jsx-to-styled adds styled props to your React components
📝 What it is ?
Inspired by xstyled and styled-system, jsx-to-styled adds styled props to your React styled-components. The main idea of this library is to stay really simple and performant.
All styled props injected by jsx-to-styled are prefixed by
symbol to prevent forwarding props to html element, check the styled-components transiant props section for more informations.
🔧 Installation
You must have react
and styled-components
already installed
npm i jsx-to-styled
# or
yarn add jsx-to-styled
💻 Usage
You can use jsx-to-styled without theme (codesandbox example)
import styled from 'styled-components'
import system from 'jsx-to-styled'
// create your styled component with system props
const Box = styled.div(system)
// now you can use all jsx-to-styled props
return (
<Box $color="white" $backgroundColor="tomato" $p="30px" $borderRadius="50%">
Hello World!
Or use with a theme to use custom values (codesandbox example)
import styled, { ThemeProvider } from 'styled-components'
import system from 'jsx-to-styled'
// create your styled component with system props
const Box = styled.div(system)
// create your theme
const theme = {
colors: {
primary: 'white',
secondary: 'tomato',
spaces: {
xl: '30px',
radii: {
half: '50%',
// now you can use all jsx-to-styled props with theme values
return (
<ThemeProvider theme={theme}>
<Box $color="primary" $backgroundColor="secondary" $p="xl" $borderRadius="half">
Hello World!
✨ Typescript
Thanks to csstype, jsx-to-styled is fully typed. You will have autocomplete for all possible css values.
import system, { SystemProps } from 'jsx-to-styled'
// don't forget to add SystemProps type to your styled-component definition
const Box = styled.div<SystemProps>(system)
If you want to access to your theme values, you have to redefine "Theme" interface with your custom theme like that:
// theme.d.ts
import 'jsx-to-styled'
import { theme } from './theme'
type MyTheme = typeof theme
declare module 'jsx-to-styled' {
export interface Theme extends MyTheme {}
📱 Responsive (breakpoints)
You can use breakpoints in your styled props (codesandbox example)
// add "breakpoints" key in your theme
const theme = {
colors: {
primary: 'white',
secondary: 'tomato',
breakpoints: {
sm: '600px',
// flexDirection will be "column" by default and "row" on screens > 600px
return (
<Box $display="flex" $flexDirection={{ _: 'column', sm: 'row' }}>
🍱 States
You can use states in your styled props (codesandbox example)
// add "states" key in your theme
const theme = {
colors: {
primary: 'white',
secondary: 'tomato',
states: {
hover: '&:hover',
// color will be "white" by default and "tomato" on hover
return <Box $color={{ _: 'primary', hover: 'secondary' }}>Hello World!</Box>
📕 Props
System is composed by all of props below
| JSX Property | CSS property | Theme key | | ------------------- | ------------------- | --------- | | $background | background | | | $backgroundImage | background-image | | | $backgroundSize | background-size | | | $backgroundPosition | background-position | | | $backgroundRepeat | background-repeat | |
| JSX Property | CSS property | Theme key | | ------------------------ | -------------------------- | ------------ | | $border | border | | | $borderWidth | border-width | borderWidths | | $borderStyle | border-style | | | $borderColor | border-color | colors | | $borderRadius | border-radius | radii | | $borderTop | border-top | | | $borderTopWidth | border-top-width | borderWidths | | $borderTopStyle | border-top-style | | | $borderTopColor | border-top-color | colors | | $borderTopLeftRadius | border-top-left-radius | radii | | $borderTopRightRadius | border-top-right-radius | radii | | $borderRight | border-right | | | $borderRightWidth | border-right-width | borderWidths | | $borderRightStyle | border-right-style | | | $borderRightColor | border-right-color | colors | | $borderBottom | border-bottom | | | $borderBottomWidth | border-bottom-width | borderWidths | | $borderBottomStyle | border-bottom-style | | | $borderBottomColor | border-bottom-color | colors | | $borderBottomLeftRadius | border-bottom-left-radius | radii | | $borderBottomRightRadius | border-bottom-right-radius | radii | | $borderLeft | border-left | | | $borderLeftWidth | border-left-width | borderWidths | | $borderLeftStyle | border-left-style | | | $borderLeftColor | border-left-color | colors |
| JSX Property | CSS property | Theme key | | ---------------- | ---------------- | --------- | | $backgroundColor | background-color | colors | | $color | color | colors | | $opacity | opacity | |
| JSX Property | CSS property | Theme key | | --------------- | --------------- | --------- | | $flex | flex | | | $alignContent | align-content | | | $alignItems | align-items | | | $alignSelf | align-self | | | $justifyContent | justify-content | | | $justifyItems | justify-items | | | $justifySelf | justify-self | | | $flexBasis | flex-basis | | | $flexDirection | flex-direction | | | $flexGrow | flex-grow | | | $flexShrink | flex-shrink | | | $flexWrap | flex-wrap | | | $order | order | |
| JSX Property | CSS property | Theme key | | -------------------- | --------------------- | --------- | | $gap | gap | spaces | | $columnGap | column-gap | spaces | | $rowGap | row-gap | spaces | | $gridColumn | grid-column | | | $gridRow | grid-row | | | $gridArea | grid-area | | | $gridAutoFlow | grid-auto-flow | | | $gridAutoColumns | grid-auto-columns | | | $gridAutoRows | grid-auto-rows | | | $gridTemplateColumns | grid-template-columns | | | $gridTemplateRows | grid-template-rows | | | $gridTemplateAreas | grid-template-areas | |
| JSX Property | CSS property | Theme key | | -------------- | -------------- | --------- | | $w | width | sizes | | $h | height | sizes | | $minW | min-width | sizes | | $maxW | max-width | sizes | | $minH | min-height | sizes | | $maxH | max-height | sizes | | $display | display | | | $verticalAlign | vertical-align | | | $overflow | overflow | | | $overflowX | overflow-x | | | $overflowY | overflow-y | |
| JSX Property | CSS property | Theme key | | ------------ | ------------ | --------- | | $position | position | | | $zIndex | z-index | | | $top | op | spaces | | $right | right | spaces | | $bottom | bottom | spaces | | $left | left | spaces |
| JSX Property | CSS property | Theme key | | ------------ | --------------------------- | --------- | | $m | margin | spaces | | $mt | margin-top | spaces | | $mr | margin-right | spaces | | $mb | margin-bottom | spaces | | $ml | margin-left | spaces | | $my | margin-top, margin-bottom | spaces | | $mx | margin-right, margin-left | spaces | | $p | padding | spaces | | $pt | padding-top | spaces | | $pr | padding-right | spaces | | $pb | padding-bottom | spaces | | $pl | padding-left | spaces | | $py | padding-top, padding-bottom | spaces | | $px | padding-right, padding-left | spaces |
| JSX Property | CSS property | Theme key | | --------------- | --------------- | -------------- | | $fontFamily | font-family | fonts | | $fontSize | font-size | fontSizes | | $fontWeight | font-weight | fontWeights | | $lineHeight | line-height | lineHeights | | $letterSpacing | line-spacing | letterSpacings | | $textAlign | text-align | | | $fontStyle | font-style | | | $textDecoration | text-decoration | | | $textTransform | text-transform | |
| JSX Property | CSS property | Theme key | | --------------- | --------------- | --------- | | $cusor | cursor | | | $float | float | | | $objectFit | object-fit | | | $objectPosition | object-position | | | $transform | transform | | | $visibility | visibility | |