Simple library to transform json documents using json templates
Transform a generic object using JSONPath.
Pulls data from a data object using JSONPath and generate a new objects based on a template. Each of the template's properties can pull properties from the source data or an array of all results found by its JSONPath. When pulling an array of data you can also supply a subtemplate to transform each item in the array.
Import in your project using
npm i --s json2json-transformer
Import reference in javascript
const render = require('json2json-transformer');
Import reference in typescript
import * as render from 'json2json-transformer'
Define a template
let template = {
literalProperty: "Constant", // Constant string in template
"'$.propertyName'": "Constant 2", // Change property name at step3
simpleProperty : "'$.propertyDemo1'", // Dynamic property (first level in data obj)
composeProperty : "Two strings '$.propertyDemo1''$.propertyDemo2' and a number '$.mumberValue'", // Computed propery thet mix strings and number
deepProperty : "'$.complexObject.nestedProperty'", // Dynamic property (second level in data obj)
complexObject : { // Complex object in template
nestedProperty: "'$.data2' valorized with other data", // This property is not present in first data obj
"'$.nestedPropertyName'": "'$.data2' valorized with other data" // Change nested property name and value at step3
arrayProperty: [ // Static array defined in template
"literal in array", // Static literal string in array
"'$.stringInArray'", // Dynamic string in array
ObjectInArray: "'$.inArray'" // Dynamic property inside an object in array
"'$..values'": // Dynamic array in template, path in data source
["repeatedTemplate", // Property name in destination object
repeatedSimpleProp:"'$.val'" // Array item template
Define object data
var data1 = {
propertyDemo1: "some value",
propertyDemo2: "other value",
complexObject: {
nestedProperty: "deep"
inArray: "Inside an object in array!",
stringInArray: "Inside an object in array!",
var data2 = {
data2: "more data",
val: 0
var data3 = {
propertyName: "A property",
nestedPropertyName: "Nested Property Name"
Apply template
// Apply data1 at template object. All un matched properties will be ignored
let step1 = render.parseTemplate(data1, template, { clone: true });
// Apply data2 at step1 output. All un matched properties will be ignored
let step2 = render.parseTemplate(data2, step1, { clone: true });
let step3 = render.parseTemplate(data3, step2, {
clone: true,
transformProps: (s) => s.replace(/ /g, "-").toLowerCase()
// Print output in console
console.log("template", JSON.stringify(template, null, 2));
console.log("step1", JSON.stringify(step1, null, 2));
console.log("step2", JSON.stringify(step2, null, 2));
console.log("step3", JSON.stringify(step3, null, 2));