Refined theme for jsonresume. It's been refined - just a little bit!
Refined Theme
This is a fork from Kwan Theme by Nacho Coloma.
It's been refined - just a little bit!
- Month names are in long form, e.g. "July" instead of "Jul".
- The small clock icon and the duration have been removed.
- If no references are specified, then the phrase "Available on request." is displayed.
To develop your resume
To develop iteratively (either to modify the template, CSS or resume contents) to the following
$ git clone https://github.com/kenguest/jsonresume-theme-refined.git
$ cd jsonresume-theme-refined
$ npm install
$ grunt watch // watches for less file changes
$ ./serve.js [optional_resume_filename] // Do this in a separate terminal to run the server with the provided resume or a default one
Visit http://localhost:8888 to see the theme in action.