Apply a given JSON Schema to a given object creating a new instance that conforms the schema used
json-schema-applier is an NPM Package for applying (enforcing) objects to be schema compliant.
Use the package manager npm to install json-schema-applier.
npm i json-schema-applier
json-schema-applier is a package for applying a json schema to a given object instance and it does 2 things:
CREATE FIELDS: For fields that are missing in the object instance:
- Creates required fields
- Creates fields that have a default value
- You can override the default property in the field schema with a function that receives the instance object as parameter and should return the default value for that field
CAST FIELDS: For fields that exist in the object instance:
- Casts value accordingly
- You can overwrite global map config object to cast any instance field value to anything that you want based on the field type.
- You can create custom overwrites for each field independently of their types
- Casts value accordingly
All according to the json schema passed as parameter
Create Fields
Create default and required fields
Create defaults
json-schema-applier will create or populate fields that have a default value on its schema
const apply = require('json-schema-applier');
const peopleSchema = {
$schema: "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema",
$id: "http://example.com/example.json",
type: "object",
title: "Person schema",
description: "The root schema comprises the entire JSON document.",
default: {},
examples: [
name: "Rose Mary",
age: 30
required: [],
properties: {
name: {
$id: "#/properties/name",
type: "string",
default: "Guest",
examples: ["John Doe"]
age: {
$id: "#/properties/age",
type: "number",
examples: [25],
default: 25
const person = {}
validPerson = jsonSchemaApplier(person, peopleSchema);
{ name: 'Guest', age: 25}
or overriding the schema.properties[prop].default value with a function:
const peopleSchema = {
$schema: "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema",
$id: "http://example.com/example.json",
type: "object",
title: "Person schema",
description: "The root schema comprises the entire JSON document.",
default: {},
examples: [
name: "Rose Mary",
age: 30
required: [],
properties: {
name: {
$id: "#/properties/name",
type: "string",
default: "Guest",
examples: ["John Doe"]
dateOfBirth: {
$id: "#/properties/deteOfBirth",
type: "string",
default: "1900-01-01",
examples: ["1900-01-01"]
age: {
$id: "#/properties/age",
type: "integer",
examples: [25],
default: 25
const person = {};
peopleSchema.properties.age.default = (person) => ((+new Date() - +new Date(person.dateOfBirth)) /1000/60/60/24/365);
validPerson = jsonSchemaApplier(person, peopleSchema);
{ name: 'Guest', dateOfBirth: '1900-01-01', age: 120 }
Create required
json-schema-applier will fill required fields that are missing from the object based, first, on the overwrite object and fallback to global config object (overwritable too). So overwrites > global as global is the default "from/to" mapping object.
GLOBAL config (default mapping):
const global = {
NaN: {
integer: 0,
number: 0
undefined: {
string: '',
boolean: true,
integer: 123,
number: 0
Fill required fields example:
const jsonSchemaApplier = require("./lib");
const peopleSchema = {
$schema: "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema",
$id: "http://example.com/example.json",
type: "object",
title: "Person schema",
description: "The root schema comprises the entire JSON document.",
default: {},
examples: [
name: "Rose Mary",
age: 30
required: ["id"],
properties: {
id: {
$id: "#/properties/id",
type: "integer",
title: "The id schema",
description: "An explanation about the purpose of this instance.",
examples: [123]
name: {
$id: "#/properties/name",
type: "string",
default: "Guest",
examples: ["John Doe"]
age: {
$id: "#/properties/age",
type: "number",
examples: [25],
default: 25
const person = {}
validPerson = jsonSchemaApplier(person, peopleSchema);
{ name: 'Guest', age: 25, id: 0 }
Cast Fields
const jsonSchemaApplier = require("../lib");
const peopleSchema = {
$schema: "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema",
$id: "http://example.com/example.json",
type: "object",
title: "Person schema",
description: "The root schema comprises the entire JSON document.",
default: {},
examples: [
name: "Rose Mary",
age: 30
required: [],
properties: {
id: {
$id: "#/properties/id",
type: "integer",
title: "The id schema",
description: "An explanation about the purpose of this instance.",
examples: [123]
name: {
$id: "#/properties/name",
type: "string",
default: "Guest",
examples: ["John Doe"]
age: {
$id: "#/properties/age",
type: "integer",
examples: [25],
default: "25"
accountBalance: {
$id: "#/properties/age",
type: "number",
examples: [1, 9.01],
default: 0
const person = {id: "1", name: "John Doe", age: 30, accountBalance: "2536.72"}
validPerson = jsonSchemaApplier(person, peopleSchema);
{ id: 1, name: 'John Doe', age: 30, accountBalance: 2536.72 }
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.