenerEnd', value: '>' },
{ deep: 2, type: 'JSXText', value: 'some ' },
{ deep: 2, type: 'JSXExpressionStart', value: '{' },
{ deep: 3, type: 'Numeric', value: '12' },
{ deep: 2, type: 'JSXExpressionEnd', value: '}' },
{ deep: 1, type: 'JSXTagCloserStart', value: '</' },
{ deep: 2, type: 'Identifier', value: 'div' },
{ deep: 1, type: 'JSXTagCloserEnd', value: '>' },
{ deep: 1, type: 'Space', value: '\n' },
{ deep: 0, type: 'Punctuator', value: '}' }
Types of tokens:
import { TOKEN_TYPES } from 'jsx2tokens'
// or
// const { TOKEN_TYPES } = require('jsx2tokens')
// TOKEN_TYPES equal to:
// Base
BOOLEAN : 'Boolean', // true, false
IDENTIFIER : 'Identifier', // a, b, app...
KEYWORD : 'Keyword', // let, for, return...
NULL : 'Null', // null
NUMERIC : 'Numeric', // 1_000, 0.6e-5, 0x1b...
PUCNTUATOR : 'Punctuator', // +-=!&...
REGULAR_EXPRESSION : 'RegularExpression', // /\s+/
STRING : 'String', // 'single', "double"
TEMPLATE : 'Template', // `...`
TEMPLATE_HEAD : 'TemplateHead', // `...{
TEMPLATE_MIDDLE : 'TemplateMiddle', // }...{
TEMPLATE_TAIL : 'TemplateTail', // }...`
// Comments
COMMENT_BLOCK : 'CommentBlock', // /*...*/
COMMENT_LINE : 'CommentLine', // //...
// Separators (' ', '\n', '\t', ' \n\r\n', etc.)
SPACE : 'Space',
// Modifier "@" - does not exist in the standard jsx
MODIFIER : 'Modifier', // @onclick
// JSX
JSX_TAG_OPENER_START : 'JSXTagOpenerStart', // <
JSX_TAG_OPENER_END : 'JSXTagOpenerEnd', // >
JSX_TAG_OPENER_END_CHILDLESS: 'JSXTagOpenerEndChildless', // />, >*
// * - for <img>, <meta>... If enable 'considerChildlessTags'
JSX_TAG_CLOSER_START : 'JSXTagCloserStart', // </
JSX_TAG_CLOSER_END : 'JSXTagCloserEnd', // >
JSX_EXPRESSION_START : 'JSXExpressionStart', // {
JSX_EXPRESSION_END : 'JSXExpressionEnd', // }
JSX_COMMENT : 'JSXComment', // <!--...-->
- loc: boolean /** Default: false. Source location */
- range: boolean /** Default: false. Source position */
- strict: boolean /** Default: true. Cause an error if the last "deep" is not equal to 0. */
- useJSX: boolean /** Default: true. Enable\disable search JSX (TSX). */
- insideJSX: boolean /** Default: false. If "true", parsing will start as text JSX (TSX). */
- skipStyleTags: boolean /** Default: false. If "true", the content inside the will only be JSXText. */
- skipScriptTags: boolean /** Default: false. If "true", the content inside the will only be JSXText. */
- parseScriptTags: boolean /** Default: false. If "true", the content inside the will be tokenized. */
- considerChildlessTags: boolean /** Default: false. If "true", the and other childless tags will be like . */
- proxy: ((v: TypeToken, k: number, a: TypeToken[], proxyCtx) => boolean | void) /** Default: undefined. Middleware like */
- proxyCtx: any /** Default: {}. Advanced context for proxy */
Loc and range:
import { jsx2tokens } from 'jsx2tokens'
const code = 'a = 12'
const tokens = jsx2tokens(code, {
loc : true,
range: true
// tokens equal to:
deep : 0,
type : 'Identifier',
value: 'a',
loc : {
start: { line: 1, column: 0 },
end : { line: 1, column: 1 }
range: [0, 1]
deep : 0,
type : 'Space',
value: ' ',
loc : {
start: { line: 1, column: 1 },
end : { line: 1, column: 2 }
range: [1, 2]
deep : 0,
type : 'Punctuator',
value: '=',
loc : {
start: { line: 1, column: 2 },
end : { line: 1, column: 3 }
range: [2, 3]
deep : 0,
type : 'Space',
value: ' ',
loc : {
start: { line: 1, column: 3 },
end : { line: 1, column: 4 }
range: [3, 4]
deep : 0,
type : 'Numeric',
value: '12',
loc : {
start: { line: 1, column: 4 },
end : { line: 1, column: 6 }
range: [4, 6]
import { jsx2tokens } from 'jsx2tokens'
const code = '[1, 2'
const tokens = jsx2tokens(code, {
strict: true, // default
// Uncaught Error: jsx2tokens - deep: {"line":1,"column":5,"range":5}
import { jsx2tokens } from 'jsx2tokens'
const code = '[1, 2'
const tokens = jsx2tokens(code, {
strict: false
// tokens equal to:
{ deep: 0, type: 'Punctuator', value: '[' },
{ deep: 1, type: 'Numeric', value: '1' },
{ deep: 1, type: 'Punctuator', value: ',' },
{ deep: 1, type: 'Space', value: ' ' },
{ deep: 1, type: 'Numeric', value: '2' }
!If you parse the 'ts' file, errors may occur. Then it is better to disable 'useJSX'
Not valid 'ts':
import { jsx2tokens } from 'jsx2tokens'
const code = 'let a = <T>(a: T) => a'
const tokens = jsx2tokens(code, {
useJSX: true // default
// Uncaught Error: jsx2tokens - deep...
// '<T>' - will be interpreted as JSX elements
Valid 'ts':
import { jsx2tokens } from 'jsx2tokens'
const code = 'let a = <T, >(a: T) => a'
const tokens = jsx2tokens(code, {
useJSX: true // default
// or
const code = 'let a = <T>(a: T) => a'
const tokens = jsx2tokens(code, {
useJSX: false
Allows you to parse templates:
import { jsx2tokens } from 'jsx2tokens'
const code = 'let a = <Some/>'
const tokens = jsx2tokens(code, {
insideJSX: true
// tokens equal to:
{ deep: 0, type: 'JSXText', value: 'let a = ' },
{ deep: 0, type: 'JSXTagOpenerStart', value: '<' },
{ deep: 1, type: 'Identifier', value: 'Some' },
{ deep: 0, type: 'JSXTagOpenerEndChildless', value: '/>' }
standard behavior:
import { jsx2tokens } from 'jsx2tokens'
const code = '<style>{`body { color: red }`}</style>'
const tokens = jsx2tokens(code, {
skipStyleTags: false // default
// tokens equal to:
{ deep: 0, type: 'JSXTagOpenerStart', value: '<' },
{ deep: 1, type: 'Identifier', value: 'style' },
{ deep: 0, type: 'JSXTagOpenerEnd', value: '>' },
{ deep: 1, type: 'JSXExpressionStart', value: '{' },
{ deep: 2, type: 'Template', value: '`body { color: red }`' },
{ deep: 1, type: 'JSXExpressionEnd', value: '}' },
{ deep: 0, type: 'JSXTagCloserStart', value: '</' },
{ deep: 1, type: 'Identifier', value: 'style' },
{ deep: 0, type: 'JSXTagCloserEnd', value: '>' }
miss style contents:
import { jsx2tokens } from 'jsx2tokens'
const code = '<style>body { color: red }</style>'
const tokens = jsx2tokens(code, {
skipStyleTags: true
// tokens equal to:
{ deep: 0, type: 'JSXTagOpenerStart', value: '<' },
{ deep: 1, type: 'Identifier', value: 'style' },
{ deep: 0, type: 'JSXTagOpenerEnd', value: '>' },
{ deep: 1, type: 'JSXText', value: 'body { color: red }' },
{ deep: 0, type: 'JSXTagCloserStart', value: '</' },
{ deep: 1, type: 'Identifier', value: 'style' },
{ deep: 0, type: 'JSXTagCloserEnd', value: '>' }
works exactly the same as the 'skipStyleTags', but for 'script' tags
tokenize code inside script tags:
import { jsx2tokens } from 'jsx2tokens'
const code = '<script>console.log(`hello`)</script>'
const tokens = jsx2tokens(code, {
parseScriptTags: true
// tokens equal to:
{ deep: 0, type: 'JSXTagOpenerStart', value: '<' },
{ deep: 1, type: 'Identifier', value: 'script' },
{ deep: 0, type: 'JSXTagOpenerEnd', value: '>' },
{ deep: 1, type: 'Identifier', value: 'console' },
{ deep: 1, type: 'Punctuator', value: '.' },
{ deep: 1, type: 'Identifier', value: 'log' },
{ deep: 1, type: 'Punctuator', value: '(' },
{ deep: 2, type: 'Template', value: '`hello`' },
{ deep: 1, type: 'Punctuator', value: ')' },
{ deep: 0, type: 'JSXTagCloserStart', value: '</' },
{ deep: 1, type: 'Identifier', value: 'script' },
{ deep: 0, type: 'JSXTagCloserEnd', value: '>' }
automatically close childless tags
import { jsx2tokens } from 'jsx2tokens'
const code = '<img src={`q.jpg`}>'
const tokens = jsx2tokens(code, {
considerChildlessTags: true
// tokens equal to:
{ deep: 0, type: 'JSXTagOpenerStart', value: '<' },
{ deep: 1, type: 'Identifier', value: 'img' },
{ deep: 1, type: 'Space', value: ' ' },
{ deep: 1, type: 'Identifier', value: 'src' },
{ deep: 1, type: 'Punctuator', value: '=' },
{ deep: 1, type: 'Punctuator', value: '{' },
{ deep: 2, type: 'Template', value: '`q.jpg`' },
{ deep: 1, type: 'Punctuator', value: '}' },
{ deep: 0, type: 'JSXTagOpenerEndChildless', value: '>' }
Childless tags:
import { CHILDLESS_TAGS } from 'jsx2tokens'
// or
// const { CHILDLESS_TAGS } = require('jsx2tokens')
// CHILDLESS_TAGS equal to:
area : true,
base : true,
br : true,
col : true,
command: true,
embed : true,
hr : true,
img : true,
input : true,
keygen : true,
link : true,
meta : true,
param : true,
source : true,
track : true,
wbr : true
proxy and proxyCtx
Simple example:
import { jsx2tokens, TOKEN_TYPES } from 'jsx2tokens'
const code = ' some code '
const ctx = { spacesCount: 0 }
const tokens = jsx2tokens(code, {
proxyCtx: ctx,
proxy : (token, _k, tokens, proxyCtx) => {
if (token.type === TOKEN_TYPES.SPACE) {
// break if there are more than 10 tokens
if (tokens.length > 10) return true