Helper module for string to provide support for common functions related to string, except javascript built-in objects.
Helper module for string to provide support for common functions related to string, except javascript built-in objects. It's open source and any one is welcome to contribute.
npm install --save js-string-helper
import {trim, isEmail, getLinksFromText} from 'js-string-helper'
URL Validation
| Method | output | Explanation | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | | isUrl | boolean | check whether a string is an URL | isImageUrl | boolean | check whether an URL is link of an image | getDomain | string | get domain name of the url | hasValidUrlProtocol | boolean | check whether a url has valid url protocol | removeQueryString | boolean | return url without query string | getQueryString | object | return object with all the parameter name and parameter value | getLastPathname | boolean | return the last pathname of the url
const exampleUrl = 'https://example.com/img.jpg?param1=1234¶m2=5678'
isUrl(exampleUrl) // true
getDomain(exampleUrl) // example.com
hasValidUrlProtocol(exampleUrl) // true
removeQueryString(exampleUrl) // https://example.com/img.jpg
getQueryString(exampleUrl) // { 'param1': "1234", 'param2': '5678' }
getLastPathname(exampleUrl) // img.jpg
isImageUrl(exampleUrl) // true
String Validation
| Method | output | Explanation | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | | isEmail | boolean | check whether a string is email | isPhoneNumber | boolean | check whether a string is phone number of length 10 | getLinksFromText | string | extract url from a text | removeSpecialCharacter | string | return text without any special character | clean | string | same as removeSpecialCharacter
isEmail("[email protected]") // true
isPhoneNumber("01095273239") // true
getLinksFromText("dummy text of https://www.lipsum.com/ in the printing") // https://www.lipsum.com/
removeSpecialCharacter("Campum efficitur, , pulcherrimum; #sequimur teneam ullo! ") // Campum efficitur pulcherrimum sequimur teneam ullo asp
Case Styles
| Method | output | Explanation | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | | toTitleCase | string | capitalize first character of each word in a string | toCamelCase | string | capitalize first character of each word (except first word) | toPascalCase | string | capitalize first character of each word | toKebabCase | string | replace space between words with hyphen ( - ) | toSnakeCase | string | replace space between words with underscore ( _ )
toTitleCase("hello world") // Hello World
toCamelCase("hello world") // helloWorld
toPascalCase("hello world") // HelloWorld
toKebabCase("hello world") // hello-world
toSnakeCase("hello world") // hello_world