A Queue inspired by Python's asyncio.Queue
jsasyncio-queues: Queues with API roughly inspired by python's asyncio.Queue.
Queues with API roughly inspired by python's asyncio and curio. Includes Queue, LifoQueue and PriorityQueue. Useful for coordinating producer and consumer coroutines.
npm i jsasyncio-queues
Usage Examples
Simple producer-consumer
const { Queue } = require('jsasyncio-queues');
async function producer(queue) {
for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
await queue.put(i);
await queue.join(); // waits until all tasks are processed
async function consumer(queue) {
for await (let item of queue) {
console.log(`consumed ${item}`);
queue.taskDone(); // indicates task processing completition
(async () => {
const queue = new Queue();
const prod = producer(queue);
const cons = consumer(queue);
await prod;
queue.finish(); // cancels awaiting consumer
A reimplementation of the example from asyncio official documentation
const {Queue, sleep} = require('jsasyncio-queues');
async function worker(name, queue) {
while (true) {
var sleepFor = await queue.get();
await sleep(sleepFor);
console.log(`${name} has slept for ${sleepFor} seconds`);
(async () => {
const queue = new Queue();
var totalSleepTime = 0;
// Generate random timings and put them into the queue.
for(let i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
let sleepFor = Math.random() + 0.05;
totalSleepTime += sleepFor;
// Create three worker tasks to process the queue concurrently.
var tasks = [0, 1, 2].map((i) => worker(`worker-${i}`, queue));
// Wait until the queue is fully processed.
const startedAt = Date.now();
await queue.join();
const totalSleptFor = (Date.now() - startedAt)/1000;
console.log(`3 workers slept in parallel for ${totalSleptFor} seconds`);
console.log(`total expected sleep time: ${totalSleepTime} seconds`);
The queues support cancelation of awaiting consumer tasks. You can eather use async iteration as in the first example,
which ends when finish is called, or catch QueueFinished
exception explicitly.
const { Queue, QueueFinished } = require('jsasyncio-queues');
async function producer(queue) {
for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
await queue.put(i);
await queue.join();
async function consumer(queue) {
try {
while (true) {
var item = await queue.get();
console.log(`consumed ${item}`);
} catch (e) {
if (e instanceof QueueFinished) {
console.log('Queue finished');
} else {throw e;}
(async () => {
const queue = new Queue();
const prod = producer(queue);
const cons = consumer(queue);
await prod;
ts type anotations support
// @ts-check
const { Queue } = require("../queues");
/** @type {Queue<number>} */
var queue = new Queue();
queue.putNowait(1); // ok
queue.putNowait('') // Argument of type '""' is not assignable to parameter of type 'number'.
Other Queue Types
the same interface as Queue, but retrieves most recently added entries first (last in, first out).
var { LifoQueue } = require('jsasyncio-queues');
(async () => {
var queue = new LifoQueue(2);
await queue.put(2);
var item = await queue.get();
console.log(item); // 1
item = await queue.get();
console.log(item); // 3
item = await queue.get();
console.log(item); // 2
a priority queue, built on tinyqueue
var { PriorityQueue } = require('jsasyncio-queues');
(async () => {
var queue = new PriorityQueue(2);
await queue.put(2);
var item = await queue.get();
console.log(item); // 1
item = await queue.get();
console.log(item); // 2
item = await queue.get();
console.log(item); // 3
Other functions
some other utility functions consistent with asyncio are reimplemented
const { sleep } = require("../queues");
(async (){
await sleep(10); // sleep for 10 seconds