Run tests from comments in JavaScript/Typescript code
run tests from function comments
Write the usual comment as documentation
* @param percent number
* @param value number
* @returns number
* @example
* percent(50, 100)
* // 50
* percent(12, 100)
* // 12
* percent(20, 300)
* // 300 * (20 / 100)
export const percent = (percent, value) => Math.round(value * (percent / 100))
To create such comment type (/** */) right above the function declaration between the /** and */ write a comment in this format
* @example <<< @example tag required to capture tests
* percent(50, 100) <<< test function - call it with paramters
* // 50 <<< expected result - match after //
* percent(12, 100)
* // 12
* percent(20, 300)
* // 300 * (20 / 100)
export const percent = (percent: number, value: number): number => Math.round(value * (percent / 100));
^ make sure to export function
The function has to be exported from the file for this to work The stuff used for testing is the @example line with the resulting output on the next line
on a single line:
@example function execution (@example token function call)
on next line:
// result (dash comment followed by the output on)
multiple tests
* @example
* percent(50, 100)
* // 50
* percent(12, 100)
* // 12
* percent(20, 300)
* // 300 * (20 / 100)
Compact and to the point log:
Create an entry point file (jsdoc-spec.js) and import the cli ormodule
import { cli } from './jsdoc-spec'
Define script in pacakge.json
"scripts": {
"test": "node ./jsdoc-spec.js"
Run the entire file:
yarn test ./percent.js
Run individual functions:
yarn test ./percent.js percent
Run in terminal
- prepare ts file
- run only tests for my func
- compile ts first using tsconfig.json
node ./doctest.js -file ./src/file.ts -fn myFunc -ts ./tsconfig.json`,
Generate test cases
Call -gen with an argument surrounded in quotes
-gen "percent(0 | 50 | 100 ; 100 | 200)"
// '?'
; is variation separator
| is arguments separator
? is be the default result
^ if no file is provided the cases will use '?' as a default result
If file is provided then a shorthand result will be logged at the bottom
percent(0 | 50 | 100; 25 | 100)
// 0 | 13 | 25 | 0 | 50 | 100
This then can be used as a regular test case The parser will turn it into this:
percent(0, 25)
// 0
percent(50, 25)
// 13
percent(100, 25)
// 25
percent(0, 100)
// 0
percent(50, 100)
// 50
percent(100, 100)
// 100
List of commands
| -help | print this |
| -about | print tool info |
| -file | prepare a file |
| -fn | 1 function only |
| -ts | compile ts file |
| -gen | generate tests |
| -logging | all | none | failed |
| -indent | indentation 0|1|2|3|4 |
| -example | tutorial example |
| -formula | print tutorial gen |
| -spec | print tutorial format |
The output of cli is a promisse with an array of failed funciton descriptions
import { cli } from './jsdoc-spec'
// cli uses process.argv.slice(2) if no arguments are provided
// but you can provide args with an array
argv: [
'-logging', // you can chose logging levels
'none', // no loggin - we need the output
}).then((failed) => failed /* ['percent(12, 100)', 'percent((5, 8)'] */)
// if failed array is empty then all tests have passed
How to use the generator
import { generator } from './jsdoc-spec'
generator('myFunction')(1, 2, 3)(true, false)(['a', 'b'], [])()
// myFunction(1 | 2 | 3; true | false; ["a","b"] | [])
^ Each new function call is a separate argument (except for the first which is the function name)
Use any of these tokens to generate predifined test data
#Integer, #Number, #Sequence10, #Sequence100, #String, #Date, #Boolean, #None, #Function, #Empty, #Array, #Array<#Integer>, #Array<#Number>, #Array<#Sequence10>, #Array<#Sequence100>, #Array<#Strings>, #Array<#Date>, #Array<#Boolean>, #Array<#Empty>, #Array<#None>, #Object, #Map, #Set, #Set<#Integer>, #Set<#Number>, #Set<#Sequence10>, #Set<#Sequence100>, #Set<#String>, #Set<#Date>, #Set<#None>, #Set<#Empty>
percent(#Sequence100; 100)
// 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 ... 99 | 100
Adding your own fixtures
fixtures: [
name: 'Users',
data: [
bornAt: new Date('1990.06.29'),
credits: 1000,
roles: ['admin', 'user'],
name: 'Anthony',
gender: 'M'
bornAt: new Date('1999.03.29'),
name: 'Dee Dee',
credits: 100,
roles: ['user'],
gender: 'F'
Then you can use them like this
getUserInfo(#Users; #Boolean)
^ This will generate all combinations of Users with the set of Booleans
It's the same as defining:
bornAt: new Date('1990.06.29'),
credits: 1000,
roles: ['admin', 'user'],
name: 'Anthony',
gender: 'M',
// {"bornAt":"1990-06-28T21:00:00.000Z","credits":"****","roles":["admin","user"],"name":"Anthony","gender":"M"}
bornAt: new Date('1999.03.29'),
name: 'Dee Dee',
credits: 100,
roles: ['user'],
gender: 'F',
// {"bornAt":"1999-03-28T21:00:00.000Z","name":"Dee Dee","credits":"***","roles":["user"],"gender":"F"}
bornAt: new Date('1990.06.29'),
credits: 1000,
roles: ['admin', 'user'],
name: 'Anthony',
gender: 'M',
// {"bornAt":"1990-06-28T21:00:00.000Z","credits":1000,"roles":["admin","user"],"name":"Anthony","gender":"M"}
bornAt: new Date('1999.03.29'),
name: 'Dee Dee',
credits: 100,
roles: ['user'],
gender: 'F',
// {"bornAt":"1999-03-28T21:00:00.000Z","name":"Dee Dee","credits":100,"roles":["user"],"gender":"F"}