A JSON Resume theme built with bootstrap
A theme for the JSONResume schema, that relies on Bootstrap and FontAwesome, added with some personal flair.
Pulled in the changes from https://github.com/daniel-herink/jsonresume-theme-kendall-herink/ but being that I wanted somehthing sligly different forked off the orignal.
Orignal at https://github.com/LinuxBozo/jsonresume-theme-kendall/
NOTE: This supports schema 1.0.0. Some things may be missing or broken if your resume.json is using the older schema.
Typical Work-Flow
Install resumed
To first use this theme, you will need to install the resumed
CLI tool. This is an alternative to the official JSONResume CLI tool that is a more modern implementation of the original tool. I prefer it to the JSONResume CLI tool.
Install resumed
and this theme with:
npm install resumed jsonresume-theme-kendall-saathoff
Put Together Your JSON Resume
In order to generate an HTML page of your JSON resume, you will of course need your resume info plugged into the proper schema. Refer to the JSONResume repo for more information. You can also call (this assumes that resumed
is installed in a local location):
/path/to/resumed/bin/resume.js init my-resume.json
This will create a JSON resume named "my-resume.json" with a number of fields filled out with generic information. You can use this to replace those default JSON values with your own resume details.
Use Theme with resumed
to Generate HTML
The handy feature of resumed
is that when you install it with a theme, it will always default to that theme. All that is required is to call:
/path/to/resumed/bin/resume.js render my-resume.json -o my-resume.html
This will take your filled-in "my-resume.json" and create the HTML form of the resume named "my-resume.html", using this theme (assuming you installed resumed
as detailed above).
Refer to resumed
for the full documentation on its usage.
Bonus: Render PDF from HTML
After creating or updating your JSON resume and generating the HTML page from it, the next step is to get a PDF of your resume. For this last step, I use Docker (or podman, if you're familiar with it) to use a headless Chrome browser to print the HTML page to a PDF file.
To generate a slick-looking PDF, with no margins, and limited to one page, I use the docker call:
docker run -v "/path/to/jsomeresume/folder:/workspace" pink33n/html-to-pdf --url http://localhost/my-resume.html --pdf my-resume.pdf --no-margins --page-ranges 1
This will create a PDF version of your resume named "my-resume.pdf" in the same folder as the "my-resume.html" file. You can drop the --page-ranges 1
in order to allow for multiple pages for your resume PDF.
Refer to the pink33n/docker-html-to-pdf for full documentation.
Why the Changes?
First are concerns about the orignal theme not having receaved fixes in quite some time. Second because the orignal theme doesn't fit what I want, so taking matters into my own hands. See the list below for the changes I have made.
- Removal of the profile picture
- Improving the projects section
- Changed the colors
- Adding a certifications section
- Removing the Language Section