Uniform JSON response object
A JSON response helper that wraps response data with metadata about the response status.
A standard success response would have the format:
"success": true,
"error": null,
"results": {
id: 123,
firstname: "Brian",
lastname: "Mancini",
age: 32
An error response would have the format:
"success": false,
"error": {
"message": "Code did something bad",
"stack": "Error: Code did something bad\n at Object.exports.throwError [as handle] ... "
"results": null
Additionally, this module will automatically call toClient
method on the Object or Array that JsonResponse receives in its constructor.
Install jsonresponse from NPM:
npm install jsonresponse;
You can then include it in a module via:
var JsonResponse = require('jsonresponse');
JsonResponse constructor takes two arguments, in the standard node style (err, result)
To create a success response, pass in the results object, array, or value as the second argument:
var results = { foo: 'bar' }
var json = new JsonResponse(null, results);
To create an error response, pass in the error result as the first argument.
var error = new Error('Boom!')
var json = new JsonResponse(error);
Working with Express
If you are using express, you can manually use JsonResponse by constructing an object as shown above
app.get('/', function(req, res) {
someAsyncCall(function(err, result) {
if(err) {
res.send(500, new JsonResponse(err));
} else {
res.send(new JsonResponse(null, result);
Alternatively, you can reduce boilerplate by using the express Helper that will construct the JsonResponse object for you and send the result back.
app.get('/error', function(req, res) {
var jsonResponse = JsonResponse.expressHandler(res);
The toClient
handling of the result argument will automatically execute for Objects or Arrays. The toClient method should return a mutated version of the object.
Take for example this object with its toClient
var result = {
_id: '1234'
__V: 0,
toClient: function() {
this.id = this._id;
delete this._id;
delete this.__V;
The toClient
method will conver _id
to id
and strip out the _id
and __V
properties for a result that looks like:
id: '1234'
The JsonResponse object will automatically perform that conversion in its constructor.
You can contribute to this project by adhearing to the following standards.
Prior to contributing you should install grunt.
npm install -g grunt-cli
You can then easily validate your code:
grunt validate
Follow these coding standards
- Use spaces instead of tabs
- Use 2 spaces instead of 4 spaces
Run JSHint on your code. Linting can be run via grunt:
grunt lint
Ensure proper code coverage. Tests can be run via grunt
grunt test
Use JSDoc style commenting for methods and classes.
Other comments can use standard //
style comments.