Group array of json based on associated properties.
Group array of JSON objects based on associated properties.
It also groups objects containing nested arrays.
npm install json-groupby
var groupBy = require('json-groupby')
var group = groupBy(array, properties [, collect])
array Array of JSON objects
properties Array JSON properties' path like
or lookup objectlookup
{ intervals: array of numbers ,property: string [,labels: array of string] }
intervals Array of intervals. Like [ 10, 20, 30, 40, 50] group the data in four ranges, whereas lower bound is inclusive and upper bound is exclusive.
peroperty Property path like
labels Array of interval labels like [ 'low', 'medium', 'high']
collect Array of properties that need to be collected in array
data set
var products =
[{"id": 1,
"product": "ri", "price": 16, "color": "green", "available": false,
"tags": ["bravo"],
"vendor": {"name": "Donald Chambers", "address": {"city": "Mumbai"}}},
{"id": 2,
"product": "foef", "price": 44, "color": "yellow", "available": false,
"tags": ["alpha"],
"vendor": {"name": "Barbara Garrett", "address": {"city": "Mumbai"}}},
{"id": 3,
"product": "jehnojto", "price": 29, "color": "red", "available": true,
"tags": ["alpha"],
"vendor": {"name": "Anne Leonard", "address": {"city": "New York"}}},
{"id": 4,
"product": "ru", "price": 35, "color": "yellow", "available": false,
"tags": ["echo", "charlie", "bravo"],
"vendor": {"name": "Justin Doyle", "address": {"city": "London"}}},
{"id": 5,
"product": "pihluve", "price": 47, "color": "green", "available": true,
"tags": ["delta", "echo", "bravo"],
"vendor": {"name": "Emily Abbott", "address": {"city": "New York"}}},
{"id": 6,
"product": "dum", "price": 28, "color": "green", "available": true,
"tags": ["echo", "delta", "charlie"],
"vendor": {"name": "Henry Peterson", "address": {"city": "New York"}}},
{"id": 7,
"product": "zifpeza", "price": 10, "color": "green", "available": false,
"tags": ["echo", "charlie", "bravo"],
"vendor": {"name": "Jesus Lowe", "address": {"city": "Mumbai"}}},
{"id": 8,
"product": "av", "price": 39, "color": "green", "available": true,
"tags": ["bravo"],
"vendor": {"name": "Rosalie Erickson", "address": {"city": "New York"}}}]
group by single property
groupBy(products, ['color'], ['id'])
// output is
{ green: { id: [ 1, 5, 6, 7, 8 ] },
yellow: { id: [ 2, 4 ] },
red: { id: [ 3 ] } }
group by many properties and without collect option
groupBy(products, ['available', 'color', 'vendor.address.city'])
// output is
{"Mumbai": [
{"id": 1, "product": "ri", "price": 16, "color": "green",
"available": false, "tags": ["bravo"],
"vendor": {"name": "Donald Chambers", "address": {"city": "Mumbai"}}},
{"id": 7, "product": "zifpeza", "price": 10, "color": "green",
"available": false, "tags": ["echo", "charlie", "bravo"],
"vendor": {"name": "Jesus Lowe", "address": {"city": "Mumbai"}}}]},
"yellow": {
"Mumbai": [
{"id": 2, "product": "foef", "price": 44, "color": "yellow",
"available": false, "tags": ["alpha"],
"vendor": {"name": "Barbara Garrett", "address": {"city": "Mumbai"}}}],
"London": [
{"id": 4, "product": "ru", "price": 35, "color": "yellow",
"available": false, "tags": ["echo", "charlie", "bravo"],
"vendor": {"name": "Justin Doyle", "address": {"city": "London"}}}]}},
{"New York": [
"id": 3, "product": "jehnojto", "price": 29, "color": "red",
"available": true, "tags": ["alpha"],
"vendor": {"name": "Anne Leonard", "address": {"city": "New York"}}}]},
"green": {
"New York": [
{"id": 5, "product": "pihluve", "price": 47, "color": "green",
"available": true, "tags": ["delta", "echo", "bravo"],
"vendor": {"name": "Emily Abbott", "address": {"city": "New York"}}},
{"id": 6, "product": "dum", "price": 28, "color": "green",
"available": true, "tags": ["echo", "delta", "charlie"],
"vendor": {"name": "Henry Peterson", "address": {"city": "New York"}}},
{"id": 8, "product": "av", "price": 39, "color": "green",
"available": true, "tags": ["bravo"],
"vendor": {"name": "Rosalie Erickson", "address": {"city": "New York"}}}
single deep path property
groupBy(products, ['vendor.address.city'], ['id'])
// output is
{ Mumbai: { id: [ 1, 2, 7 ] },
'New York': { id: [ 3, 5, 6, 8 ] },
London: { id: [ 4 ] } }
group with boolean property
groupBy(products, ['available'], ['id'])
// output is
{ false: { id: [ 1, 2, 4, 7 ] },
true: { id: [ 3, 5, 6, 8 ] }}
group by intervals (lookup of intervals) without intervals' name
[{property: 'price', intervals: [10,20,40,50]}],
//output is
{ '0': { id: [ 1, 7 ] },
'1': { id: [ 3, 4, 6, 8 ] },
'2': { id: [ 2, 5 ] } }
group by intervals (lookup of intervals) with intervals' lable name
property: 'price',
intervals: [10,20,40,50],
labels: ['low','medium','high']}],
//ouptu is
{'low': { id: [ 1, 7 ] },
'medium': { id: [ 3, 4, 6, 8 ] },
'high': { id: [ 2, 5 ] } }
group with mixed properties lookup and property path
property: 'price',
intervals: [10,20,40,50],
labels: ['low','medium','high']
// output is
"New York":{"id":[5]}},
{"New York":{"id":[3,6,8]},
group by tags that are in array
groupBy(products, ['tags'], ['id'])
//ouput is
{ bravo: { id: [ 1, 4, 5, 7, 8 ] },
alpha: { id: [ 2, 3 ] },
echo: { id: [ 4, 5, 6, 7 ] },
charlie: { id: [ 4, 6, 7 ] },
delta: { id: [ 5, 6 ] } }
group and collect many properties
['vendor.address.city', 'available'])
// output is
{ green:
{ 'vendor.address.city': [ 'Mumbai', 'New York', 'New York', 'Mumbai', 'New York' ],
available: [ false, true, true, false, true ] },
{ 'vendor.address.city': [ 'Mumbai', 'London' ],
available: [ false, false ] },
red: { 'vendor.address.city': [ 'New York' ], available: [ true ] } }
Nested Arrays
Group by property path that lies in nested arrays, in the following example addresses.localities.size
var vendors = [{
id: 1,
addresses : [{
city: 'a',
localities: [
{size: "small", zipcode: '12345', storeType: ['electronic', 'food']},
{size: "medium", zipcode: '12346', storeType: ['food']}]
}, {
city: 'b',
localities: [
{size: "medium", zipcode: '12345', storeType: ['electronic', 'food']},
{size: "small", zipcode: '12347', storeType: ['electronic']}]
details: {
name: 'foo',
items: 400,
rating: 'high'}
}, {
id: 2,
addresses : [{
city: 'a',
localities: [
{size: "large", zipcode: '12345', storeType: ['apparel', 'furniture']},
{size: "small", zipcode: '12346', storeType: ['furniture']}]
}, {
city: 'b',
localities: [
{size: "small", zipcode: '12345', storeType: ['food', 'furniture']},
{size: "medium", zipcode: '12347', storeType: ['food']}]
details: {
name: 'bar',
items: 500,
rating: 'low'}
var group = groupBy(vendors, ['addresses.localities.size'], ['id'])
// output gruop is
"small": {id: [1, 2]},
"medium": {id: [1, 2]},
"large": {id: [2]}
Once you run
npm install
then for running test
npm run test
to create build
npm run build
This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.