A simpler version of a json querying mechanism.
JSON Power Query
This is a simple JSON querying mechanism similar to jsonpath. This mechanism allows for ultra-fast queries by "compiling" your queries into evaluated JavaScript.
At the same time, the mechanism uses json-logic-engine
to power its filtering, to prevent the unsafe evaluation of any JavaScript code.
Given the following:
const request = {
body: {
name: "John Doe",
age: 35,
friends: [
name: "Steve",
age: 23
name: "Bob",
age: 65
name: "Erik",
age: 33
params: {
id: 101
Requesting a single property:
const { queryBuilder, objectQueryBuilder } = require('json-query-engine')
const nameGetter = queryBuilder('$.body.name')
console.log(nameGetter(request)) // prints: John Doe
Requesting nested properties from an array:
const friendsNames = queryBuilder('$.body.friends.*.name')
console.log(JSON.stringify(friendsNames(request))) // prints: ["Steve", "Bob", "Erik"]
Requesting filtered values from an array:
// the filtering uses json-logic-engine, and uses truthiness.
const olderFriendNames = queryBuilder('$.body.friends.*{ ">": [{ "var": "age" }, 30] }.name')
console.log(JSON.stringify(olderFriendNames(request))) // prints: ["Bob", "Erik"]
Alternatively, you can use the more normal looking JSONPath Syntax:
const olderFriendNames = queryBuilder('$.body.friends.[?(@.age > 30)].name')
console.log(JSON.stringify(olderFriendNames(request))) // prints: ["Bob", "Erik"]
You can also build a function that transforms object shapes into different shapes:
const f = objectQueryBuilder({
name: '$.body.name',
friends: '$.body.friends.*.name',
id: '$.params.id',
meta: {
friendAges: '$.body.friends.*.age'
const y = f(request)
/* Generates:
* {
* "name": "John Doe",
* "friends": [
* "Steve",
* "Bob",
* "Erik"
* ],
* "id": 101,
* "meta": {
* "friendAges": [
* 23,
* 65,
* 33
* ]
* }
* }