### nodejs: - `npm install jscloak`
npm install jscloak
npm install -g browserify
cd src; browserify main.js -o jscloak.bundle.js
ICLOAK Common Javascript Tools Library
- use this for style guide:
- http://www.jslint.com/help.html
- [ ] Consider re-naming (npm package name shouldn't be called jscloak but "cloak" sounds weird)
- [x] create npm package
- [x] integrate Travis CI
- [ ] Create password generator
- [ ] Make unit tests
- [ ] verify that exceptions do get thrown when we expect them
- [ ] Make examples
- [x] sprintf
- [ ] sprintf argument check
- [ ] exception system
- [ ] if we throw dict, we don't get error printed, but if we throw string, we can't access error members
- [ ] Expose internal exception mechanism for external use
- [ ] Modify exception stack to work with firefox.
- [x] Modules pass default exception handler
- [ ] Global exception handler for whole application
- [ ] if we throw dict, we don't get error printed, but if we throw string, we can't access error members
- [x] foldr/foldl
- [ ] interlace
- [ ] IE magic if console doesn't exist
- [ ] Add strict
- [ ] Remove browser checks because we use browserify now
- [x] Add toInt, toFloat, isNum, isInt, isFloat, isStr, isArr to utils
- [ ] Unit tests
- [x] Add toJ and addHtml to utils
- [ ] Unit tests
- [ ] Add check if string doesn't match isClass
- ideas
- require.js
- grunt
- Global Error Types => ['BadApiCall', 'UnsupportedSys', 'Other']
- dictionary {'module': ModuleName, 'err': ErrType, 'msg': Msg }
- ModuleName => [ErrType]
- PassGen => ['LenTooShort', 'NoAllowedChars', 'CHBSBadDict', 'CHBSPassLen']
- Utils => ['BadRange']
- for new modules, add custom errors:
var throwError = exceptions.getErrorFunc(ModuleName, moduleErrorTypes, autoThrow, onExc)
- usage in module: throwError('Other', 'error details', true)
- call it makeError instead of ThrowError if autoThrow is false
- getErrorFunc(moduleName, errorTypes, autoThrow)
- excToStr(exc)
- stacktrace()
- Utils(randomSeed) - optional value to add to random number generator
- map(lst, f) - map function f to lst
- filter(lst, test) - filter lst and only return list of elements for which test(element) == true
- contains(arr, el) - check if arr contains el
- flatten(arr) - flatten([[a, b, c], d, [[e, f, g]]]) => [a, b, c, d, e, f, g]
- copyArr(arr) - copy array
- sprintf(format, ...) - similar to printf, but to a string
- ...
- getRandom(min, max) - get random number in range min to max
- charRange(start, end) - character range start with start to end
- range(start, end, step) - number range [start, start+step, ..., end]
- mergeDict(a, b) - merge 2 dictionaries together
- sameArray(arr1, arr2, needSort) - check if arrays elements are equal
- repeatArr(arr, num) - repeat array num times (repeatArr([1, 2, 3], 2) => [1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3])
- shuffleArray(arr, noCopy) - randomly move around elements in array
- interlace(a, b) - not implemented yet
- folds(lst, acc, combine) - fold a list, starting with acc, and using combine function
- combine(acc, next) - pass a function which combines acc and next, and returns next acc
- foldl
- foldr
- fold = foldr
- toInt(str) - cast string to int
- toFloat(str) - cast string to float
- isNum(o) - check if number
- isInt(o) - check if integer
- isFloat(o) - check if float
- isStr(str) - check if string
- isArr(arr) - check if array
- isObj(o) - check if object
- toJ(jTagOrId, isClass) - if jTagOrId equals '#id' or 'id' or $('#id') return $('#id')
- addHtml(o, html, isClass) - add html data to jquery object o passgen.js
- PassGen(minPassLen) - password generator (default minPassLen is 6)
- genPass(length, useCaps, useLows, useNums, useSpecial) - generate password of lenght, useCaps = flag whether to use capital letters, useSpecial = flag whether to use special characters
- getCHBSDict(options)
- genCHBSPass(options, dict) - generate word password
- scorePassword(pass) - check password strength
launcher.js - launch(path, extra_args, on_data, on_error, on_close) - on_data(str), on_error(str), on_close(int)
- creating new modules:
- make a new file (with lowercase letters)
- make an object for your module (CamelCased)
- add all function to prototype
- insert the following code at the end of file:
//http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4224606/how-to-check-whether-a-script-is-running-under-node-js (function () { //Establish the root object, 'window' //in the browser, or 'global' on the server. var root = this; // Create a reference to this var _ = new Object(); var isNode = false; // Export data for our file, with backwards=compatibility // for the old `require()` API. If we're not in // node, add data to the global object. if (typeof module !== 'undefined' && module.exports) { //module.exports.YourModule = YourModule; module.exports = YourModule; root.YourModule = YourModule; isNode = true; } else { root.YourModule = YourModule; } })();