A JSON diff tool for JavaScript written in TypeScript. forked from: https://github.com/ltwlf/json-diff-ts.git
Forked from: json-dif-ts and compiled to CommonJS;
npm install json-diff-ts-cjs
Generates a difference set for JSON objects. When comparing arrays, if a specific key is provided, differences are determined by matching elements via this key rather than array indices.
Examples using Star Wars data:
import { diff } from 'json-diff-ts';
const oldData = {
planet: 'Tatooine',
faction: 'Jedi',
characters: [
{ id: 'LUK', name: 'Luke Skywalker', force: true },
{ id: 'LEI', name: 'Leia Organa', force: true }
weapons: ['Lightsaber', 'Blaster']
const newData = {
planet: 'Alderaan',
faction: 'Rebel Alliance',
characters: [
{ id: 'LUK', name: 'Luke Skywalker', force: true, rank: 'Commander' },
{ id: 'HAN', name: 'Han Solo', force: false }
weapons: ['Lightsaber', 'Blaster', 'Bowcaster']
const diffs = diff(oldData, newData, { characters: 'id' });
const expectedDiffs = [
type: 'UPDATE',
key: 'planet',
value: 'Alderaan',
oldValue: 'Tatooine'
type: 'UPDATE',
key: 'faction',
value: 'Rebel Alliance',
oldValue: 'Jedi'
type: 'UPDATE',
key: 'characters',
embeddedKey: 'id',
changes: [
type: 'UPDATE',
key: 'LUK',
changes: [
type: 'ADD',
key: 'rank',
value: 'Commander'
type: 'ADD',
key: 'HAN',
value: {
id: 'HAN',
name: 'Han Solo',
force: false
type: 'REMOVE',
key: 'LEI',
value: {
id: 'LEI',
name: 'Leia Organa',
force: true
type: 'UPDATE',
key: 'weapons',
embeddedKey: '$index',
changes: [
type: 'ADD',
key: '2',
value: 'Bowcaster'
Paths can be utilized to identify keys within nested arrays.
const diffs = diff(oldData, newData, { 'characters.subarray': 'id' });
You can also designate the root by using '.' instead of an empty string ('').
const diffs = diff(oldData, newData, { '.characters.subarray': 'id' });
You can use a function to dynamically resolve the key of the object. The first parameter is the object and the second is to signal if the function should return the key name instead of the value. This is needed to flatten the changeset
const diffs = diff(oldData, newData, {
characters: (obj, shouldReturnKeyName) => (shouldReturnKeyName ? 'id' : obj.id)
If you're using the Map type, you can employ regular expressions for path identification.
const embeddedObjKeys: EmbeddedObjKeysMapType = new Map();
embeddedObjKeys.set(/^char\w+$/, 'id'); // instead of 'id' you can specify a function
const diffs = diff(oldObj, newObj, embeddedObjKeys);
Compare string arrays by value instead of index
const diffs = diff(oldObj, newObj, { stringArr: '$value' });
Transforms a complex changeset into a flat list of atomic changes, each describable by a JSONPath.
const flatChanges = flattenChangeset(diffs);
// Restore the changeset from a selection of flat changes
const changeset = unflattenChanges(flatChanges.slice(0, 3));
// Alternatively, apply the changes using a JSONPath-capable library
// ...
A flatChange will have the following structure:
{ type: 'UPDATE', key: 'planet', value: 'Alderaan', oldValue: 'Tatooine', path: '$.planet', valueType: 'String' },
// ... Additional flat changes here
{ type: 'ADD', key: 'rank', value: 'Commander', path: "$.characters[?(@.id=='LUK')].rank", valueType: 'String' }
const oldData = {
// ... Initial data here
// Sample diffs array, similar to the one generated in the diff example
const diffs = [
// ... Diff objects here
changesets.applyChanges(oldData, diffs);
// ... Updated data here
const newData = {
// ... Updated data here
// Sample diffs array
const diffs = [
// ... Diff objects here
changesets.revertChanges(newData, diffs);
// ... Original data restored here
The json-diff-ts
library uses JSONPath to address specific parts of a JSON document in both the changeset and the application/reversion of changes.
const jsonPath = changesets.jsonPath;
cost data = {
// ... Some JSON data
const value = jsonPath.query(data, '$.characters[?(@.id=="LUK")].name');
expect(value).to.eql(['Luke Skywalker']);
Forked from: json-dif-ts
- LinkedIn: Christian Glessner
- Twitter: @leitwolf_io
This project takes inspiration and code from diff-json by [email protected].
json-diff-ts is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.
The original diff-json project is also under the MIT License. For more information, refer to its license details.