Transform JSON into flow type annotations automatically
JSON -> Flow
Turns JSON payloads into simple flow type annotations
Install: npm install -g json-flow
(Needs node with some ES6 support, tested with 5.2.0
Use: json-flow $JSON_FILENAME
-h, --help output usage information
-t, --tabs Use tabs instead of spaces
-s, --space-amount <n> How many spaces to use for indentation
Running it on this repo's package.json: json-flow package.json
name: string,
version: string,
description: string,
main: string,
scripts: {
test: string,
bin: string,
repository: {
type: string,
url: string,
keywords: string[],
author: string,
license: string,
bugs: {
url: string,
homepage: string,
dependencies: {
commander: string,
oboe: string,
Also accepts input from stdin if that tickles your fancy, such as:
curl -s https://api.github.com/users/johnydays/repos | json-flow
id: number,
name: string,
full_name: string,
owner: {
login: string,
id: number,
avatar_url: string,
gravatar_id: string,
url: string,
html_url: string,
followers_url: string,
following_url: string,
gists_url: string,
starred_url: string,
subscriptions_url: string,
organizations_url: string,
repos_url: string,
events_url: string,
received_events_url: string,
type: string,
site_admin: boolean,
private: boolean,
html_url: string,
description: string,
fork: boolean,
url: string,
forks_url: string,
keys_url: string,
collaborators_url: string,
teams_url: string,
hooks_url: string,
issue_events_url: string,
events_url: string,
assignees_url: string,
branches_url: string,
tags_url: string,
blobs_url: string,
git_tags_url: string,
git_refs_url: string,
trees_url: string,
statuses_url: string,
languages_url: string,
stargazers_url: string,
contributors_url: string,
subscribers_url: string,
subscription_url: string,
commits_url: string,
git_commits_url: string,
comments_url: string,
issue_comment_url: string,
contents_url: string,
compare_url: string,
merges_url: string,
archive_url: string,
downloads_url: string,
issues_url: string,
pulls_url: string,
milestones_url: string,
notifications_url: string,
labels_url: string,
releases_url: string,
created_at: string,
updated_at: string,
pushed_at: string,
git_url: string,
ssh_url: string,
clone_url: string,
svn_url: string,
homepage: void,
size: number,
stargazers_count: number,
watchers_count: number,
language: string,
has_issues: boolean,
has_downloads: boolean,
has_wiki: boolean,
has_pages: boolean,
forks_count: number,
mirror_url: void,
open_issues_count: number,
forks: number,
open_issues: number,
watchers: number,
default_branch: string,