Parse, add, remove, or modify standard jsdoc tags or custom tags from comments; Generate jsdoc comments from JavaScript data.
Parse, add, remove, or modify standard jsdoc tags or custom tags from comments; Generate jsdoc comments from JavaScript data.
// base tag type
export interface ITag {
tag: string;
value?: string;
raw: string;
// for tags that can contain a description as part of their value (i.e. @param, @returns, etc)
export interface IDescriptive extends ITag {
description?: string;
// additional keys for the @param tag type
export interface IParam extends IDescriptive {
name: string;
optional?: boolean;
defaultValue?: string;
// for tags that contain a type (i.e. @param, @returns, etc)
export interface IType extends IDescriptive {
type?: string;
// for inline link tags like {@link} and {@tutorial}
export type InlineLink = {
tag: string,
url: string,
text: string,
raw: string,
// util configuration types
export type GetCommentsFromFileConfig = { keepIndent?: boolean };
export type ToCommentStringConfig = { indentChars?: number };
const internalLinkRenderer = (link: InlineLink) => `<a href="${link.url}">${link.text}</a>
// outputs =>
<a href="url">text</a>
const myLinkRenderer = (link: InlineLink) => `<a class="css-class" href="${link.url}">${link.text}</a>
// outputs =>
<a class="css-class" href="url">text</a>
// The configuration type for the util:
// keepIndent?: boolean = false - Whether or not to keep the indentation of the entire jsdoc comment block
export type GetCommentsFromFileConfig = { keepIndent?: boolean };
import { getCommentsFromFile, GetCommentsFromFileConfig } from 'jsdoc-parse-plus';
const file = `
* The first group
* @since v1.0.0
* The second group
* @since v1.0.0
/** The third group */`;
// outputs =>
* The first group
* @since v1.0.0
* The second group
* @since v1.0.0
'/** The third group */',
import { getTag } from 'jsdoc-parse-plus';
const jsdoc = `
* The description goes here
* @since v1.0.0 (modified v2.0.0)
* @template T
* @param {T} children - JSX children
* @param {any[]} types - Types of children to match
* @param {GetChildByTypeConfig} [{ customTypeKey: '__TYPE', prioritized: false }] - The configuration params
* @param {string} [optionalParam='default text'] An optional param with a description without a dash
* @returns {T} - The first matching child
* @docgen_types
* // Custom docgen tag
* @example
* // Examples...
* getTag('@description')(jsdoc);
* @customTag customTag value 1
* @customTag customTag value 2
const tag = getTag(jsdoc);
// outputs =>
tag: '@description',
value: 'The description goes here',
raw: 'The description goes here',
// outputs =>
tag: '@param',
type: 'T',
name: 'children',
description: 'JSX children',
optional: false,
defaultValue: undefined,
raw: '@param {T} children - JSX children',
tag: '@param',
type: 'any[]',
name: 'types',
description: 'Types of children to match',
optional: false,
defaultValue: undefined,
raw: '@param {any[]} types - Types of children to match',
tag: '@param',
type: 'GetChildByTypeConfig',
name: '{ customTypeKey: \'__TYPE\', prioritized: false }',
description: 'The configuration params',
optional: true,
defaultValue: undefined,
raw: '@param {GetChildByTypeConfig} [{ customTypeKey: \'__TYPE\', prioritized: false }] - The configuration params',
tag: '@param',
type: 'string',
name: 'optionalParam',
description: 'An optional param with a description without a dash',
optional: true,
defaultValue: '\'default text\'',
raw: '@param {string} [optionalParam=\'default text\'] An optional param with a description without a dash',
// custom tag used once outputs =>
tag: '@docgen_types',
value: '// Custom docgen tag',
raw: '@docgen_types\n// Custom docgen tag',
// custom tag used multiple times outputs =>
tag: '@customTag',
value: 'customTag value 1',
raw: '@customTag customTag value 1',
tag: '@customTag',
value: 'customTag value 2',
raw: '@customTag customTag value 2',
import { parse } from 'jsdoc-parse-plus';
const jsdoc = `
* The description goes here
* @since v1.0.0 (modified v2.0.0)
* @template T
* @param {T} children - JSX children
* @param {any[]} types - Types of children to match
* @param {GetChildByTypeConfig} [{ customTypeKey: '__TYPE', prioritized: false }] - The configuration params
* @param {string} [optionalParam='default text'] An optional param with a description without a dash
* @returns {T} - The first matching child
* @docgen_types
* // Custom docgen tag
* @example
* // Examples...
* getTag('@description')(jsdoc);
* @customTag customTag value 1
* @customTag customTag value 2
* @see {@link MyClass} and [MyClass's foo property]{@link MyClass#foo}.
* Also, check out {@link http://www.google.com|Google} and
* {@link https://github.com GitHub}.
parse(jsdoc, ['customTag', 'docgen_types']);
// outputs =>
description: {
tag: '@description',
value: 'The description goes here',
raw: 'The description goes here',
since: {
tag: '@since',
value: 'v1.0.0 (modified v2.0.0)',
raw: '@since v1.0.0 (modified v2.0.0)',
template: [{
tag: '@template',
value: 'T',
description: undefined,
raw: '@template T',
param: [
tag: '@param',
type: 'T',
name: 'children',
description: 'JSX children',
optional: false,
defaultValue: undefined,
raw: '@param {T} children - JSX children',
tag: '@param',
type: 'any[]',
name: 'types',
description: 'Types of children to match',
optional: false,
defaultValue: undefined,
raw: '@param {any[]} types - Types of children to match',
tag: '@param',
type: 'GetChildByTypeConfig',
name: '{ customTypeKey: \'__TYPE\', prioritized: false }',
description: 'The configuration params',
optional: true,
defaultValue: undefined,
raw: '@param {GetChildByTypeConfig} [{ customTypeKey: \'__TYPE\', prioritized: false }] - The configuration params',
tag: '@param',
type: 'string',
name: 'optionalParam',
description: 'An optional param with a description without a dash',
optional: true,
defaultValue: '\'default text\'',
raw: '@param {string} [optionalParam=\'default text\'] An optional param with a description without a dash',
example: [{
tag: '@example',
value: '// Examples...\ngetTag(\'@description\')(jsdoc);',
raw: '@example\n// Examples...\ngetTag(\'@description\')(jsdoc);',
returns: {
tag: '@returns',
type: 'T',
description: 'The first matching child',
raw: '@returns {T} - The first matching child',
see: [{
tag: '@see',
value: '<a href="MyClass">MyClass</a> and <a href="MyClass#foo">MyClass\'s foo property</a>.\nAlso, check out <a href="http://www.google.com">Google</a> and\n<a href="https://github.com">GitHub</a>.',
raw: '@see {@link MyClass} and [MyClass\'s foo property]{@link MyClass#foo}.\nAlso, check out {@link http://www.google.com|Google} and\n{@link https://github.com GitHub}.',
docgen_types: {
tag: '@docgen_types',
value: '// Custom docgen tag',
raw: '@docgen_types\n// Custom docgen tag',
customTag: [
tag: '@customTag',
value: 'customTag value 1',
raw: '@customTag customTag value 1',
tag: '@customTag',
value: 'customTag value 2',
raw: '@customTag customTag value 2',
import { parseTags } from 'jsdoc-parse-plus';
const jsdoc = `
* The description goes here
* @since v1.0.0 (modified v2.0.0)
* @template T
* @param {T} children - JSX children
* @param {any[]} types - Types of children to match
* @param {GetChildByTypeConfig} [{ customTypeKey: '__TYPE', prioritized: false }] - The configuration params
* @param {string} [optionalParam='default text'] An optional param with a description without a dash
* @returns {T} - The first matching child
* @docgen_types
* // Custom docgen tag
* @example
* // Examples...
* getTag('@description')(jsdoc);
* @customTag customTag value 1
* @customTag customTag value 2
* @see {@link MyClass} and [MyClass's foo property]{@link MyClass#foo}.
* Also, check out {@link http://www.google.com|Google} and
* {@link https://github.com GitHub}.
parseTags(jsdoc, ['@description', '@since', '@docgen_types', 'customTag', '@thisTagDoesntExist']);
// outputs =>
description: {
tag: '@description',
value: 'The description goes here',
raw: 'The description goes here',
since: {
tag: '@since',
value: 'v1.0.0 (modified v2.0.0)',
raw: '@since v1.0.0 (modified v2.0.0)',
docgen_types: {
tag: '@docgen_types',
value: '// Custom docgen tag',
raw: '@docgen_types\n// Custom docgen tag',
customTag: [
tag: '@customTag',
value: 'customTag value 1',
raw: '@customTag customTag value 1',
tag: '@customTag',
value: 'customTag value 2',
raw: '@customTag customTag value 2',
import { removeTags } from 'jsdoc-parse-plus';
const jsdoc = `
* The description goes here
* @since v1.0.0 (modified v2.0.0)
* @template T
* @param {T} children - JSX children
* @param {any[]} types - Types of children to match
* @param {GetChildByTypeConfig} [{ customTypeKey: '__TYPE', prioritized: false }] - The configuration params
* @param {string} [optionalParam='default text'] An optional param with a description without a dash
* @returns {T} - The first matching child
removeTags(jsdoc, ['@description', '@template', '@param']);
// outputs =>
* @since v1.0.0 (modified v2.0.0)
* @returns {T} - The first matching child
// The configuration type for the util:
// indentChars?: number = 0 - The number of characters that the output string should be indented
export type ToCommentStringConfig = { indentChars?: number };
import { toCommentString, ToCommentStringConfig } from 'jsdoc-parse-plus';
const tags = {
description: {
tag: '@description',
value: 'The description goes here',
raw: 'The description goes here',
since: {
tag: '@since',
value: 'v1.0.0',
raw: '@since v1.0.0',
// outputs =>
* The description goes here
* @since v1.0.0
Within the module you'll find the following directories and files:
CHANGELOG.md -- history of changes to the module
README.md -- this file
└───index.d.ts - 784 Bytes
└───index.js - 2.29 KB
└───index.d.ts - 768 Bytes
└───index.js - 1.24 KB
└───index.d.ts - 388 Bytes
└───index.js - 1.22 KB
└───index.d.ts - 778 Bytes
└───index.js - 1.74 KB
└───index.d.ts - 745 Bytes
└───index.js - 1.03 KB
└───index.d.ts - 306 Bytes
└───index.js - 1.58 KB
└───index.d.ts - 825 Bytes
└───index.js - 1.54 KB
└───index.d.ts - 627 Bytes
└───index.js - 79 Bytes
└───types.d.ts - 177 Bytes
└───types.js - 79 Bytes
└───utils.d.ts - 2.12 KB
└───utils.js - 13.5 KB
└───index.d.ts - 784 Bytes
└───index.js - 2.13 KB
└───index.d.ts - 768 Bytes
└───index.js - 1.12 KB
└───index.d.ts - 388 Bytes
└───index.js - 272 Bytes
└───index.d.ts - 778 Bytes
└───index.js - 1.61 KB
└───index.d.ts - 745 Bytes
└───index.js - 915 Bytes
└───index.d.ts - 306 Bytes
└───index.js - 1.45 KB
└───index.d.ts - 825 Bytes
└───index.js - 1.39 KB
└───index.d.ts - 627 Bytes
└───index.js - 12 Bytes
└───types.d.ts - 177 Bytes
└───types.js - 12 Bytes
└───utils.d.ts - 2.12 KB
└───utils.js - 11.97 KB