DPW Page Builder
Repo Link:-- https://dpwhotfsonline.visualstudio.com/DTLP/_git/DPW-Page-Builder
How To Use Step 1:- Get Permission
a) create .npmrc file and add below text
; begin auth token
//dpwhotfsonline.pkgs.visualstudio.com/_packaging/dpw-uds-components/npm/registry/:_password= [paste your token here]
//dpwhotfsonline.pkgs.visualstudio.com/_packaging/dpw-uds-components/npm/registry/:email=npm requires email to be set but doesnt use the value
//dpwhotfsonline.pkgs.visualstudio.com/_packaging/dpw-uds-components/npm/:_password= [paste your token here]
//dpwhotfsonline.pkgs.visualstudio.com/_packaging/dpw-uds-components/npm/:email=npm requires email to be set but doesnt use the value
; end auth token
b) Craete your azure auth token by following below Steps
1) Goto https://dev.azure.com/dpwhotfsonline/DTLP
2) Click on User Settings(2nd Icon from top right corner)
3) Click on Personal Access Tokens
4) Click on New Token
5) Feel all details in the popup and create the token
6) copy above created token and convert it base64 encoding
7) Paste the base64 encoded token into .npmrc file.
c) Get Access of the UDS Component Artifacts
Step 2:- Install Page Builder Library
npm i @dpw/dpw_page_builder
Step 3:- Use below Example for simple form generation.
import React from 'react'; import { DPWFormBuilder, useHookForm } from '@dpw/dpw_page_builder';
const JSON = { title: 'Test Title', sections: [ { title: { defaultLabel: 'Section 1' }, type: 'box', fields: [ { type: 'input', label: 'Input 1', name: 'input1', validators: [ { type: 'required', value: true, errorMessage: 'This field is required.' }, { type: 'maxLength', value: 5, errorMessage: 'Max 5 digits long.' }, { type: 'custom', validatorFuncName: 'validateEmail' } ] }, { type: 'input', label: 'Input 2', name: 'input2' }, { type: 'auto-complete', label: 'Auto Complete', name: 'input3', meta: { autocompleteProps: { labelKey: 'title', valueKey: 'id', dataSource: 'fetchDataFromAPI', allowFreeText: false, isThirdPartyApi: true } } }, { type: 'date-time', label: 'Date and Time*', name: 'do_date', meta: {} } ] }, { title: { defaultLabel: 'Section 2' }, type: 'accordion', fields: [ { type: 'input', name: 's1i1', label: 'Section 2 input' } ] } ] };
const fetchDataFromAPI = async (val) => { const res = await fetch('https://dummyjson.com/products/search?q=' + val); const result = await res.json(); return { data: result?.products }; };
export const Example = () => { const addSection = (append) => { append({}); }; const methods = useHookForm({ defaultValues: { inpt1: 'test', input2: 'ttt' } }); const functionMapper = { fetchDataFromAPI, addSection }; return ( <div style={{ margin: '60px' }}> Submit ); };
export default Example;