A version fallback for key lookup on a single json object
Retrieve values from a specified key or fallback to a default index
var Lookup = require("json-lookup")
var config = {
"default": {
"port": "4125" // by default we should use this config
"ci": "default", // ci should result to default
"test": "production", // Test index should be the same as production
"production": { // Production has it's own port config
"port": "8085"
// Lookup(json<Object> [, specifiedKey<Maybe<String>, defaultKey<Maybe<String>>]) -> Object
var lookup = Lookup(config, process.env.NODE_ENV)
// Equivalent to Lookup(config, process.env.NODE_ENV, "default")
var port = lookup.port
// if process.env.NODE_ENV === "production"
// port -> "8085"
// if process.env.NODE_ENV === "test"
// port -> "8085"
// if process.env.NODE_ENV === "ci"
// port -> "4125"
// if process.env.NODE_ENV === null, undefined, "default" or otherwise not a string
// port -> "4125"
- By default the key
is used as a fallback. You can change this by passing in a third argument for the name of this default key - If the specified key and default key exists, the default value is extended with the specified value
- If the specified key exists and the associated value is a string, we take this string to be the key with a recursive lookup
- If specified key doesn't exist, then only the default value is used
- If the default value doesn't exist, then only the specified value is used
- If both the default and specified keys don't exist, an exception is thrown
npm install json-lookup
- Matt-Esch