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Optimize Toolset

I’ve always been into building performant and accessible sites, but lately I’ve been taking it extremely seriously. So much so that I’ve been building a tool to help me optimize and monitor the sites that I build to make sure that I’m making an attempt to offer the best experience to those who visit them. If you’re into performant, accessible and SEO friendly sites, you might like it too! You can check it out at Optimize Toolset.


Hi, 👋, I’m Ryan Hefner  and I built this site for me, and you! The goal of this site was to provide an easy way for me to check the stats on my npm packages, both for prioritizing issues and updates, and to give me a little kick in the pants to keep up on stuff.

As I was building it, I realized that I was actually using the tool to build the tool, and figured I might as well put this out there and hopefully others will find it to be a fast and useful way to search and browse npm packages as I have.

If you’re interested in other things I’m working on, follow me on Twitter or check out the open source projects I’ve been publishing on GitHub.

I am also working on a Twitter bot for this site to tweet the most popular, newest, random packages from npm. Please follow that account now and it will start sending out packages soon–ish.

Open Software & Tools

This site wouldn’t be possible without the immense generosity and tireless efforts from the people who make contributions to the world and share their work via open source initiatives. Thank you 🙏

© 2025 – Pkg Stats / Ryan Hefner




JSON.parse with bigints support for ESM





Build Status NPM

JSON.parse/stringify with bigints support. Based on Douglas Crockford JSON.js package and bignumber.js library.

Native Bigint was added to JS recently, so we added an option to leverage it instead of bignumber.js. However, the parsing with native BigInt is kept an option for backward compability.

While most JSON parsers assume numeric values have same precision restrictions as IEEE 754 double, JSON specification does not say anything about number precision. Any floating point number in decimal (optionally scientific) notation is valid JSON value. It's a good idea to serialize values which might fall out of IEEE 754 integer precision as strings in your JSON api, but { "value" : 9223372036854775807}, for example, is still a valid RFC4627 JSON string, and in most JS runtimes the result of JSON.parse is this object: { value: 9223372036854776000 }



var JSONbig = require('json-bigint');

var json = '{ "value" : 9223372036854775807, "v2": 123 }';
console.log('Input:', json);

console.log('node.js built-in JSON:');
var r = JSON.parse(json);
console.log('JSON.parse(input).value : ', r.value.toString());
console.log('JSON.stringify(JSON.parse(input)):', JSON.stringify(r));

console.log('\n\nbig number JSON:');
var r1 = JSONbig.parse(json);
console.log('JSONbig.parse(input).value : ', r1.value.toString());
console.log('JSONbig.stringify(JSONbig.parse(input)):', JSONbig.stringify(r1));


Input: { "value" : 9223372036854775807, "v2": 123 }

node.js built-in JSON:
JSON.parse(input).value :  9223372036854776000
JSON.stringify(JSON.parse(input)): {"value":9223372036854776000,"v2":123}

big number JSON:
JSONbig.parse(input).value :  9223372036854775807
JSONbig.stringify(JSONbig.parse(input)): {"value":9223372036854775807,"v2":123}


The behaviour of the parser is somewhat configurable through 'options'

options.strict, boolean, default false

Specifies the parsing should be "strict" towards reporting duplicate-keys in the parsed string. The default follows what is allowed in standard json and resembles the behavior of JSON.parse, but overwrites any previous values with the last one assigned to the duplicate-key.

Setting options.strict = true will fail-fast on such duplicate-key occurances and thus warn you upfront of possible lost information.


var JSONbig = require('json-bigint');
var JSONstrict = require('json-bigint')({ strict: true });

var dupkeys = '{ "dupkey": "value 1", "dupkey": "value 2"}';
console.log('\n\nDuplicate Key test with both lenient and strict JSON parsing');
console.log('Input:', dupkeys);
var works = JSONbig.parse(dupkeys);
console.log('JSON.parse(dupkeys).dupkey: %s', works.dupkey);
var fails = 'will stay like this';
try {
  fails = JSONstrict.parse(dupkeys);
  console.log('ERROR!! Should never get here');
} catch (e) {
    'Succesfully catched expected exception on duplicate keys: %j',


Duplicate Key test with big number JSON
Input: { "dupkey": "value 1", "dupkey": "value 2"}
JSON.parse(dupkeys).dupkey: value 2
Succesfully catched expected exception on duplicate keys: {"name":"SyntaxError","message":"Duplicate key \"dupkey\"","at":33,"text":"{ \"dupkey\": \"value 1\", \"dupkey\": \"value 2\"}"}

options.storeAsString, boolean, default false

Specifies if BigInts should be stored in the object as a string, rather than the default BigNumber.

Note that this is a dangerous behavior as it breaks the default functionality of being able to convert back-and-forth without data type changes (as this will convert all BigInts to be-and-stay strings).


var JSONbig = require('json-bigint');
var JSONbigString = require('json-bigint')({ storeAsString: true });
var key = '{ "key": 1234567890123456789 }';
console.log('\n\nStoring the BigInt as a string, instead of a BigNumber');
console.log('Input:', key);
var withInt = JSONbig.parse(key);
var withString = JSONbigString.parse(key);
  'Default type: %s, With option type: %s',
  typeof withInt.key,
  typeof withString.key


Storing the BigInt as a string, instead of a BigNumber
Input: { "key": 1234567890123456789 }
Default type: object, With option type: string

options.useNativeBigInt, boolean, default false

Specifies if parser uses native BigInt instead of bignumber.js


var JSONbig = require('json-bigint');
var JSONbigNative = require('json-bigint')({ useNativeBigInt: true });
var key = '{ "key": 993143214321423154315154321 }';
console.log(`\n\nStoring the Number as native BigInt, instead of a BigNumber`);
console.log('Input:', key);
var normal = JSONbig.parse(key);
var nativeBigInt = JSONbigNative.parse(key);
  'Default type: %s, With option type: %s',
  typeof normal.key,
  typeof nativeBigInt.key


Storing the Number as native BigInt, instead of a BigNumber
Input: { "key": 993143214321423154315154321 }
Default type: object, With option type: bigint

options.alwaysParseAsBig, boolean, default false

Specifies if all numbers should be stored as BigNumber.

Note that this is a dangerous behavior as it breaks the default functionality of being able to convert back-and-forth without data type changes (as this will convert all Number to be-and-stay BigNumber)


var JSONbig = require('json-bigint');
var JSONbigAlways = require('json-bigint')({ alwaysParseAsBig: true });
var key = '{ "key": 123 }'; // there is no need for BigNumber by default, but we're forcing it
console.log(`\n\nStoring the Number as a BigNumber, instead of a Number`);
console.log('Input:', key);
var normal = JSONbig.parse(key);
var always = JSONbigAlways.parse(key);
  'Default type: %s, With option type: %s',
  typeof normal.key,
  typeof always.key


Storing the Number as a BigNumber, instead of a Number
Input: { "key": 123 }
Default type: number, With option type: object

If you want to force all numbers to be parsed as native BigInt (you probably do! Otherwise any calulations become a real headache):

var JSONbig = require('json-bigint')({
  alwaysParseAsBig: true,
  useNativeBigInt: true,

options.protoAction, boolean, default: "error". Possible values: "error", "ignore", "preserve"

options.constructorAction, boolean, default: "error". Possible values: "error", "ignore", "preserve"

Controls how __proto__ and constructor properties are treated. If set to "error" they are not allowed and parse() call will throw an error. If set to "ignore" the prroperty and it;s value is skipped from parsing and object building. If set to "preserve" the __proto__ property is set. One should be extra careful and make sure any other library consuming generated data is not vulnerable to prototype poisoning attacks.


var JSONbigAlways = require('json-bigint')({ protoAction: 'ignore' });
const user = JSONbig.parse('{ "__proto__": { "admin": true }, "id": 12345 }');
// => result is { id: 12345 }


Note on native BigInt support


Full support out-of-the-box, stringifies BigInts as pure numbers (no quotes, no n)


  • Roundtrip operations

s === JSONbig.stringify(JSONbig.parse(s)) but

o !== JSONbig.parse(JSONbig.stringify(o))

when o has a value with something like 123n.

JSONbig stringify 123n as 123, which becomes number (aka 123 not 123n) by default when being reparsed.

There is currently no consistent way to deal with this issue, so we decided to leave it, handling this specific case is then up to users.