A simple, easily extensible, static documents generation task for Grunt.
A simple, easily extensible, static documents generation task for Grunt.
Getting Started
This plugin requires Grunt ~0.4.1
If you haven't used Grunt before, be sure to check out the Getting Started guide, as it explains how to create a Gruntfile as well as install and use Grunt plugins. Once you're familiar with that process, you may install this plugin with this command:
npm install jstatic --save-dev
Once the plugin has been installed, it may be enabled inside your Gruntfile with this line of JavaScript:
The "jstatic" task
In your project's Gruntfile, add a section named jstatic
to the data object passed into grunt.initConfig()
jstatic: {
options: {
// Task-specific options go here.
your_target: {
// Target-specific file lists and/or options go here.
jstatic page generation uses a two pass system. In the first pass, all the files are read and a set of contexts (dictionary containing details about each page) is built. In the second pass, all the output documents are generated. The processing and conversion logic are implemented by two types of components.
- Preprocessors - Run in the first pass. Preprocessors modify the file content and or populates the context for each file.
- Formatters - Run in the second pass. Formatters format the file contents into some output format.
Configuring jstatic
The minimum configuration required is a Files Array for each target, specifying the source files and destination.
Each File Array entry can contain a preprocessors
and or formatters
field which
contains the configuration for one or more preprocessors or formatters. These will be applied
on the file sequentially in the first and second pass respectively.
The preprocessors
or formatters
field in the Files Array can be a list of
- Object of the form
{type: "component name", ... params ...}
- String containing the component name. This is shortcut for case where only the type is required.
The params, varies from component to component. The default value for preprocessors
is "yafm"
and for
is "swig"
, thus in the absence of any configuration, jstatic preprocesses the files
through yafm (YAml Front Matter Processor) and formats it with swig (templating engine).
jstatic: {
site: {
files: [
src: ['src/content/index.html'],
dest: "site",
formatters: {type: "swig", layout: "simple.html"}
src: ['src/content/*.html', '!src/content/index.html'],
dest: "site"
src: ['src/content/*.md'],
dest: "site",
formatters: ["markdown", "swig"]
src: ['src/content/posts/*.html'],
dest: "site/posts"
src: ['src/content/posts/*.md'],
dest: "site/posts",
formatters: [
{type: "swig", layout: "posts.html"}
The following global, or per-task options can be used with jstatic
String (default: "/"): This string is prefixed to the link field in a page's context.linkPathStrip
Number (default: 1): This many path elements are stripped off from the beginning of a file's destination path, before building the link.extraContext
Array of String or Object (default: []): List containing either a) paths to json or yaml files b) Objects. The data from this list will be merged to the context during second pass
Additionally, jstatic options may contain initialization options for each component. These options will be inside a field with same name as the component.
Builtin Preprocessors
yafm - YAml Front Matter Processor
YFM is an optionalsection of valid YAML that is placed at the top of a page and is used for maintaining metadata for the page and its contents.
This components extracts YAML Front Matter from the input file into the file context and passes on the remaining portion.
Builtin Formatters
This component applies swig templating engine to the file contents. Each file's context is available as template variables inside swig.
String (defualt: undefined) - If provided, then after rendering an input file, the rendered contents is passed as a variablebody
to the layout file.
you can also include any swig initialization options to initialize the swig library.
File Array Params
String (default: undefined) - This overrides the layout option for the current files array entry.
This component formats the file contents using the marked markdown engine
Common Tasks
Generating Collection Pages
The context passed during the second pass, contains an additional fileContexts
variable. This variable is a list of file contexts for all the files that were
parsed in the first pass.
Generating Collection summary pages, like blog home pages, archive pages, tag/category pages simply involves creating a file with swig code to loop over the fileContexts array.
Eg: This example generates a list of files, filtered by category and sorted in reverse chronological order
{% for file in fileContexts|having("category","blog")|sortBy("publishTime")|reverse %}
<li>{{file.publishTime|date("d M Y")}} <a href="{{file.link}}">{{file.title}}</a></li>
{% endfor %}
Handling markdown files
Jstatic chains formatters and preprocessors. For example, to put a markdown converted content into a swig layout we can chain "markdown" and "swig" formatters
eg: This files array entry converts any .md files to html and then wraps it in a swig template
src: ['src/content/posts/*.md'],
dest: "site/posts",
formatters: [
{type: "swig", layout: "posts.html"}
Full Gruntfile Example
jstatic: {
options: {
linkPrefix: "http://azeemarshad.in/",
extraContext: ["src/context/meta.json"],
swig: {
root: ["./", "src/templates"],
layout: "default.html"
site: {
files: [
// convert main landing page using simple layout
{src: ['src/content/index.html'], dest: "site", formatters: {type: "swig", layout: "simple.html"}},
// convert all remaining root pages using default layout
{src: ['src/content/*.html', '!src/content/index.html'], dest: "site"},
// also convert root md files
{src: ['src/content/*.md'], dest: "site", formatters: ["markdown", "swig"]},
// blog index file
{src: ['src/content/posts/*.html'], dest: "site/posts"},
// convert articles md files using special blog layout
{src: ['src/content/posts/*.md'], dest: "site/posts",
formatters: ["markdown", {type: "swig", layout: "posts.html"}] }
clean: {
site: ['site/*'],
copy: {
site: {
files: [{expand: true, cwd:"src/", src:["assets/**/*", "images/**/*"], dest: "site"}]
watch: {
site: {
files: "src/**/*",
tasks: ["default"]