NPM - Package - For Downloading PDF (Vue JS)<br> Dependency - [JSPDF](https://www.npmjs.com/package/jspdf) and [JSPDF AutoTable](https://www.npmjs.com/package/jspdf-autotable)
NPM - Package - For Downloading PDF (Vue JS) Dependency - JSPDF and JSPDF AutoTable
Installing through CLI
npm i jspdf-autogenerator
Importing package in the project file
import JspdfAutogenerator from 'jspdf-autogenerator'
Registering the package under component
components: {
Calling the Components in the template
Output - Basic PDF
'generatedXCordinate', 'generatedYCordinate'
Line Space
- Default value set to be as 3
- Property Name = generatedPdfLineSpace For Adding Customize Value Add following code
Section Space
- Default Value set to be as 5
- Property Name = generatedSectionSpace For Adding Customize Value Add following code
Starting Point (X and Y Cordinate)
- Default Value for X-Cordinate = 15
- Default Value for Y-Cordinate = 20
- Property Name for X-Cordinate = generatedXCordinate
- Property Name for Y-Cordinate = generatedYCordinate
For Adding Customize Value Add following code
para2: {
type: "paragraph",
paraData: "Please Enter the paragraph details and it will display the data in the form of paragraph.",
paraStyle: {
color: 'red',
textSize: 20,
Property Name = generatedPdfData
type = "paragraph" (Keyword for writing paragraph in PDF)
paraData = Here goes the content of the paragraph. A paragraph should be of minimum one line
paraStyle = where we can set the style of the paragraph like Color, textSize(Font Size) for that particular paragraph
header1: {type: "header",
mainHeading:"This is Main Heading",
subHeading: "This is sub heading",
horizontalMargin: true,
mainHeadingFontSize: 15,
subHeadingFontSize: 10,
headingStyle: {align: 'center'},
headerOnEachPage: true
Header Mainly Contain two heading in this current version i.e Heading and Sub Heading
- Property Name = generatedPdfheader
- mainHeading = "Main Heading Title goes Here"
- subHeading = "Sub Heading Title Goes Here"
- horizontalMargin = Set this property to true if user wants to draw the line after adding header
- mainHeadingFontSize = set this property if you want to customize main Heading size
- subHeadingFontSize = set this property if you want to customize sub heading font size -headerOnEachPage = set this flag to true if you want to add headers on each page
- headerStyle = Use this property to align the text various options available are
- center
- left
- right
- justify
addFooter: true,
addPageRight: true,
addTextLeft: "Footer Extra Text (Eg-Document Name) goes here",
footerTextSize: 8
Property Name = generatedPdffooter
addFooter = set this flag to true if user wants to display footer
footerTextSize = user can customize the size of the footer data
addPageRight = this property set true if user wants to add page number at the right of the page
addPageLeft = this property set true if user wants to add page number at the left of the page
addTextLeft = Random Text can be added (eg: Document Name) at the left of the page.
addTextRight= Random Text can be added (eg: Document Name) at the right of the page.