define a json document to perform your database migrations
#Document Migrator
###Using the migrator
The migrator takes in two inputs
- doc - the document to be modified by the migration
- migrationPath - the file location of the migration (a JSON file)
###Migration format
The migration is an object with the following properties
- target - which field on the document should updated by the migration
- value - what should the 'target' field be updated with (can include references to other fields in the same document)
- delete - delete this field (or fields) from the document (occurs AFTER the target field has been updated)
Your Migration (JSON Document)
"target": "fullName",
"value": ["Mr ",{"field": "firstName"}," ",{"field": "lastName"}],
"delete": ["firstName", "lastName"]
The Code
//not yet published on NPM, assuming 'document-migrator' is the module name
var migrate = require('document-migrator').migrate;
var doc = {
firstName: "Simon",
lastName: "Taylor"
//the location of the file containing your migration JSON document (as above)
var migrationPath = './migrations/generate-fullname.json';
var result = migrate(doc, migrationPath);
//result === {fullName: "Mr Simon Taylor"}
Features to add
- support for referencing nested properties using "."
- support for multiple consecutive updates by passing an array
- add support for other patterns i.e. split, maybe substring??
- add safe fail for patterns (what if position does not exist)