A node js library that transforms a json file into a set of react components
A Node Js library that transforms a json view model (a plain .json file) into a set of statefull or stateless components.
How to use it
Step 1:
Create an empty project for React JS (for example using Create React App )
Create a new sandbox in Codesandbox
Step 2:
Create or download any json file (at the bottom of this readme you can find different examples).
i.e nasa.open.api.json nasa.open.api.json
Step 3:
Run json2jsx passing this json file as a parameter. This will create a folder containing any matching React component(s) according to the json structure.
i.e. json2jsx .\json_samples\nasa.open.api.json
Step 4:
Edit the default index.js pointing to the new created App.js (the root component default filename, that can be changed modifying the options). At this point you can already run npm start and see the result on your local node web server (usually running on localhost, port 3000)
Step 5 (optional):
This step is totally optional but show the power of this tool. Edit the previous index.js file passing the content of the json file as a prop: i.e
<App {...require("./nasa.open.api.json")} />
Save and go back to the browser to check the difference!
Step 6 (optional)
At the moment the tool is agnostic respect to datatype and tag element, but this just looking at the page it is very easy to adjust any component or props. I.e changing the HdUrl and url the UI becomes:
Note about the styling
There is small CSS that will show the structure of the components and subcomponents.
Abstract and heuristic assumption (maybe boring part...)
In every project or prototype using React JS I found, a json structure is always present. Generally the mapping of the view model is not 100% reflected into the UI, but many parts of the structures are.
I.e. if inside a json file there is an array of objects, it is very likely that on UI side there will be a collection of sub components.
Json --> Jsx file(s) with same structure found inside the Json
Command line usage
json2jsx data.json
This will create a folder structure inside the working directory as follows:
- /output/%datetime%_%data%/App.jsx
- /output/%datetime%_%data%/Component1/Component1.jsx
- /output/%datetime%_%data%/Component2/Component2.jsx
- /output/%datetime%_%data%/Component3/SubComponent1/SubComponent1.jsx
Every state-full react component (.jsx files) will be generated according to the existing template:
For a json with this structure:
"game_indices": [{ "game_index": 132, "version": { "name": "white-2", "url": "https://pokeapi.co/api/v2/version/22/" } }
The output component will be:
import React, { Component } from "react";
export default class Game_indices extends Component {
componentDidMount() {
render() {
return <div className="Game_indices"></div>;
or for a json with this structure
"sample": {
"propertyA": "string",
"propertyB": [
"propertyC": {
"subProperty1": 123,
"subProperty2": "abc"
The output component will be:
import React, { Component } from "react";
import PropertyC from "./PropertyC/PropertyC";
export default class Sample extends Component {
componentDidMount() {
render() {
return (
<div className="Sample">
<PropertyC />
At the moment input file(s) must have .json extension otherwise this will raise an error.
Default configurations are the following ones:
outputDir (default "./output"). The folder used for the generated file, it needs to be writeable.
templatesFolder (default: "./react-templates"). The folder containing the template used by the library itself.
silentMode (default: true). Show console message if set to false
defaultComponentType (default: "statefull"). It can be "statefull" or "functional".
defaultRootComponentName (default: "App"). The root component filename.
defaultFolderPrefix: (default: "currentdate") The prefix used for the name of the main folder. With "currentdate" the folder will be prefixed with the current date
cleanUpTestOutput: (default: true) Clean unit tests generated folders and files
- yarn test
This will launch the test suite
I have included also some sample json files in order to test different scenarios. They are stored inside the module folder (node_modules/json2jsx/json_samples/)
The sources of this json are:
You can find other APIs here:
- https://shkspr.mobi/blog/2016/05/easy-apis-without-authentication
- https://www.diycode.cc/projects/toddmotto/public-apis
Thanks to andrea falzetti for letting me skip the usage of eval/new Function