A web component which presents a JSON Resume documented with microdata
is a web component (using LitElement) which presents resume content stored in JSON Resume format. The HTML structure uses the components from jsonresume-theme-microdata to generate HTML which includes structured data as microdata in HTML attributes.
extends <json-resume-ui>
(included in the NPM release and this repo), which can be used in server-side rendering situations to generate a declarative shadow DOM containing the resume HTML and styles.
Check out the storybook for jsonresume-component
to play with both components.
NPM / Node.js usage
Install dependencies
npm i jsonresume-component
Resume from Gist ID
import { JsonResume } from 'jsonresume-component';
<JsonResume gist_id="9e7a7ceb9425336c6aa08d58afb63b8d"></JsonResume>
Declarative Shadow DOM
You can generate the HTML on the server using the <json-resume-ui>
import { JsonResumeUI } from 'jsonresume-component/ui';
// your resume data
import resumejson from '../local/path/to/resume.json'
// you can use your own stylesheet instead of the bundled one
import styles from 'jsonresume-component/style.css?inline'
<JsonResumeUI resumejson={resumejson} stylesheet={styles}></JsonResumeUI>
Browser usage
The web component is lightly-bundled in that it puts all non-lit
external files in a single .js file, which is located at ./dist/json-resume.js
in the NPM package.
include lit
uses lit
and @lit/task
which must be imported into your HTML file. You can include dependencies with an importmap like this:
<script type="importmap">
"imports": {
"lit": "https://esm.run/lit",
"@lit/task": "https://esm.run/@lit/task"
Add jsonresume-component
points directly to the lightly-bundled web component file, which does not include lit
<script type="module">
import 'https://unpkg.com/jsonresume-component'
Use the web component by giving it your gist
<json-resume gist_id="54682f0aa17453d46cdc74bdef3172a3"></json-resume>
The web component accepts a resume.json
<json-resume json_url="https://gist.githubusercontent.com/scottnath/54682f0aa17453d46cdc74bdef3172a3/raw/resume.json"></json-resume>
A modified JSON Resume schema
The JSON structure follows an extension of the JSON Resume schema with added schema structure for microdata itemtype
on some content types, basics.pronouns
, and meta.themeOptions
which allows changing the content of the resume section titles, colors, and other theme opts. See the jsonresume-theme-microdata README for details on this adjusted structure.
class: JsonResumeUI
, json-resume-ui
| Name | Privacy | Type | Default | Description | Inherited From |
| ------------ | ------- | -------- | ------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------- |
| label
| public | string
| | The aria-label for the `div` containing the resume. Defaults to `${basics.name}'s resume` | |
| resumejson
| public | object
| | Property accepts a JSON Resume object | |
| stylesheet
| public | string
| | Accepts a string containing styles
**WARNING** Completely deletes and overrides internal component styles | |
CSS Properties
| Name | Default | Description |
| -------------------------- | ------- | ------------------------------------------------------- |
| --color-background-light
| | Background color, light theme |
| --color-dimmed-light
| | Dimmed background color, light theme |
| --color-primary-light
| | Primary color, light theme |
| --color-secondary-light
| | Secondary color, light theme |
| --color-link-light
| | Link color, light theme |
| --color-background-dark
| | Background color, dark theme |
| --color-dimmed-dark
| | Dimmed background color, dark theme |
| --color-primary-dark
| | Primary color, dark theme |
| --color-secondary-dark
| | Secondary color, dark theme |
| --color-link-dark
| | Link color, dark theme |
| --font-size
| | Component font size, basis for many `em`-based styles |
| --font-family
| | Component font family |
CSS Parts
| Name | Description |
| --------------- | --------------------------------------- |
| jsonresume
| resume container |
| resume
| resume main article |
| basics
| style the `basics` section |
| name
| person's name, h1 |
| label
| person's title/label, h2 |
| image
| person's image |
| summary
| person's summary |
| contact
| contacts/locations list within basics |
| profiles
| profiles list within basics |
| section-title
| styles the `h3` title of all sections |
| work
| style the `work` section |
| volunteer
| style the `volunteer` section |
| education
| style the `education` section |
| awards
| style the `awards` section |
| certificates
| style the `certificates` section |
| publications
| style the `publications` section |
| skills
| style the `skills` section |
| languages
| style the `languages` section |
| interests
| style the `interests` section |
| references
| style the `references` section |
| projects
| style the `projects` section |
| meta
| style the `meta` section |
| Name | Description |
| -------------- | ------------------------------------------------ |
| basics
| Replace the entire `basics` HTML section |
| work
| Replace the entire `work` HTML section |
| volunteer
| Replace the entire `volunteer` HTML section |
| education
| Replace the entire `education` HTML section |
| awards
| Replace the entire `awards` HTML section |
| certificates
| Replace the entire `certificates` HTML section |
| publications
| Replace the entire `publications` HTML section |
| skills
| Replace the entire `skills` HTML section |
| languages
| Replace the entire `languages` HTML section |
| interests
| Replace the entire `interests` HTML section |
| references
| Replace the entire `references` HTML section |
| projects
| Replace the entire `projects` HTML section |
| meta
| Replace the entire `meta` HTML section |
| Kind | Name | Declaration | Module | Package |
| --------------------------- | ---------------- | ------------ | --------- | ------- |
| js
| JsonResumeUI
| JsonResumeUI | src/ui.js | |
| custom-element-definition
| json-resume-ui
| JsonResumeUI | src/ui.js | |
class: JsonResume
, json-resume
| Name | Privacy | Type | Default | Description | Inherited From |
| ------------ | ------- | --------- | ------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------- |
| gist_id
| public | string
| | GitHub gist ID. When present, calls the GitHub rest API to fetch a resume.json gist's content.
Checked first, if gist is present and has a resume.json, `json_url` and `local_file` will be ignored. | |
| json_url
| public | string
| | URL to a JSON file. When present, used to fetch a resume.json file from the URL.
Checked second or if gist_id does not have a resume.json, `local_file` will be ignored. | |
| preordered
| public | boolean
| | When true, sections of resume (basic, work, etc) will be injected according to their order in resume.json | |
| label
| public | string
| | The aria-label for the `div` containing the resume. Defaults to `${basics.name}'s resume` | JsonResumeUI |
| resumejson
| public | object
| | Property accepts a JSON Resume object | JsonResumeUI |
| stylesheet
| public | string
| | Accepts a string containing styles
**WARNING** Completely deletes and overrides internal component styles | JsonResumeUI |
CSS Properties
| Name | Default | Description |
| -------------------------- | ------- | ------------------------------------------------------- |
| --color-background-light
| | Background color, light theme |
| --color-dimmed-light
| | Dimmed background color, light theme |
| --color-primary-light
| | Primary color, light theme |
| --color-secondary-light
| | Secondary color, light theme |
| --color-link-light
| | Link color, light theme |
| --color-background-dark
| | Background color, dark theme |
| --color-dimmed-dark
| | Dimmed background color, dark theme |
| --color-primary-dark
| | Primary color, dark theme |
| --color-secondary-dark
| | Secondary color, dark theme |
| --color-link-dark
| | Link color, dark theme |
| --font-size
| | Component font size, basis for many `em`-based styles |
| --font-family
| | Component font family |
CSS Parts
| Name | Description |
| --------------- | --------------------------------------- |
| jsonresume
| resume container |
| resume
| resume main article |
| basics
| style the `basics` section |
| name
| person's name, h1 |
| label
| person's title/label, h2 |
| image
| person's image |
| summary
| person's summary |
| contact
| contacts/locations list within basics |
| profiles
| profiles list within basics |
| section-title
| styles the `h3` title of all sections |
| work
| style the `work` section |
| volunteer
| style the `volunteer` section |
| education
| style the `education` section |
| awards
| style the `awards` section |
| certificates
| style the `certificates` section |
| publications
| style the `publications` section |
| skills
| style the `skills` section |
| languages
| style the `languages` section |
| interests
| style the `interests` section |
| references
| style the `references` section |
| projects
| style the `projects` section |
| meta
| style the `meta` section |
| Name | Description |
| -------------- | ------------------------------------------------ |
| basics
| Replace the entire `basics` HTML section |
| work
| Replace the entire `work` HTML section |
| volunteer
| Replace the entire `volunteer` HTML section |
| education
| Replace the entire `education` HTML section |
| awards
| Replace the entire `awards` HTML section |
| certificates
| Replace the entire `certificates` HTML section |
| publications
| Replace the entire `publications` HTML section |
| skills
| Replace the entire `skills` HTML section |
| languages
| Replace the entire `languages` HTML section |
| interests
| Replace the entire `interests` HTML section |
| references
| Replace the entire `references` HTML section |
| projects
| Replace the entire `projects` HTML section |
| meta
| Replace the entire `meta` HTML section |
| Kind | Name | Declaration | Module | Package |
| --------------------------- | ------------- | ----------- | ------------ | ------- |
| js
| JsonResume
| JsonResume | src/index.js | |
| custom-element-definition
| json-resume
| JsonResume | src/index.js | |