A JSON Resume theme built with bootstrap
A theme for JSONResume, that relies on Bootstrap and FontAwesome, added with some personal flair.
To first get started with this JSONResume theme, you'll need to have the JSONResume CLI installed. If you haven't already install it with npm install -g resume-cli
. If this doesn't work, try sudo npm install -g resume-cli
After this, you can get your resume.json ready by typing resume init
. After hitting enter, your resume will be initialized and you can edit it and fill in the neccessary fields. Check out the official resume-schema repository for more information on filling these fields.
When you are finished with your resume, you may test it by yet again opening the command line and typing resume serve --theme kendall
to see how it looks with this theme. You can replace the word kendall
with other theme names too.
Install the command line
We're going to use the official resume-cli to run our development server.
Go ahead and install it:
sudo npm install -g resume-cli
Install npm packages
We need to install the dependencies. cd
into the theme folder we just downloaded and run:
sudo npm install
This will read the local package.json
and install the packages listed under dependencies
Serve theme
While inside the theme folder, simply run:
resume serve --theme .
You should now see this message:
Preview: http://localhost:4000
Press ctrl-c to stop
Congratulations, you've made it!
The theme development can now begin.
As of now, the theme supports the following profiles in the basics.profiles array.
- Github
- Google Plus
- YouTube
- Vimeo
- Flickr
- Behance
- Dribbble
- CodePen
- Soundcloud
- Steam
- Tumblr
- Stack Overflow
- Bitbucket
Every single one of these is optional, and every field in the basics.profiles array must be entered lowercase, without spaces. If you want support for more social networks, feel free to leave an issue. Thanks.
If you want to keep your resume mobile-friendly, please limit the number of profiles to 10, please. No one should have over 10 profiles on their resume anyway.
Every section is optional also. If per se, you do not include the publications array in your resume.json, no publications section will appear.
If you find any other problems with this theme in specified, do feel free to leave an issue. Thanks.