strongly-typed reflection library and tools for jsii
jsii-reflect: strongly-type reflection library and tools for jsii
jsii-reflect providers a reflection API for jsii type systems. It consumes
manifest files (either directly or by traversing a closure of npm
modules) and creates an in-memory object model that allows exploring the type
system via a strongly-typed API.
Install the npm module:
$ npm i jsii-reflect
Import the TypeSystem
import { TypeSystem } from 'jsii-reflect';
Loading Assemblies
Create a TypeSystem
const typesystem = new TypeSystem();
Now, we want to load assemblies into the type system via the typesystem.load()
You can either pass in a path to a .jsii
file, in which case you will have to
eventually load the .jsii files of all the dependencies.
Or, you can point load
to an npm module's directory, in which case the loader
will transitively load all dependent modules:
// will automatically bring in all dependencies
Reflecting on the Type System
Now that your TypeSystem
is loaded with assemblies, you can use the APIs to
query and reflect on the types.
For example:
const calc = typesystem.findClass('jsii-calc.Calculator');
const actual = new Array<string>();
calc.getMethods(/* inherited */ true).forEach(method => {
actual.push(`${method.name} from ${method.parentType.name}`);
"typeName from Base",
"toString from Value",
"toString from Operation",
"toString from CompositeOperation",
"add from Calculator",
"mul from Calculator",
"neg from Calculator",
"pow from Calculator",
"readUnionValue from Calculator"
jsii-tree is a command-line tool which can be used to print an ASCII tree of a jsii type system:
$ jsii-tree jsii-calc
├─┬ jsii-calc
│ └─┬ types
│ ├── AbstractClass class
│ ├── AbstractClassBase class
│ ├── AbstractClassReturner class
│ ├── Add class
│ ├── AllTypes class
│ ├── AllowedMethodNames class
│ ├── AsyncVirtualMethods class
│ ├── BinaryOperation class
│ ├── Calculator class
│ ├── ClassWithMutableObjectLiteralProperty class
│ ├── ClassWithPrivateConstructorAndAutomaticProperties class
│ ├── DefaultedConstructorArgument class
│ ├── Base class
│ ├── Derived class
│ ├── DoNotOverridePrivates class
│ ├── DoNotRecognizeAnyAsOptional class
│ ├── DontComplainAboutVariadicAfterOptional class
│ ├── DoubleTrouble class
│ ├── ExportedBaseClass class
│ ├── GiveMeStructs class
│ ├── GreetingAugmenter class
│ ├── Foo class
│ ├── JSObjectLiteralForInterface class
│ ├── JSObjectLiteralToNative class
│ ├── JSObjectLiteralToNativeClass class
│ ├── JavaReservedWords class
│ ├── JsiiAgent class
│ ├── Multiply class
│ ├── Negate class
│ ├── NodeStandardLibrary class
│ ├── NullShouldBeTreatedAsUndefined class
│ ├── NumberGenerator class
│ ├── ObjectRefsInCollections class
│ ├── OptionalConstructorArgument class
│ ├── OverrideReturnsObject class
│ ├── Polymorphism class
│ ├── Power class
│ ├── ReferenceEnumFromScopedPackage class
│ ├── ReturnsPrivateImplementationOfInterface class
│ ├── RuntimeTypeChecking class
│ ├── Statics class
│ ├── Sum class
│ ├── SyncVirtualMethods class
│ ├── Thrower class
│ ├── UnaryOperation class
│ ├── UseBundledDependency class
│ ├── UseCalcBase class
│ ├── UsesInterfaceWithProperties class
│ ├── VariadicMethod class
│ ├── VirtualMethodPlayground class
│ ├── CompositeOperation class
│ ├── CalculatorProps interface
│ ├── DerivedStruct interface
│ ├── IFriendlier interface
│ ├── IFriendlyRandomGenerator interface
│ ├── IInterfaceThatShouldNotBeADataType interface
│ ├── IInterfaceWithMethods interface
│ ├── IInterfaceWithOptionalMethodArguments interface
│ ├── IPrivatelyImplemented interface
│ ├── IRandomNumberGenerator interface
│ ├── IReturnsNumber interface
│ ├── ImplictBaseOfBase interface
│ ├── IInterfaceImplementedByAbstractClass interface
│ ├── Hello interface
│ ├── Hello interface
│ ├── InterfaceWithProperties interface
│ ├── InterfaceWithPropertiesExtension interface
│ ├── LoadBalancedFargateServiceProps interface
│ ├── MutableObjectLiteral interface
│ ├── NullShouldBeTreatedAsUndefinedData interface
│ ├── UnionProperties interface
│ ├── AllTypesEnum enum
│ ├── StringEnum enum
│ └── CompositionStringStyle enum
├─┬ @scope/jsii-calc-base
│ └─┬ types
│ ├── Base class
│ └── BaseProps interface
├─┬ @scope/jsii-calc-base-of-base
│ └─┬ types
│ ├── Very class
│ └── VeryBaseProps interface
└─┬ @scope/jsii-calc-lib
└─┬ types
├── Number class
├── Operation class
├── Value class
├── IDoublable interface
├── IFriendly interface
├── MyFirstStruct interface
├── StructWithOnlyOptionals interface
└── EnumFromScopedModule enum
See jsii-tree --help
for options.
Distributed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.