Worlds country details in npm package using restcountries API.
World JS
Is the only JS NPM package to make use of country details over the globe in node.
Its uses an country hub details from https://restcountries.eu && https://github.com/dr5hn/countries-states-cities-database
Here we find the regions, country name, flags, languages, etc.
In following example is shown how to use World JS
const WorldJS = require('jsworld');
Following is the method and properties used for World JS.
1 WorldJS.list
It returns all the world countries list with its details
console.log('WorldJS list', WorldJS.list);
2 WorldJS.total
It returns total no of countries
console.log('WorldJS Total', WorldJS.total);
3 WorldJS.names()
It returns name of countries
console.log('WorldJS Names', WorldJS.names());
4 WorldJS.regionalBloc()
It returns total regional bloc from all countries
console.log('WorldJS regionalBloc', WorldJS.regionalBloc());
5 WorldJS.region()
It returns region of world
console.log('WorldJS region', WorldJS.region());
6 WorldJS.find(?)
Its find the list of country search item in list
console.log('WorldJS find', WorldJS.find('Uk'));
7 WorldJS.findCountry(?)
Its find the exact country search item detail
console.log('WorldJS findCountry', WorldJS.findCountry('Germany'));
More we can use WorldJS.findCountry(?) method with there associated member properties to find for example timezone transalations currency, etc. Can be find as:
1 topLevelDomain ex: console.log('WorldJS topLevelDomain', WorldJS.findCountry('Germany').topLevelDomain); 2 alpha2Code ex: console.log('WorldJS alpha2Code', WorldJS.findCountry('Germany').alpha2Code); 3 alpha3Code ex: console.log('WorldJS alpha3Code', WorldJS.findCountry('Germany').alpha3Code); 4 callingCodes ex: console.log('WorldJS callingCodes', WorldJS.findCountry('Germany').callingCodes); 5 altSpellings ex: console.log('WorldJS altSpellings', WorldJS.findCountry('Germany').altSpellings); 6 region ex: console.log('WorldJS region', WorldJS.findCountry('Germany').region); 7 subregion ex: console.log('WorldJS subregion', WorldJS.findCountry('Germany').subregion); 8 population ex: console.log('WorldJS population', WorldJS.findCountry('Germany').population); 9 latlng ex: console.log('WorldJS latlng', WorldJS.findCountry('Germany').latlng); 10 demonym ex: console.log('WorldJS demonym', WorldJS.findCountry('Germany').demonym); 11 area ex: console.log('WorldJS area', WorldJS.findCountry('Germany').area); 12 gini ex: console.log('WorldJS gini', WorldJS.findCountry('Germany').gini); 13 timezones ex: console.log('WorldJS timezones', WorldJS.findCountry('Germany').timezones); 14 borders ex: console.log('WorldJS borders', WorldJS.findCountry('Germany').borders); 15 nativeName ex: console.log('WorldJS nativeName', WorldJS.findCountry('Germany').nativeName); 16 numericCode ex: console.log('WorldJS numericCode', WorldJS.findCountry('Germany').numericCode); 17 currencies ex: console.log('WorldJS currencies', WorldJS.findCountry('Germany').currencies); 18 languages ex: console.log('WorldJS languages', WorldJS.findCountry('Germany').languages); 19 translations ex: console.log('WorldJS translations', WorldJS.findCountry('Germany').translations); 20 flag ex: console.log('WorldJS flag', WorldJS.findCountry('Germany').flag); 21 regionalBlocs ex: console.log('WorldJS regionalBlocs', WorldJS.findCountry('Germany').regionalBlocs); 22 cioc ex: console.log('WorldJS cioc', WorldJS.findCountry('Germany').cioc);
8 WorldJS.flags()
It returns associated country with there flags.
console.log('WorldJS flags', WorldJS.flags());
9 WorldJS.code()
It returns specific iso or dial code according to country name.
console.log('WorldJS code', WorldJS.code());
10 WorldJS.capital()
It returns specific capital associated with there country name.
console.log('WorldJS capital', WorldJS.capital());
11 WorldJS.country(?).statesList(?).citiesStreetList(?)
It returns specific country states and/or cities streets.
For example to find United Arab Emirates country detail:
WorldJS.country('United Arab Emirates')
To find the state of the United Arab Emirates
WorldJS.country('United Arab Emirates').states // return state with cities
WorldJS.country('United Arab Emirates').statesList() // return states
To find the city of 'Ras al-Khaymah' one of the state of United Arab Emirates
WorldJS.country('United Arab Emirates').statesList('Ras al-Khaymah')
WorldJS.country('United Arab Emirates').statesList('Ras al-Khaymah').citiesStreetList()
To check city exist or not
WorldJS.country('United Arab Emirates').statesList('Ras al-Khaymah').citiesStreetList('Shahkot')
console.log('WorldJS country3 ', WorldJS.country('United Arab Emirates').statesList('Ras al-Khaymah').citiesStreetList('Shahkot'));
console.log('WorldJS country3 ', WorldJS.country('United Arab Emirates').statesList('Ras al-Khaymah').citiesStreetList('Shahkot'));