LayoutzWeb JSDoc 3 Chameleon Template - For better looking documentation pages.
Chameleon is a nice, modern JsDoc 3 template for better looking documentation pages!
This template is a fork of the Minami Js Doc Template with a few tweeks, it is fully responsive and gives you customization options to choose colors and fonts, to make it look as close to your brand as possible.
Github Repo https://github.com/layoutzweb/jsdoc-modern-template
Clone this repository to your designated jsdoc
template directory, or:
npm install jsdoc-chameleon-template --save-dev
Node.js Dependency
In your projects package.json
file add a generate script:
"script": {
"generate-docs": "node_modules/.bin/jsdoc -c .jsdoc.json -d docs --verbose"
The -c
option points to a config file, path relative to your package.json file
The -d
options tells with directory to save the generated files
In your jsdoc.json
file (create one in the root of your project if you don't have one), add a template option.
"opts": {
"template": "node_modules/jsdoc-chameleon-template"
Style Switcher
The Style Switcher is a simple pop up to help you visualise different color and font configurations. To enable the style switcher first take a look at the example configuration in the bottom of this page. Notice it has a key styleSwitcher
and a couple of others:
- the
key, it has all the available default color schemes and you can add yours in case none of the default ones fit's your needs - the
key, which has all the avavilable fonts and just like with colors, you can choose more fonts from Google Fonts and add to the list.
To enable and use it follow these steps:
- Set
in your jsdoc.json - Re-generate your docs by running the
command - Visit your documentation page
- Select your scheme and fonts
- Click the export button on the style switcher
- Copy your configuration to your
Adding Search
If you would like to enable Algolia DocSearch, you can pass a search
object into the templates
"templates": {
"search": {
"apiKey": "your-api-key",
"indexName": "Your index name. Defaults to braintree.",
"hitsPerPage": "Number of Results to show. Defaults to 7.",
Example JSDoc Config
"tags": {
"allowUnknownTags": true,
"dictionaries": ["jsdoc", "closure"]
"source": {
"include": ["package.json", "README.md"],
"exclude": ["./src/docs"],
"excludePattern": "(node_modules|__tests__|__mocks__|^|\\/|\\\\)_"
"plugins": [
"recurseDepth": 2,
"template": {
"title": "Your SDK Description",
"shortTitle": "Your SDK Name",
"logo": "https://yourhost.com/your-logo.png",
"links": [ // Links to be displayed in the top right of the docs page
{"github": "https://github.com", "title": "View it on Github"},
{"npm": "https://github.com", "title": "View it on NPM", "size": 19}
"scheme": "0", // Current selected scheme index, from the list of colors below
"disableSort": false,
"font": {
"titleFont": "Roboto", // Current selected font for Titles
"textFont": "Roboto", // Current selected font for general text
"codeFont": "Roboto Mono" // Current selected font for code blocks
"styleSwitcher": true, // Turn the style switcher preview box on and off
"colors": [ // Color schemes available in the style switchers interface
"text": {
"primary": "#dcdcdc",
"contrast": "#f78200"
"background": {
"primary": "#282c34",
"contrast": "#1d2027"
"text": {
"primary": "#dcdcdc",
"contrast": "#5ebd3e"
"background": {
"primary": "#282c34",
"contrast": "#1d2027"
"text": {
"primary": "#dcdcdc",
"contrast": "#ffb900"
"background": {
"primary": "#282c34",
"contrast": "#1d2027"
"text": {
"primary": "#dcdcdc",
"contrast": "#e23838"
"background": {
"primary": "#282c34",
"contrast": "#1d2027"
"text": {
"primary": "#dcdcdc",
"contrast": "#009cdf"
"background": {
"primary": "#282c34",
"contrast": "#1d2027"
"fonts": { // Google fonts available in the style switcher interface
"text": "Alegreya+Sans|Alfa+Slab+One|Bangers|Bungee|Changa+One|Exo|Fira+Sans|Heebo|IBM+Plex+Sans|Lalezar|Lato|Open+Sans|Oswald|PT+Sans|Passion+One|Patua+One|Questrial|Raleway|Righteous|Roboto|Rubik|Source+Sans+Pro|Squada+One|Titillium+Web|Voces",
"code": "Cousine|Cutive+Mono|IBM+Plex+Mono|Inconsolata|Nanum+Gothic+Coding|Oxygen+Mono|PT+Mono|Share+Tech+Mono|Source+Code+Pro|Ubuntu+Mono|VT323"
"opts": {
"destination": "./docs/",
"encoding": "utf8",
"private": false,
"template": "./src/docs/jsdoc-template"
Licensed under the Apache2 license.